*23; voice

Feb 07, 2010 21:05

[Peeling tape and it being ripped off its roll can be heard periodically through the feed.]

There are five basic steps to winter survival. Keep them in mind and things shouldn’t look too bleak.

[Angeal sounds different to those who know him. His tone is short and quavering, breaths were the same between phrases.]

One, stay warm. Wear all the clothes you can. The layer system wasn’t invented for nothing… blankets and even sheets add warmth to your body, no matter how thick or thin they are. Use what you can. And now is no time to be shy. If you don’t have clothes or blankets or a chemical reaction that produces heat, body warmth is the next best option. And no, I don’t mean stark-naked. Huddle together to keep warm.

Two, shelter. Stay off the floor. If your sweating or in anyway wet, your ability to survive is compromised. Because you sweat when you’re hot, you sweat, when you sweat in a frozen wasteland, that water freezes and cools you as your body tries to get warm. Don’t work yourself into a sweat, it can kill you. Try to keep dry and stay where you are. If you are somewhere without any enclosures, find one, people shouldn’t be completely heartless now. I know for a fact that there is shelter at Horton if you need it. Also, if you happen to be in poor living conditions you can build a fort out of whatever is there. Not only will it give you more warmth, a tighter enclosure should give you comfort.

Three, fire. It’s what warms the world, keeps things alive, gives us light, heats food and gives you hope. But make sure it isn’t somewhere flammable or possibly toxic and in a place you can control it. A bucket of water or snow can easily help if it gets too out of hand. It can dry you and keep you warm.

Four, food. I know things have been scarce, but eat when you can. The higher the calorie, things like peanut butter or cheese, bread even olive oil which is pure fat, the better for you body. Unless you have access amount of fat for your body to burn off, you need to consume something. Just like with rapid heating and cooling, anorexia isn’t something to play with when the weather is like this.

And finally, water. Use that fire to melt snow if your pipes are frozen. Don’t think about eating it and wasting your energy because you won’t be satisfied, or heating it up with your body warmth. You need that. And because this place has been notorious for toxic weather, let it boil for a few minutes before letting it cool and drinking it. Warm, not hot, water will also heat you up from the inside out.

[The tape being ripped stops soon and covered coughs echo in the empty room. He pants, sighing.]

Keeping warm is key. The others fall into place eventually. Just use your head. Survival is a mind set, not a condition. Differentiate the two and things become all the easier. Storms like these don't normally last long. Keep your hopes up and you can make it.

[The feed was quickly cut after.]

advice, not mako enhanced, not ok, meteorologist too, defenseless, damn it's cold, snow, diehard soldier ways

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