Doctor Who is baaaaack!

Apr 20, 2013 21:25

I enjoyed tonight's episode in a way I haven't enjoyed the show for the past two seasons. First, I love JLC as Clara. She reminds me so much of Billie Piper in S1 (new skool); I don't catch her *acting*. She's just *being* Clara. Second, I have a new OTP: Professor/Emma. Dougray Scott! I've loved him since Ever After. And they had such lovely chemistry and reminded me of Nine/Rose. There, I said it. And third, let's spoiler-cut.

Great plot that kept me guessing all through the episode. Ghost! No, not a ghost, but a time traveler. But there's a monster! But, hey, it may be ugly, but it's in love. And who is Clara? Just an ordinary girl. At least, according to a genuine, certified psychic, that's all she is. Like most of the Doctor's companions.

For what it's worth, my thoughts are along these lines: For some reason, Clara keeps being born and reborn throughout history. Each time, she gets some kind of augmentation. In her current incarnation, as of the first episode, she got a bunch of computer knowledge uploaded into her brain. Eventually, this will lead to Dalek!Clara, who's a supergenius. The question is: Why? And how? And this is obviously echoing down her timeline in some form, leaving the words "Run, you clever boy, and remember" in its wake.

We've seen that much before, at least: Bad Wolf. We know things in the Whoniverse don't always go according to linear time. What Clara will be is affecting who she was and is.

The Doctor, we note, has not given Clara a key yet. And Clara feels that the TARDIS doesn't like her. So, is the TARDIS sensing something about her that's wrong, the way she ran from Jack? Or is the Doctor's clear ambivalence affecting her perceptions of Clara? It could go either way.

Hologram!Clara was funny. That's what you get for calling the Herself a cow, sweetie.

The TARDIS does seem to be a bigger player this season. I suspect we'll see more of that next episode. Yay!

Anyway, this is even shaking me out of my current Dresden Files obsession. I can't wait for next week!

Oh, and I need Clara icons. Must go look.

doctor who

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