So today I went to Sunway Pyramid. For what? None other than to watch the movie version of Akai Ito. XD. Though strangely over here they named it 'Threads of Destiny". I dunno about anyone else but I'd rather have them translate it as 'Threads of Fate' or 'Red Thread' or let it remained Akai Ito. Because I had almost missed the movie title since I had been looking for Akai Ito or Red Thread in the list. ORZ. And it was a mouthful to pronounce.
So after buying my sister's ice cream (which would certainly melt... but no biggie, home have fridge!) I went to watch the movie. Okay.... I'll try not saying anything spoilerific. XD.
The movie was good. Most of the main important parts remained while some new scenes are present, as well as some old scenes remade from another POV/angle. But technically, watching the drama is a must. The movie does complement the drama since the drama had more expansions of certain scenes and the movie had some other scenes that the drama didn't manage to show. Some scenes that cannot be omitted had been merged with another while some snippets from drama had been shown. But then... the drama's still needed for the story's proper closure that's for sure. So yeah like I said, having the movie and the drama together is a must. Aside from that...
This is for Lissy... XD.
Most of MatsuKen's scenes remained intact. That's all. XD
But then again I wasn't watching the movie just for MatsuKen LOL. I feel like... considering that I've seen the drama... I need to complete it with watching the movie. XD
So yes... I became a lampost in the middle of some few couples. Haha. Like I cared. XD. Just a bit annoyed at some of them. The scene where Sara jumped is NOT funny.-__- Some people are weird. Anyway, I had a good time watching the movie. LOL. Even if I already knew the storyline I still got emotional on some part. Akkun and Mei are such dear characters. As well as Murakoshi-san hahahaha
And then after buying some other food for me and sis (promised her), I went home. And got bombarded by flist saying that a friend randomly happened to become extras in Decade when he randomly stumbled into the filming while out shopping. I know la among you guys, I'm like Kamen Rider encyclopedia. But slow down la... so excited. *sigh*
And random. XD. Because I'm like that.
And random looking at Tenimyu page had me staring at one of the Hyotei cast. Eh? Ryouta Murai (Onodera Yuusuke fr KRDecade) gonna play as Shishido Ryo in Dream Live 6? o_O New Atobe... maybe... but WHAT?