...anyone doesn't know yet... The reason Faux News, EIB, Concerned Women for America, the American Family Association, etc, etc. are spending so much time on this "War on Christmas" bullshit...
It's so they can pump up wingnuts to write in and support Samuel Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court.
http://www.reason.com/sullum/121405.shtml The NYTimes had a great article at
http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F20D1FFA38550C758CDDAB0994DD404482 but it's in pay-per-view archives by now. Part is below:It is the time of year when bedtime stories and television specials often recall the plucky reindeer and the little girl of Whoville who managed to save Christmas. This year, some conservative groups are hoping to add a new name to that pantheon of heroes: Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., the Supreme Court nominee.
"Liberal groups like People for the American Way and the A.C.L.U. have opposed public Christmas and Hanukkah displays and even fought to keep Christmas carols out of school," declares a radio commercial paid for by the conservative Committee for Justice beginning Monday in Colorado, Wisconsin and West Virginia, states whose senators are considered pivotal votes on Judge Alito.
"Some courts and judges have supported this radical agenda, but not Judge Sam Alito," it continues. "Throughout his career, Judge Alito has consistently upheld the Constitution's protection of free religious expression."
So yeah. Wanna write to your congressman or something? Especially if you live in Colorado, Wisconsin, or West Virginia... Or the US. Or know anyone who does.
Or the world, for that matter... Since we pretty much have all the guns, and if we get ass-raped by a Christian Fundamentalist Dictatorship, you all know who's getting it next, right?