accidents accidents... pfft.

Apr 14, 2008 14:43

I'm damn careless. Scalded half my left hand while half asleep. and yep.... spend 2 1/2 hours later trying to lessen the pain till I KO-ed and woke up realising that the pain did lessen. Haii... to think I dah immune getting hurt by means of falling down...
Wonder if it had been premonition of bad luck... since half the time i got hurt it had been like that.  Those buggers din go to work today after all.

ah well... half hand swollen. To think my brain still lagged after getting the pain signals. My hand manage to hold the cup with scalding water still despite got hit dy and even managed to let the cup off gently before go alert 999.


Had two random dreams with flists. But only barely remembered some of the names. One dream... I think got sky, zymz I dunno.... din even remember that dream. The second one I did tho. Probably because when the two dreams merged I only remembered the one related to food that was the second one. I remembered my youngest sis was there... and at my housing neighbourhood... and there's anna sagara... and neko... and somehow we entered my neighbours' house for a kenduri mana tau inside looked like very big food factory from wonderland. Even got these strange currencies! Banyak gila food. XO. Neko kept hovering over some very tasteful looking pastries and cakes and ice creams... my sis ran off somewhere and anna some other corner... and I met other flist din remember who and some of my neighbours here and there. There was some kinda story i there but forgot.

Too bad that it was a dream.... so much nice food. *_* But at least I won't feel the pain on my hurt hand... T_T

t: dreams

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