Per this meme here, I've been noticing for several days as it's been coming up on my flist that I appear to be the only one who's answered thus far who apparently wears a full face of makeup on a daily (well, semi-daily; I rarely wear any makeup except perhaps a little concealer for blemishes on Saturday) basis. It's not that I don't like my looks or anything--I like my face and think my mouth and my blue eyes are my best features--but I truly enjoy wearing makeup and experimenting with it. I use it to enhance what I have.
My skin is good and I've never had a problem with acne (thank God for sparing me one adolescent humiliation, at least), but I have spots of rosacea, darkness under my eyes and the occasional blemish that a light foundation and concealer goes a long way toward evening out. My eyelashes are light brown and not very long, but using an eyelash curler and mascara makes them stand out. Certain shades of eyeshadow and liner bring out my eyes. My lips have a very nice shape, so I play them up. The brow pencil and powder are all part of my continuing quest for the perfect eyebrows (hey, I never said I wasn't vain). And a little blush on the apples of the cheeks and shimmer powder on top of the cheekbone adds a bit of glow when I smile. On paper (or on the screen), it looks like a lot. On my face--well,
mermaidrain, do I look heavily made-up when you see me at church or after work?
I suppose the reason I'm posting this is that--and I'm not saying anyone on my flist has done this--all too often, I've run across women who act like those of us who wear makeup are insecure or immature. Just saw it on a board I frequent, in fact. I'll be the first to say I can be both at times, but there's an inherent snobbery in assuming that someone who does things differently than you do must have something wrong with her.