Jun 24, 2006 01:17
So, what is revenge?
How do you measure revenge?
Is it really seeing pain in another person? Tears, blood, a flash of anger? Is that revenge? Is hurting someone you cannot feel really anything? Swinging at an object, nothing else. Metaphyisically unclasified. Is that revenge, is that anything? Tell me that your perception has never lied to you. Tell me that on a warm day on a long road you dont see something in front of you, up the road. Disregaurd anything you've "learned" in your life time. Get closer to it, as it falls into focus it falls out of existence. Preceptional existence perhaps, or was it nothing to begin with. Was it something because you thought it was something and now nothing because you think it is nothing. Here, you have the power of a god. Within a few steps you can change reality, perception, physics, you name it. What you say is the word, and the only word.
So, has your perception ever lied to you?
Or have you lied to it, you control reality?
So, what is revenge? Failure to accept your own mistakes, maybe you werent good enough for someone not to hurt you. Maybe you wanted them to hurt you. But it wasnt you.
How can you measure revenge? The more blood, the more sweat, the more fear, the more power you hold standing over an object whos life, if any, you can not even perceive. Does it feel good? To you? Does guilt follow? That isnt you, that isnt you at all. You can blame everything, feelings you cant control, hormones you refuse to question because they make sense. The pieces all fit, forget about what the puzzle looks like. Does it look right? I dunno. Its good enought. Your feelings, your fears, your emotions, your environment. Its good enough, but, is it anything. Do we like what we have soley becuase its ours, or do we take it in as ours because we truely like it. If you truely like it, you should have no regrets. However does this label you as selfish, vain? Goodmorning and welcome to vanity, aka meaninglessness. We loss meanings of words because we cant seem to cope with them. Death is just another part of life. Its a better place. Really? You fear death, your weak, and you dont know. You dont know. Welcome to ignorance, you cant avoid it all, so you fear, run, and make excuses. Do other peoples perceptions really matter that much to you? Lets kick the balistics here, have your perceptions ever lied to you?
So what is revenge? To hurt something else. Revenge on a wall that means nothing, feels nothing? Revenge on a person who may feel something, who may mean something. You regret it, so it wasnt all good. It wasnt true, its not right.
What is revenge? Ever wake up with a black eye? You know where you were, you know who you were with. It was you. You feel you, but do you know you? But do you remember?
What is revenge? Is it measured in pain? Time split by skin and bone and flesh coliding. An attempt to feel pain, there is none. An attempt for revenge, is it there?
Have you ever woken up with a black eye, a scar, a cut, a scratch, a hole, anything. Have you ever woken up? Is it revenge, or do you have regrets? You know you have regrets. Well what were they, what are they, and what do you tell yourself they are? Three different questions. I regret not doing it another way, I regret not going further, I regret that it ever happened. Youre fine with the later, though it loses meaning on the way. You dont know what it is, you dont know who it is. But its there. Did you win? Was that regret. You fell asleep with a smile and awoke with a smile. Fabrivcate a story to alter perception which will become reality for everyone else. Welcome to the living unconscious who breathe what they are told to breathe, who feel what they are told to feel, who die how they are told to die.
So, what is revenge?