Title: Survival
Genre: Doctor Who/Heroes crossover
Characters: Rose Tyler, Claude
Rating: PG-13
Summary: We all do what we have to to survive.
Author's note: This will, of course, get Kringed the moment we find out what happened to Claude next season, but until then, indulge me and assume the Heroes 'verse also exists in Pete's World.
Survival )
Comments 74
Anyway, really enjoyed it. Would love to see it continued, Jossed or not, and have Claude become more than just a shag to Rose, but someone meaningful. Seems like they're both a bit broken and could use each other.
My stated preference is for Rose to be living her life well in her new universe, but yes, she would be a little broken. So she deals, and if that means shagging a Nine lookalike, that's what it means. Perhaps they could become more to each other. It'd be nice.
He came to London on a whim after summarily quitting New York thanks to Peter Sodding Petrelli and his issues and his emo bangs and his sheer stupidity.
That was a beautiful rant and much more Claude than "poor Peter, I wonder how he might be doing?" monologues!
Am v. amused Claude was middle management too and didn't know Linderman was behind Primatech, either. Noah Bennet will be relieved.*g*
Perhaps Peter wasn’t so wrong with his brother-crush.
Lots of fangirls just punched the air, to misquote the Tenth Doctor. *veg*
I don't imagine Claude spends much time worrying about poor ickle Peter. I'd imagine he spends more time cursing the boy to the four winds.
Given that he and Bennet were partners, I can't imagine he knew too much more about the organization, and he, er, quit years before Bennet . . .
That seemed to me a very Claude thing to say. Hee!
Love this bit of characterisation. We didn't see to much of Claude in Heroes, but he did strike me as a very pragmatic man who was willing to take what there was from a situation. Nine out of ten men wouldn't stand for it, but I'm fair certain that he would. Good job.
Oh, that is just so beautifully broken!
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