DATE/TIME: 27 June 2007, early evening
CHARACTERS: Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Thurlok the Goblin
PLACE: Diagon Alley
STATUS: Incomplete.
"That is a large stack of parchment."
"I'm using all of it, Thurlok." Draco smiled without looking up, scratching a few more lines into his chart.
"No doubt," the goblin said from the doorway. "Just account for each roll when you make your final report. And go home soon, Malfoy. You work more hours than are required of you."
Draco looked up and smiled again. Thurlok was responsible for sorting out various claims to the money and valuables that Draco and the other breakers found for Gringotts. The other goblins thought Thurlok was a bit odd, since he liked to talk to wizards, but Draco suspected that Thurlok enjoyed being considered the Gringotts eccentric. "I'm waiting for my cousin. I won't stay too late."
"See you don't," Thurlok said. "Work in daylight and save candles for emergencies. Good night, Malfoy."
As he listened to the goblin go down the hall, chiding other late workers, Draco shuffled his notes and made two smaller stacks for the morning. One of the sheets caught his eye - an incantation in Aramaic, copied quickly from a loose stepping stone that had appeared to have a temper. Draco's Aramaic was limited at best, but he pulled the sheet closer and tried to figure out whether he'd copied it incorrectly or whether the inscription truly was misspelled. That would affect the pronunciation, which might be why I've not gotten the wards to move....
He glanced at the small clock on his desk. A few minutes still, before Tonks was expected - long enough to fiddle with this a bit more.