Well, finally.

Feb 23, 2012 23:35

I decided my writer's block was for the birds and just started writing stuff down. I've had ideas banging around in my head, but getting them on paper was like pulling teeth. Finally, I decided I'd just start writing the beginnings of all these stories, no matter how stupid they may sound in my head. I've now got about five beginnings . . . and one that's considerably more than a beginning. It's currently sitting at eleven pages and counting. I've been writing on it for a week now, and, while it's a bit cracktastic, it's holding my attention. Might even turn out to be good.

Some of the others are speaking to me, too. There's Doctor Who, Discworld, THG and even an original story. I might even get back to the stories I stalled on a year ago. We'll see, anyway.

hunger games, doctor who, writing, discworld

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