Becos playing GaiaOnline berturut-turut jigsaw puzzling tend to be tad boring if yo din do anything else...
Overall... I say it's actually quite okay. XP. Ya I know earlier I said it was boring... not really lar. It was still okay. For a first event. I said that because I was sleepy... barely slept the night before. (And usually wen sleepy, I'd like something happening that can keep me awake. Lalala.) Lucky oso... since I din realize that some bugger din even locked the gates. XO. So I only caught some winks in the car... at which it thought me to be WRY since I better not leave Tsu driving unattended. WTH terlepas masuk toll on the way to zymz's house? I know la the song was so bagus... sigh.
Wonder why she never terpesong masuk taman negara instead everytime she go drive home herself.... ish ish...
So yeah... well, at least she managed to drive to Nilai... and we found the college, anyway. When arrived there... I LOL. Because the pok guard gave us an A4 sized visitor pass. XDDDDD That was the first time see? UITM passes are small like the matrix card since you have to walk around with that by you else you gain risk to get tendanged by crazy guards if they felt like it. So yeah.... I found it amusing.
Actually, first round, we found the place really. XP. The place not really that big and the place not that far. But I always takut if it was wrong place/hall. (Ya la... mana tau ada academic event lain? XP) And also no other layers outside. So of cos la WRY. So drive around.... eh! we saw Yuhi and the gang~~~~ XD. And I think if you guys read the earlier reports by him shud know the rest of story dy... XD
So yeah... enter the place. Lalala. And I saw them giving freebies inside plastic bags. Ya silly me... I laughed. Because I find it funny as this time I'm the one being the visitor and receiving the stuffs. Not the other way around.
Met the others later. And lalala. I dunno... maybe because you're at another school/uni/college, so you felt self-conscious. And me = self-conscious meaning I'm on timid mouse mode. (Not were-gerbil you zim!!! *bites*) But hey! A Wii there!!! And me and zim 'Astaga-ed' at the entrance. XD. Because...
LOL. ASTAGA... the main hall is the Male Changing room? XP. Okayla... the room was somewhere in the small room bekind the stage. XP. But I find that funny.... XDDDDD
I kinda ORZLOL when seeing Zend at his booth. Since when I saw him smiling there... I suddenly had a image of Hellboy(nyao) selling cheap trinkets/jewelleries (If I typo this soli, since my spell check is off.) at some shady pasar malam. XDDDD
So we went in... (Tsu, sil and sky still in the female henshin room...) and then, we saw Zend! And then... as we looked around.
Hey girl..... XDDDDDDD
Image is small to save space and bandwidth. XDDDDDD
And me and zim... ASTAGA-ed again at the legs...
So... walked around, to see booths... and stuffs. Chatted. Then opening vid marks the event officially starting. I guess if the crowd is a lot more than this... I think it would have felt better being there. But it seemed that the comm did not falter!. XD. Ganbatte~ tho... the mc sounded like me old headmaster. LOL *lari*. Well.. I'm never a fan of assembly talks anyway.
So yeah... I go look around. So, some pics...
Yeah... pics unedited... XP. Malas... but I like this Ichigo layer. XDDDD. If wanna see bigger lookie
Soli... I din take pics of the rest of the layer. DDDDDX. I din even take Sky, Sil and Zim's pic oso!!!! DDDDDDDX *wonder if tsu took. DX* So looking around...
Sad. though...
Cosplayer is more than visitors. Hope they get more pipol coming if they still wanna sambung doing this again next year...
The loud audio did an opposite effect on me. XD. It lulled me to sleep LOL. That... or I really am in need of sleep.
After thoughts?
The event is actually quite okay. Not comparing to CF or GACC or emm... MCC (but it does gave you the feeling like the old times... when MCC & CF was still new, but like really reeeeeeallly small scale) but at least MAGE08 was better done than AMB07; if wanna compare in terms of first events done by people that was not CF/MCC/GACC.
The 'Karaoke' and Game booth was nice really. At least there's something to do during the 'free' period. XD.
Tho... when the judging sounded like wanna be American/whatever idol or AF or anything... I sorta felt turned off about it. Despite only managed to watch it only for a little while... somebody wanna fast fast reach bf. XP. Because I hate those American Idol/AF stuffs... because yeah, UITM girls and their AF obsession. >:
Bad memories returned...
So that ends the lame report.... XP. And I thought I was half sleepy for some of my quite blurry pics. (tsu more shaky took pics DX. Oh... and lama tak jumpa Succubus tapi that pic was candid and shaken a lil. Hahaha. Sian me. DX) Pardon the blurry pics. And ignore the random Ryuuta whoring. I x pandai pose. And yeah... I butchered him. DDDDX.
See la... if Blood Angel and gang really serious wanna do Den-O cosplay group this year... I'd do better Ryuuta. T_T or at least like how I did him on CF07. Since sat earlier I wasn't feeling well either + sleepy head. And yeah... practice breakdancingbutSatoTakeruwillalwaysbemoreawesome!!!
Aside from that... I get it why they gave that warning for Hibiki. Silau!!! All the lighting~~~~ *__*