Rewatched Let's Go Riders again...
- Makes me wonder why only Showa villain leaders were present. Me being biased. Heisei villains/Kaijin don't exist? Oh wait, they do appear but only on the scene where the Heisei Riders introing.... ಠ_ಠ
- That part about V3 onwards not existing. I get the whole Kamen Riders past no1 and 2 not existing--no wait I don't. Apart from V3, I'm not really sure the rest of the Showa was really that affected. The diff groups Shocker, Super Shocker, Golgom, Crisis, Badan etc was not even related to each other also at that time. Not even unified! So it didn't make sense that Riders just disappeared... it would make more sense to say that they got defeated...
ಠ_ಠ Wait? Oh Never mind... later spoilers XD
- Still don't get why don't they just let Ankh absorb his medals. Either way the cell medal would not have to go to Shocker. Why destroy? ಠ_ಠ That's like saying... why you don't just strip Ankh of every single cell medal he has? ಠ_ಠ
- A part of me went... hey~ if Ankh could get the core medals early on, that might have turned the tables on the plo--oops! Cannot. Else you gonna get Kiva's confusing scenario. No... don't want that.
- Shocker Greeed is powerful yes... but it only had one core. Can't compare to 9 cored Greeeds. Sorry. What happened to the others when all of this was happening? Since it WAS in the present timeline anyway. And oi! What you mean one cell can already give complete body? Like Yummy only...
- Momo-Ankh name-calling. Momo's pun making. I'll always like.
- Still find it amusing that everyone was running around doing things and Ankh barely did anything and only at the end saved the day by grabbing new odd cores to save the day. Like a BOSS.
- Momo fail. XD. Possess Ankh and can't even fight as long. Might as well let Ankh be and let him escape with flair. And yes... I don't really like Momo in my Ankh. Dawn that wording sounds so wrong~ Momo caused Ankh/Shingo having weird expressions. I don't like.
- Flash mob. Makes me giggle. So funny I don't even know why.
- The Rider reunion part make me giggle too. No shit. Even though the appearance of the main Showa/Heisei Riders and later the secondary Heisei Riders initially got me all nostalgic, the cheering and that giant 40 bike riding ruined the feel really. And also... the very fact that some of the secondaries don't have bikes. What you want them to do? Sit down and bake marshmallows?
Ah well... for some light hearted watch, it's pretty enjoyable la. Don't think too much about the technicalities like me and you can live in peace. But seriously... so hard not to over-analyse~
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Kaleidoscope World.