Oct 08, 2007 08:24
The first rescue begins in the Doctors adventure to save his former selves taking him to 70's Britain to rescue 3.
Don't judge the grammer please, judge the story
The first sentence is difficult to decode. The second is just nonsense. See, here on Earth, we have this little thing called communication. One person wishes another person to understand something; therefore, Person 1 communicates to Person 2 about the aforementioned something and what to do about it. However, if the communication is not clear, Person 2 will not understand what Person 1 is talking about, and thus, the whole point of communication is lost.
Now, in the English language, commonly (though not exclusively) used for communication amongst English-speaking peoples, we have this thing called grammar. The point of grammar is to clarify communication, to standardize it so one English-speaking person can understand the other English-speaking person. Thus, if the grammar is not clear, the communication fails. You may refer to the previous paragraph concerning this.
The point of this discourse, in case it wasn't clear, is that if the grammar makes the story unclear, it is hardly possible for one to judge the story, as the communication has failed. Have I communicated my point well, or is further clarification needed?
pretentious pedantry,
doctor who,
pedantic ponderings,
summary executions