State of the Me

Oct 06, 2012 21:02

Overall: Decent, could be better, hopefully will be soon. Long version: Check out the bullet points.

--I hate bureaucrats. When I put in my application for my sub teaching license, I followed a checklist I found on the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) website and submitted absolutely everything on it. Well, I just got a note from them saying that, actually, they need two more things. There's no arguing with these people. They hold all the cards. Therefore, I had to chase down my expired Alaska teaching license ($25) and, next Friday, I've got to take a test on "protecting student civil rights" ($130). This is money I don't have, so I'm borrowing from my parents. Again. *headdesk*

--Speaking of, my sister brought down a bunch of my old stuff from Alaska. I've pared it down to what I really want and need, and I'm going to Ebay the rest. I'm hoping to get at least a little cash out of it.

--ESL is in session again. This year, I have five Hispanic ladies, a Romanian lady, a Chinese man and woman (both from Shanghai, apparently didn't know each other at all until they met in my class), and an Iranian man. All very nice and hardworking. Also, I'm getting a new assistant, who is a very nice-looking guy who's probably around my age, and I don't think he's married. He has the most striking hazel eyes; they're actually golden. I've only seen eyes like that once or twice before.

--I started Weight Watchers, unofficially, with my mom. She's official, going to meetings and all. I don't have the money to spend on dues, but she really wanted to do it with me, so we've worked out everything at home and she gave me one of their food journals to track in. Thus far, it's been wildly successful. All the exercise I'm doing has boosted my metabolism, and I've lost almost ten pounds so far. I feel really great. I think it's just the right time. The exercise has gotten me back in touch with my body and has made me frankly care more about it. Tracking my eating and eating less sugar--much less--feels like a natural step. Just not eating mindlessly makes a huge difference.

--I'm writing an original short story. I thought it was going to be a DW fic, but then realized it didn't want to be. It wanted to be its own thing. I'm going to see where it leads, and it might even end up published.

In short: Need job, hate bureaucrats, good physically, potential hottie in life. Could be worse.

actual real life-type stuff

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