TDotD: The Livebloggening!

Nov 23, 2013 22:02

Part I

Okay, so Time War, War Doctor, Not!Rose/Bad Wolf/The Moment, UNIT, Clara, Zygons, QE1, Ten, Eleven, fez, etc. Caught up!

"Reverse the polarity!" Bwahaha! Hurt!Doctor appears, Ten is not thrilled. HD thinks they're too young.

"They're scientific instruments, not water pistols!" Hee! So very cute! "What are you going to do? Assemble a cabinet at them?" Really, what is he doing when he does that?

Clara has to play Wicked Witch. She doesn't do it very well.

"Timey-wimey?!" "I have no idea where he picks that up." *Snerk*

No, Eleven can't speak without moving his hands, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Eleven gets clever and gets them locked up just where they can escape.

Not!Rose lurks. Seems only the War Doctor can see her.

Baker Scarf Girl and the cute scientist with the cute accent get attacked by Zygons and copied. Baker Scarf gets fiesty.

Clara and Stewart go to the Black Archive, which must be like the Time Lords' vault.

Captain Jack name check! Dig at American movies in the next breath. Just because the Brits have to reuse the same dozen or so actors for every movie . . .

Question: If this vault is so secret and sheltered, why can they get a cell phone signal in it?

Zygon! They're really gross. They make an amateur mistake, though, and Clara steals the vortex manipulator, clever girl that she is. I really do like her. wants to set up some farmers. Nice of them. More Atlantis. Is that Juliet Stevenson?

War Doctor is trying to resonate wood. Is that easier or harder than concrete?

The boys get all serious. Not!Rose gets an odd look on her face around Ten.

Ten gets shirty with Eleven over the number of children they killed on Gallifrey. War Doctor doesn't like what he sees. Not!Rose uses the teachable moment and makes a point about the screwdriver. Oh, and, when you think about it, the Doctor.

They use the timey-wimey nature of the screwdriver to calculate how to open the door, which . . . is not locked. Clara busts in and wonders why they didn't notice. Because they have no common sense, my dear. All the brains in the universe and not a lick of sense.

Meanwhile, Baker Scarf frees Kate Stewart, and they fret over the Black Archive.

Meanwhile, we learn the Zygons' Evil Plot to take over the world. They're locking themselves in the paintings for a few centuries. Eleven makes a dodgy analogy about Cup o'Soups, as he does, and tells them all to forget it, as he does. Ten insults Elizabeth yet again. For some reason, she still wants to marry him. It's the hair, it has to be the hair. Clara gleefully plays bridesmaid. Ten makes a promise he doesn't intend to keep.

"I love the round things!" "What are the round things?" "I have no idea."

They head off to the Black Archive, which they do not appear thrilled about, and we go to commercial again.

Back at the Black Archive, Stewart threatens to blow the place up. In fact, she sets the self-destruct in motion. Why they had to use a nuclear bomb, I don't know.

The Doctors are rather upset about this, and War Doc gets a bright idea as to how to get into the Black Archive. Baker Scarf is also rather upset and hopes the Doctor comes to help them out.

Which they do, by installing the Fall of Arcadia painting in the Black Archive and striding out of it like badasses. After blasting out the glass with a Dalek, of course.

The Doctors take Stewart's actions personally, and Ten and Eleven wipe some brains to force Stewart and the Zygons to cancel the detonation and make a treaty.

War Doc sits alone, drinking tea, while Clara looks around, and she comes to sit with him. He muses that the Doctor's very regret might have made him a better person. He signals Not!Rose, and they disappear.

Commercials again. David and Matt, in a bit, muse on how to play the Doctor in the line of continuity while still making their incarnations distinctive.

War Doc poses in front of the Moment, which now has a Big Red Button, and Not!Rose talks to him. War Doc denies being the Doctor and calls himself a "lesser" man. He thinks about Gallifreyan children playing around a Maypole.

Not!Rose talks about the sound of the TARDIS, and guess what appears? Two! Ten and Eleven and Clara step out, and the Doctors wonder how they got through. Not!Rose smiles.

Ten and Eleven talk about the War Doc and what he's had to do, and they decide to join him in pressing the button. There's more dialogue that almost sounds like a prayer. It's honestly a bit too dramatic.

Eleven looks at Clara, who's crying. Not!Rose shows them Gallifrey as it's falling. Clara cries and reassures Eleven that he's the Doctor.

More dialogue that's kinda corny. But Not!Rose smiles, and Eleven gets an idea. He's changed his mind. They all get very excited.

War Doc thanks "Bad Wolf Girl" for showing him a new future and says he could kiss her (he will), and Ten gets excited. Then he gets distracted, as he will. They're going to lock Gallifrey away in a painting.

Commercials again. The Hobbit promo happens.

Back! Daleks are firing on Gallifrey, and the Doctor's been promoted to "mad fool". Growly General doesn't like it. They're all in on a plan to freeze Gallifrey.

Growly General guy doesn't think it'll work, but the Doctor has apparently been working on this forever. We get shots of all his other incarnations.

NINE! Also, Peter Capaldi!

Growly General tells the Doctor to "do it," and he does. "Allons-y!" yells Ten. "Geronimo!" yells Eleven. "For God's sake!" mutters War Doc.

Later, they have tea. Of course. Because they're British. They discuss the painting, which is either "No More" or "Gallifrey Falls". War Doc hopes to be half the man Clara is. No chance.

War Doc will forget all this. Ten obviously won't remember, either. War Doc thanks them and leaves, and he starts to regenerate, hoping either "the years" or "the ears" will be "less conspicuous" this time. If it's the years, he's in luck. If it's the ears, well . . .

More commercials. Bother!

Back. Ten quizzes Eleven about his future, since he won't remember, and Eleven mentions Trenzalore. Eleven is fatalistic, Ten isn't. Ten kisses Clara's hand, the big flirt, and says he doesn't want to go. "He always says that," says Eleven. Clara gives him a moment alone with his painting, and says the curator was looking for him.

Eleven sits and jabbers on by himself, which he does.

And then we get Tom Baker. How, I don't know, and I don't really care. I never knew him as the Doctor, but he manages to bring a real sense of history with him. An old face, revisited? Intriguing. He reveals that the painting's name is really "Gallifrey Falls No More". Eleven gets excited about the idea that he may be able to find Gallifrey.

Tableau of images of the eleven doctors so far, with the War Doc in with them, and Eleven says he's going home.

So, the question is, how does this work with "The End of Time", when Ten wasn't too happy about the Time Lords' possible return? I'm not clear on that. But he's always regretted having to sacrifice Gallifrey and his people. I suppose we'll see.

Christmas special coming up! Can't wait!

doctor who

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