So tomorrow, I'm travelling. YAY! So excited. I wanted to get an update out, but it wasn't happening with all of the packing. When I get back, I'll be sure to get one out though. :)
Di tagged me to do the Meme that's been going around, so here it goes =D :
1. Post 10 facts about your character.
2. Tag 5 other characters.
3. Post their names with the creators' usernames.
4. You can tag back!
Character: Robin Fantasy
1) Robin wore a burglar / thieving mask for most of his life until it was time for him to start a family with Jasmine, but he was never actually involved in anything criminal.
2) Now that he's in his elder years, the only thing he'll ever wear is white knight armor, with the exception of black knight armor for mourning.
3) It only took Robin three days to fall in love with and propose to Jasmine.
4) Robin may have been a Hall of Famer, but his preferred hobby is Arts and Crafts, and he enjoys working at his pottery wheel.
5) Robin tends a vegetable garden in the small castle garden. It used to be one of his minor hobbies with Jasmine, but even after she passed away he still cares for it religiously.
6) He was fired from his career twice, but was still able to work his way to the top.
7) Robin has a taste for luxurious living (being a fortune sim) and frequently goes out to eat at five star restaurants. If eating out, you will never find him anywhere other than Londoste.
8) He never agreed with Scarlet's position as the heiress, and still doesn't, but knows that she has to make decisions as well as mistakes and learn from them.
9) Robin is the only sim who's maxed out all three of his life bars (Aspiration, Influence and Lifetime Aspiration). This contributes to him being the oldest out of his generation.
10) His favorite color is blue, and the scent he is associated with is incense.
People I'm tagging (I'm currently in a very jumbled state of mind so I didn't put last names, sorry!):
smoothiesims Elle
dicreasy Marielle
profbutters Ulysses
leaths Mitch
docnerd Delirium
I'll try to get a small good bye post in tomorrow, but if I don't wish me luck on my flight, and see you all soon. :)