So I've decided. I'm going to go to Mount Holyoke if they still want me.
In other, more interesting news, I have crack Tales of the Abyss art to share. There's really no excuse for this particular joke, except that I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that no one has done it yet. At least, not that I've seen.
That, and
genkitozuku told me that I had to. (Thanks for the vote of confidence, by the way. ^^)
I'm also terrible at drawing Guy's hair, and Luke as a whole.
For those of you who can't read my handwriting:
Panel 1:
Luke-"Hey, Guy, has the tag on your choker always had writing on it?"
Panel 2:
Guy and Luke-"..."
Guy takes off the choker.
Panel 3:
Choker: in Guy's palm "PROPERTY OF JADE CURTISS"
Panel 4:
Guy: "What the hell?! JADE!"
Luke sweatdrops.
...Sorry, I couldn't resist. You should just be glad that I kept myself from making the lame, and really obvious, Avenue Q joke.