Eleven questions, courtesy of gehayi:

May 17, 2012 11:00

1) Name an author that you love reading and tell us what about this person's books appeals to you.

Neil Gaiman. He's imaginative, he uses the language beautifully, he incorporates myth and legend in wholly original ways, and he always manages to surprise me.

2) This is from a poster that a friend sent me. "The zombie apocalypse has arrived. Whatever is closest on your left-hand side is your primary weapon; whatever is closest on your right-hand side is your secondary weapon. The main character in the last TV show that you watched is your last surviving friend. How badly screwed are you?"

Hm. I have a computer mouse to the right and a small jar of boysenberry jam to my left. On the other hand, Leroy Jethro Gibbs is my friend. I think I've got a fighting chance.

3) What's your favorite fictional/mythological creature? Why?

The Nac Mac Feegle. Okay, maybe that's cheating a bit, but can you blame me? If you don't know what a Feegle is, btw, hie thee to a bookstore or library and find Terry Pratchett's The Wee Free Men.

4) Coffee, tea, juice or milk?


5) Least favorite domestic chore?

Taking out the compost. Yecch!

6) You have been given the power to change one thing about the world. What are you going to change?

Make women equal citizens across the board. I think that would do a lot to reduce the amount of sheer assholery in the world.

7) What fictional universe would you absolutely NOT want to live in?


8) You can have a dinner party with any three people from history. Who are you inviting?

C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and G.K. Chesterton.

9) Name a person that you admire. Why do you admire that person?

My mom. She's been such an incredible trooper as my dad's illness has progressed. I can't imagine how she hasn't fallen to pieces by now.

10) What's one of your favorite movies?

Singin' in the Rain

11) What three things infuriate you in fiction?

Just three? One would be characters getting dumbed down or acting unrealistic for the sake of the plot--or a cheap gag. Example: The infamous "hair gel" scene from There's Something About Mary. No woman would ever do that. Hair gel goes into wet hair, not dry, for one thing. The director only did it to get in a gross-out gag.

Another would be straw "satirical" characters meant to pillory a particular group, and it doesn't much matter what group. Example: Sorry, mermaidrain, but Kristen Wiig's character absolutely ruined Paul for me.

The third would be failure to do the research when research is called for. Example: Dan Brown.

Okay, now my questions. Take if you want, leave if you don't. I don't tag.

1. You can choose one character from each of your major fandoms to be at your side in the Robot Uprising. Who are they, and why did you choose them?

2. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn how to do, but haven't?

3. If you could stop filmmakers/TV producers/writers/etc. from doing just one thing ever again, what would it be?

4. What's one fictional universe you'd happily trade the real world for?

5. What's a petty little irritation you know shouldn't bother you as much as it does?

6. If you could elect one fictional character to be Dictator of the World, who would it be?

7. Name one of life's little pleasures you don't know if anyone else shares.

8. Top item on your Bucket List!

9. What's the one kind of character that can absolutely ruin any kind of fiction for you?

10. If you could visit any place on Earth, where would you go?

11. What animal would you like to be reincarnated as?


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