*20; text and voice

Jan 04, 2010 21:01

[text - 90% hackable -lazy coding-;]

When Sephiroth mentioned I was left with a plant from our generous hosts, to be honest, I was less than thrilled. The warning of “don’t be surprised of what it becomes” was worrisome. Half of the plant species are harmless while there are just as many that are deadly, if not more. I’ve only had the plant for a few days but it seems that it excels in hyper growth. Where it is now, should have taken weeks to achieve. Not that I’m complaining; it’s a beautiful plant combination. It’s growth simply surprised me.

The plant itself is strange. The two types of flowers the vase contains shouldn’t be growing this close together. Then again, Discedo hasn’t been lacking surprises. -- The outer flower resembles something of Birds of Paradise. However instead of yellows, reds and oranges with that cool interior, cool colors seem to be taking over the entirety of the pedals, except the tips which are yellow.  And the bundle of flowers inside appear to be Bleeding Hearts. Their color is normal.

This plant doesn’t seem to do anything… outstandingly strange. Just about the only thing it does is sit there, smell good and look eye-catching. I’ve noted that it thrives on attention. More of when paid attention to, the entire plant physically perks up, almost reaching out. Blues turn bright and lively on the Paradise and the Hearts turn a dark red. -- When a flower or leaf is plucked it deteriorates in seconds. So far the things that have been removed haven’t shown signs of growing back.

I’m cautiously curious on how this will all turn out.



It’s a peculiar plant, that’s for sure. I almost want to thank the scientists for the gift, but I’m still skeptic about them. We’ll see how this gift plays out.

And has anyone noticed how the temperature seems to be getting colder?  Definitely not good for the plants. Most of them anyway, I‘m sure. Then again, this place never disappoints. Maybe they have a resistant gene.

I don’t, however. I need to find a coat soon before things take a turn for the worst. -- Sephiroth, I believe we discussed a long while ago about gathering supplies. Since I need a coat I thought soon would be a good time to head out and do some searching. Your thoughts?

sephiroth, meteorologist too, supplies, heading out soon, tl;dr, a-wanna-be botanist

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