Mood whiplash strikes again!

Jan 13, 2012 22:34

Dad's been cleared for surgery. The hematologist they called in said he has a very rare kind of blood, and they'll have to adjust the meds they usually give after this kind of surgery, but he's not in excessive danger of bleeding out. So, surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. We're all hoping this is the last time we'll have to mark our calendars.

Tonight's CrossFit WOD was a heavy one. Heavy as in the weights we used, that is. Jonas is off to Bend for the CrossFit Games, so our trainer was Kristine, a slim blonde. We started off with an 800-meter row or run to warm up. After that, we did a 5-5-5-5-5 with push jerks. That's like a push press, except, at the same time you press the weight overhead, you also drop out from under it into a quarter-squat or split squat. You can get a lot more weight that way. I ended with 75 pounds.

The WOD was two 7-minute AMRAPs, each with only two exercises. First:

--7 sumo dead high pulls (crouch with feet far apart, grip the bar in the middle, pull upward in an explosive motion, using your legs and hips to propel the bar to chest height)
--7 dumbbell thrusters

I did Rx, or prescribed, weight for both of those, which was 65 pounds for the barbell and 25 pounds for the dumbbells. Second AMRAP:

--dead lifts (start with one and add one every round)
--10 double-unders or 30 singles

Rx weight for the dead lifts was 145 pounds, which I did. It got awfully heavy the more reps I added.

Anyway, it was just the kind of WOD I needed. There's something terribly cathartic about heaving really heavy weights around.


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