December talking meme

Dec 03, 2014 23:16

The list

Today's topic, per gehayi: Books/TV shows/movies I wanted to like, but didn't, and why.

Not a big list of these. Well, maybe in some respects. I'll often go into something with hopes, but am seldom disgruntled for long if I'm disappointed. We'll go with a small, but pertinent, sampling.

Take the Nightside series by Simon R. Green. It sounded like The Dresden Files meets Gaiman's Neverwhere. Unfortunately, Green just isn't as good at character-building as Butcher, and he's not even in the same galaxy as Gaiman when it comes to world-building. I didn't connect with the characters, and the parts that were supposed to be scary fell flat. It was disappointing.

Interstellar was another one that fell flat for me. It wasn't that I disliked it, but I didn't connect with it. Lots of pretty, lots of ideas, crazy Matt Damon, and it ended up being too much. I like Nolan, I've liked every movie of his I've seen, and I really wanted to like this one. But I'm with my brother: It was a good movie that I just didn't have any emotional connection to.

Ultimately, that's where media flies or dies with me. It can be cheesy as hell, but if something about it resonates with me, I'll like it. Or it can be a work of great art that leaves me cold.

books, meme, movies

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