December talking meme

Dec 10, 2014 21:31

"Rose and Donna, compare and contrast," requests ffutures.

My two favorite Who companions. How could I complain?

Rose and Donna are opposites in some ways. Rose was roughly half Donna's age when she met the Doctor. (Seriously, I think sometimes people forget just how young she was.) Donna was white-collar, Rose blue-collar, in American terms. Donna came from a more upscale area, though, considering where Rose was from, that's not saying much. Rose and the Doctor fell in love. Donna was visibly grossed out by the thought. Rose's relationship with Jackie was much warmer than Donna's relationship with her mum. Rose was more impulsive, Donna more measured.

In other ways, they were quite similar. Both felt stuck in their lives. Both loved the adventure and never wanted it to end. Both were quite brilliant, when they needed to be, and in a very practical way that the Doctor, er, isn't always. Both gained a great deal from their lives with the Doctor . . . and both lost, too.

I loved Rose. I know she's polarizing years down the line, but I did. She had gumption. Not always the best judgment, but who does, at nineteen? She was real, at least to me. You never forget your first Doctor, but you also never forget your first companion.

I loved Donna, too. She reminds me of myself in many ways. I could only run off to Japan and not all of space and time, but hey--we made it, sister. She's a reminder that you can always change your life, no matter where you are.

doctor who, meme

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