Because this Amusement cannot be contained~ XD

Jan 21, 2009 18:41

Totally amused by zymz's reaction to the finale. XD. I just HAD to keep it to memory.... XD. I was lazy to change my nick in the chan... so I edit here.... XD.

We had been talking about Masao and like a Kouhei fan I am... I'm still very much amused by it. And ended up wondering about who's the future wife... and then!

(Pardon the broken eigo)

[18:41] * KurenaiWataru runs away from home
[18:41] I DUNWAN TO KEKKON~~~~
[18:43] XD
[18:43] you must continue the Kurenai line~~~ What saying you? XO
[18:43] ;w; taiga ada (Translation: There's Taiga....)
[18:43] * KurenaiWataru flees
[18:44] Taiga is NOT a Kurenai~~~~ despite I can consider him my step-son XOOOOO

- And then Wataru suddenly went and ignore 'me'. Hahahaha. If this was actually a part of the story, I'd be so amused. Dang... please don't tempt me to make a crack about this. XDDDD

So lets's do our last episode digest/review of the finale shall we? (Unless Toei wanted to make another Kiva movie that revolves around the NeoFangires who might be rebelling against Taiga because they wanted their old way of life and cannot live in peace with humans scenario. XD. Seriously... That was the thought that crossed my mind when I rewatched the last scene...)

So let's KIVAT!

So the episode started with Wataru on the throne and exchange dares with dissatisfied Bishop. Riki and Jiro suddenly become his bouncer I mean bodyguard to the king. XD I like the Splash image. So dramatic. XDDDDDD And the OST are not letting out as well... XD. And people wonder why I I collect Kiva OSTs but didn't touch much from Den-O or the other series I've watched so far. Yeah... the choir and violin is what drew me in actually. XP

Anyway... back to the Finale... (I love the sound of that...)

Riki and Jiro seemed less disturbed now unlike when Wataru first arrived and announced his big takeover plan. He probably had the three staightened out prior to this... give me some slack here.

Back to the Aozora members at the cafe... Nago yet again decided to resign properly. Well... considering the last fight, I guess he really thought that he won't be able to fight properly again. Megumi looked pissed. XD. So... she refused to let this happening and grabbed the IXA knuckle and wanted to drag Nago to his senses.  The way Nago tried to refuse her was so cute. Like a spoilt child. Yes, Megu... I agreed with you, he's so like a brat. Ah~~~ true love~ <3

So Megumi dragged him away to train his other senses and improve their combo in order to help Nago. She was very into it I guess even Nago wouldn't deny that the effort touched his heart. Awwww. Both of them talked and both confessed their thoughts about each other. (Why didn't you start confessing your feelings??? Ummm.... never mind... I'll be patient...)

So back to Doran... Wataru was relaxing, when big brother arrived to challenge him. Little brother doesn't want to fight... but big brother won't let that slide easily. So, big brother thought he have to do exactly like their last fight long ago; the one that cost Mio's life, in order to get Wataru to fight him. Since last time he already used Shima-san, this time he used Mama factor.

You got to hand it to Taiga, big brothers do understand their little siblings. Little Wataru immediately reacted to this, yeah... mama's boy obviously loved his mama. And considering beloved father was lost long ago, surely this would be a very sensitive issue with ototo-san~

So yeah, sibling fight time! With armors and swords and sabers and cool moves~ (Dang... why my sibling fights never gets so much fun as this?) But before we can get down and dirty, we were interrupted again by some revived small fries... courtesy of dear old Bishop. So instead of fighting each other, the boys ended up having to do some cleanup. And so many at once as well. But before either of them can despair... there comes the Trio Sentai---I mean Jiro-tachi coming to the rescue. To honor their pledge with dear old Papa~

Seriously... the way each of them have been exclaiming their names, you'd wonder if they had been watching too much sentais all this time to kill their boredom. They're so cute. XD

When those had been settled... the brothers went back to continue their fight. Bishop seemed unamused at being ignored, decided to interfere but here comes Nago to intercept him. So Round 2! Bishop Versus Rising IXA! Or more like... Bishop versus half-blind Rising IXA. Hehe~~

So Dual combo versus zombie Fingire~ who will win? As the battle went on... Bishop realized that his opponent was crippled. Feeling insulted, he attacked full force. But that seemed to ignite the old spirit inside Nago as he rose and fight back. This time... the combo worked and Nago fight good. Bishop down, and he's in quite a shock. But it's okay he said... he will offer his own life energy to his beloved King. So kaboom... and Nago went on to shield Megume despite I really think it was a ruse for him to hug Megumi. XD. Out goes Bishop's life force and everyone was relie--eh! Nago suddenly collapsed as IXA deactivated itself~

As Megumi sat there in alarm... Nago came to, and glance up towards her. And he suddenly realised something! His visions aren't blurry anymore--- he... can see properly now! So perhaps Bishop's initial attack prior that caused Rising IXA to deactivate permaturely, had sent a bit of shock onto Nago causing his eyesight to be crippled for a while. So I guess the fight just now had sort off caused some blood clots in his brain (that might be the cause that affected his eye function) to flow properly thus enabling him to see properly. That should explain why he had collapsed just now. Light headedness is expected. I used to get that whenever I've not been sleeping properly and been putting too much pressure on my eyes... so I can relate.

So in delight at finding out he isn't BLIND(!) Nago and Megu cried tears of joy (Megu mostly). Out of relief and gratitude as Megu had been tirelessly supporting him all this time, Nago hugged her. Awww~  Megumi: Baka... (you guys should admit it already! You guys had the hots for each other!!!!!)

As we moved away from this touching scene, it seemed all this time Mr. Already-dead-but-had-revived King was still waiting to get another power upgrade as dear old Bishop's life force finally arrived and both of them GATTAI! (I shall refrain from making any Guren Lagann joke now. XDDD) So yeah... Final Boss finally completed~

Back to our beloved brothers, it seemed they had been fighting all this time to the point that both armors had been called off and both still facing each other for the ULTIMATE BATTLE~ But Wataru seemed to not be moving, so big brother started egging him again. So little bro started moving towards him and taiga prepared for their ULTIMATE BATT--hey! Who changed the programme? Taiga seemed to think. Because suddenly Wataru thought he would go all Barney and gave him a cuddly hug. Awwww. But Taiga seemed to be in shock still and was a bit alarmed. (Hey... it's not cool okay? WTF coming all macho and suddenly we go love love? Yeah... I can understand Taiga's distress. Really... *get's kicked by Taiga*)

Taiga: Admit it... you liked that.
Me: Obviously you think? I don't have enough of Otoya molesting him--
Otoya: Yeah... I had to admit that as well...
Taiga: So... I'd be the victim now???
Me and Otoya: Fufufufufu.... *laughs evilly*

*cough* Anyway... Shima-san arrived to reassure Taiga that Wataru was still sane and had not been switched with Barney this is not some trick. It seemed during their past discussion, Wataru told him that he decided to become King because he wanted to protect his brother. So sweet~ XD. So see Taiga, Wataru loves you... yes, he really do. So you can stop feeling emo now. XDXDXDXD It's okay Taiga... I know how much you wanted to cry now... XP

And BOOOM! Hallo thar, old King! Nice flashy entrance. XD. You really don't like these mushy scenes, is it?

Wataru immediately recognized the Bat Fangire despite 'his' Fangire hairstyle had gone super saiya mode and went anti-gravity. And this time it was Taiga's turn to save Wataru from anouther blast as BatKing (damn... why you never tell us your name???? I swear in the AU I'm going to give you a name. XO) attacked again in Wataru's direction. So Taiga finally realised Bishop's true plan for what it realy was...

So time for Brothers to combo fight together~ Yay~~~ (As some of us would squeal~) Shima-san gave his chop of approval~ Hahaha.

So after much dodging and rolling and attacking, Big Final Boss appeared to triumph as Taiga was tossed aside. And it seemed after another look I realised why this scene felt familiar. It was the same beach where Otoya, Watari and King had their last fight. So the past beach ended up as a big ledge/gorge after 22 years? Whoa... talk about receeding sea level. Or was it a BIG river or lake? I think it's a lake area, I decided. It would be more believable like that. (Yes... I never see such BIG rivers in my whole life, TV doesn't count!)

Anyway... as King started to finish Wataru off and throw him off into the gorge, Taiga screamed in anguish. And Wataru rolled and rolled and rolled... OMG BIG LEDGE! And AHHHH he fell... and something seemed to poke out from the side and Wataru grabbed it and whoaaaaaaa! He was saved! (I had too much fun typing this!) Wataru looked up and saw what he had been holding on and that thing seemed miighty familliar... and lo! It was the IXA gauntlet that had fallen off into the lake 22 years ago! So I guess this one went off and didn't get retreived by the system when IXA deactivated that time. Okay... I can buy that. If the function of IXA in movie worked the same as in series. Meaning... as long as the armor had not been deactivated thus din get (what you call that in Star Trek again?) beamed back to the storage area, the armor will remain with the user I guess. So if any parts shoots out before that... so that part gonna remain there then. Okay... *takes down note*

So... since it ended up being too long anyway... (I was having too much fun dissecting this episode like serious) so here ends the Part 1 of Kiva Finale digest. XD.

Stay tuned~~ (Hahahaha at which only a few people would probably read this anyway... XD)

g: tokusatsu, t: ircfiesta

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