Kiss meme results:

May 23, 2007 20:06

So, these are the ficlets I came up with in response to the "Give me two characters, and I'll write their first kiss" meme. Some of you were just *cruel*! Loads of pairings I'd never have considered. Congratulations, I've just written my very first m/m kissing. Which still does absolutely nothing for me. BUT let it not be said that I will not rise to a challenge.

Except Nine/Jackie. I have limits, wendymr!

Anyhoo, without further ado, kissing!

For pescivendolo, Jack/Owen:

Classic scenario. The team had just ripped off a controller from some human agents of the Sixth Mighty Jagrafess (the one that eventually did take over Earth on behalf of the Daleks was his grand-nephew; long-lived things, Jagrafessi) and split up, Gwen with Tosh and Ianto providing a distraction while Owen and Jack hoofed it back to the Hub to destroy the controller. Unfortunately, a couple of the agents cottoned on and were looking for Jack and Owen. Jack spotted them first. Owen found himself hauled up into a doorway, a hissed warning from Jack to not do anything stupid before he then found Jack's tongue in his mouth.

Much to Owen's irritation, Jack really was as good as he liked to imply.


For dark_aegis, Nine/Rose:

ROSE: Doctor?
(The Doctor doesn't reply.)
ROSE: Are you all right?
DOCTOR: Splendid.
ROSE: Why do I have a hard time believing that?
DOCTOR: (sharply) No idea. Shouldn't you be attending to your new boyfriend?
ROSE: (stung) I just met him! D'you think I'm some kind of slapper?
DOCTOR: (deflating) No, I don't.
(Rose walks to him and sets her hand on his shoulder. He doesn't turn to look at her.)
ROSE: Do you want to talk about today?
DOCTOR: No, I don't.
(The Doctor suddenly turns, capturing Rose's wrist and pushing her backward until she's trapped up against a support beam, where he kisses her deeply. Rose stiffens initially, but then relaxes into the kiss, cupping her hand over the back of his head. The Doctor's kiss is desperate, as if he's trying to draw something out of her. When he breaks it, they're both breathing hard.)
DOCTOR: (backing away) Go to bed, Rose.
(Rose complies, a baffled expression on her face. As she leaves, the Doctor returns to the console, which he leans on, squeezing his eyes shut against the temptation to follow her.)


Another for pescivendolo, seconded by aibhinn, Tosh/Jack:

That one was very sweet. One of the Weevils had gotten loose from its enclosure, and Tosh was the only one in the Hub at the time. It took her by surprise. She managed to grab a gun and kill it, but not before she was seriously wounded. She just barely managed to drag herself up to the fake office and call 999 before passing out. The rest of the team came back to find the paramedics there, carting her off to the hospital.

Jack was there when she awoke. The first thing she asked is if she'd make it.

"You better," he said, smiling. "I don't know what we'd do without you." Then he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

She made it.


For wendymr, Ten/Jack:

'Fraid that kiss is pretty well predictable. When Jack enters the TARDIS, the Doctor is waiting for him. Jack knew about the regeneration and even had a basic description of his new incarnation, but this is the first time he's seen it.

"You look good in brown," Jack says after they've stared at each other for a moment. "Gonna miss that leather jacket, though."

"It's in the wardrobe, if you want it," says the Doctor.

Jack shakes his head. "It was the man inside I wanted." He looks around. "The--the casualty reports had Rose on them. I was hoping you could tell me they were wrong."

"They were wrong," says the Doctor. "She's alive and with her family, but in another universe. You and I can never see her again."

Jack looks away, tears stinging his eyes. He loved that girl. Loving Rose was simple, compared to loving the Doctor.

"I understand if you hate me," the Doctor says softly. "I wouldn't blame you for wanting to kill me."

Jack barks a laugh. "I've wanted to kill you, I'll admit. But what I want even more . . ."

He strides over to the Doctor and takes his face in his hands. The Doctor doesn't resist as Jack kisses him hard before drawing back to look at the Doctor's new eyes. Slowly, Jack smiles, as does the Doctor.

"You look good in brown, Doc."


For likeadeuce, Buffy/Xander:

It was the summer Willow was gone. Dawn had gone to the beach with Janice's family, and Buffy and Xander were at her place, watching old movies and having a few cold ones. Slowly, they got to talking about the previous year, about all the hard things that had happened and that had come between them. It was a good talk, the best they'd ever had.

As it wound down, Buffy, who was snuggled against Xander's shoulder, looked up at him and impulsively leaned up and kissed him gently.

"What was that about?" he asked. "Not that I'm objecting."

"For being the bravest man I've ever known," she said. "For being you."


For palmetto, Pete/Jackie:

It was another dull night at the pub with Cheryl, Bill and Niall. Cheryl and Bill did nothing but snog, and Niall wanted to do the same, but frankly, he was getting on Jackie's last nerve. And he was drunk and getting pushy.

Finally, Niall got up to take a piss. Jackie decided the evening was a bust, and there was a Harlequin at home that was calling her name. Just as she was getting ready to leave, though, a ginger bloke suddenly sat down across from her.

"Who're you, then?" Jackie asked in the tone that usually sent men running.

"My name's Pete, and I'm the kind of bloke that chats up other blokes' girls while they're in the loo," said ginger.

By the time Niall came back, Jackie was in Pete's lap, snogging him thoroughly. Niall being Niall, he got loud and bellicose and ended up annoying a very large Welshman, who started a bar fight. Pete and Jackie slipped out the back, and she slipped him her phone number.

Three months later, they got married. Within a year, Rose was born. Six months later, Pete was dead.

Twenty years later, they found each other again.


For cathica, Nine/Sarah Jane Smith:

Sarah Jane was pondering her recent encounter with the Doctor over a cup of tea when she heard the unmistakable sound of the TARDIS materializing just down the street. Unable to resist that call, she sprinted out of the tea shop and followed the sound, finding the TARDIS in a nearby alley. A man in a black leather jacket was crouched on the ground nearby, poking around with the sonic screwdriver.

"Now, where did you get off to?" he muttered. "Aha!" He pointed at a small rock with the screwdriver, and it started glowing. The outside cracked like an eggshell, revealing a pearlescent ovoid within. "Why don't we just get you home?" He stood up, turning, and froze at the sight of Sarah Jane.

"Doctor?" she asked, sounding a bit breathless to her own ears. He didn't look at all like the Doctor she'd recently met, aside from being about the same height.

"Sarah Jane?" His face split into a huge grin. "Sarah Jane Smith! Fantastic!" He held out his arms, and again, Sarah Jane was unable to resist.

"You--you look so different," she said when he let her go and she could breathe again.

"I should hope so. You don't look any different at all," he said, eyes warm. "Time's been kind to you. I haven't seen you since my fourth incarnation."

Sarah Jane was puzzled. "But I just saw you recently. How--?" She broke off as she realized what had happened.

"Future incarnation, I suppose." He displayed the ovoid he'd collected. "The Crown Prince of the Avadi, once he hatches. Someone's nanny has been very careless." The Doctor brightened. "Why don't you come with me? I'm in want of a companion just now. Would you believe the last person I asked turned me down? Blonde girl with this oaf of a boyfriend named Ricky or something."

Suddenly, Sarah Jane understood what had happened. "Was her name Rose, by any chance?"

"You know her?"

"I recently met her." Sarah Jane smiled gently, a little wistful. "With you."

"What?" He looked incredulous. "But she turned me down to look after her oversexed mum and idiot boyfriend!"

"Maybe you have to ask her again," said Sarah Jane. "You should. Considering what I saw of the two of you, you should." The Doctor looked unconvinced. "You know you shouldn't be alone, Doctor."

"Well, I suppose I didn't tell her I can travel in time," he admitted. "What can it hurt? Are you sure you won't come along?"

He looked so, so vulnerable. Sarah Jane wondered if this was the Doctor who'd just lost his people.

"I can't," she said almost reluctantly. "I'm getting too old for life with you. Ask Rose again. I don't think she'll turn you down a second time."

He smiled, easing the creases at the corners of his eyes, and laid a hand along her face. "My Sarah Jane. You really haven't changed at all." He lifted the egg a bit. "First, I'll return this. Then I'll go back to Rose."

Sarah Jane nodded, and the Doctor turned to get back into the TARDIS.

Another impulse rose within her, and Sarah Jane decided once and for all that she'd stop ignoring her desires or pushing them aside. "Doctor?"

He turned back around, and Sarah Jane reached up, grabbed him around the back of his neck, and kissed him briefly and soundly. "Goodbye, Doctor."

"Goodbye, my Sarah Jane," said the Doctor, and she didn't know if it was her imagination, but it seemed to her that the raw pain in his eyes eased just that much more.


For the_sandwalker, Rose/Mickey:

Rose was five, and she was going to marry Mickey. She knew it, even if he didn't. So one day, when she and her mum were visiting Mickey and his Gran, she jumped up on the couch where Mickey was and kissed him.

"Eww!" he yelled, wiping his mouth. "Girls!"

Yep. She was going to marry him, all right.


For aibhinn, Rose/Jack:

"Why do you care?" Rose asked, giggling a little.

Jack slouched on the couch beside her. "I'm just curious, is all."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Yes, I have had sex. No, the first time wasn't exactly spectacular. Short, messy, painful, and completely unsatisfactory. At least for me."

"Now, that's a shame," said Jack with a disapproving "tsk". "I give a great first time. You can ask anyone I've deflowered."

"You are so completely full of it," Rose laughed. "You're like the Doctor with his 'I'm so impressive' crap."

"Hey, come on--I've got my pride," said Jack. "I'm always especially good with virgins, because everyone remembers their first time."

"Really?" Rose raised her eyebrows. "So, tell me, Mr. Impressive--who popped Captain Jack's infamous cherry?"

"I'm not sure," said Jack. Rose gave him an incredulous look. "I'm really not! There were five of us in the bed, and there was hypervodka involved--"

"You know, I don't think I want to hear the rest," said Rose. She couldn't believe she was having this conversation, but somehow, Jack made it easy.

Jack's look turned speculative. "Tell you what: I will wager a dinner at the most expensive restaurant wherever our next stop is that I can give you the best kiss of your life."

She shouldn't. She really, really shouldn't.

She did. "You're on."

Jack moved closer, slipping one arm around her shoulders and cupping her face in his other hand, running his thumb along her lower lip. "I've wanted to kiss this beautiful mouth of yours since the first time I saw you."

And then he did. It was like sex with mouths. By the time he was finished, Rose was red and panting and her brain had gone into shutdown.

Jack grinned. "See you for dinner."

(You know, anyone reading this meme would think by now that this Jack person is a total slut.

. . . oh, wait, he totally is.)


For nnwest, Mickey/Jake:

They had just liberated Paris, shutting down the Cybus Industries plant there, and Mickey and Jake and the French Resistance (as they happily called themselves) went to the nearest pub. There was a great deal of drinking and a spontaneous singalong of the Marseillaise.

"Salut!" shouted their French friends.

"Bottoms up!" shouted Mickey and Jake back, and everyone roared with laughter as yet more booze went pouring down throats.

"This was a great idea," said Mickey after his cup was empty. The room was spinning pleasantly.

"Great idea," Jake agreed, finishing off his latest drink.

"Lot better'n working in a garage," Mickey went on. "Not that I don't like engines, 'cause I do, but--"

Jake kissed him. Hard and deep and passionate, with tongue. Mickey froze.

Just as abruptly as he'd grabbed Mickey, Jake pulled back, eyes wide and a little horrified. "Sorry," he mumbled. "You're not Ricky. I'm sorry."

Before Mickey could say anything, or even kick his brain back into gear, Jake ran out of the pub.


For mrs_laugh_track, Zoe/Wash:

Zoe had been watching him, and Wash was very nervous. And aroused, but around Zoe, that went without saying. For a woman who could break him without breaking a sweat, she was damn sexy. So sexy, in fact, that when she'd said something to the effect of "that damn caterpiller you keep nailed to your lip", he'd even shaved his beloved mustache.

And now she kept watching him, with those amazing dark eyes of hers. When the captain had given Wash their new destination, at meals, even when he was coming back from the showers, minding his own business. She wouldn't stop watching him.

Finally, he cracked. "What?" he demanded, turning to face her.

She hauled him out of his seat by his shirt. Wash's first thought was to pray for the safety of said shirt, which he was particularly fond of, and his second was to pray for his own safety.

His third thought died on the vine as Zoe kissed him. She kissed like she fought--hard, mercilessly, taking no prisoners.

She deposited him back into his chair. "My bunk, 1900. Don't be late," she said, and walked out of the cockpit.

Getting a job on Serenity, Wash decided, was proof that God liked him. He'd always suspected as much.


Anybody else? Get me while I'm hot!

btvs, doctor who, fanfic, meme, firefly

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