Regarding the latest Who-wank: one of the things that truly annoys me about this kind of thing (if you really want to know, go to fandom_wank for the details) is the protestations on both sides that the wankery all belongs to one side, and certainly not theirs. "Rose is the Doctor's One Twu Wuv 4EVA, and if you 'ship the Doctor with anyone else,
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Sure there were some Martha fans who objected, but they were few and far between.
*Classic? I don't know the terms because I generally avoid Who wank unless it appears on fandom_wank.
The whole thing just leaves me confuddled. If you had told me 5 years ago that there would be Dr Who shipping wars on par with Ducks vs Spuffy I would have never in a million years beleived you.
Funny how the world turns.
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