Jul 23, 2011 15:24
[Karai spends a good long time staring at the treetops above her before she realises she's back in the forest. Then she spends a good deal more time not moving except to shift a tree root out from under her spine. Uncomfortable. Hurts. Therefore, alive.
So that's what death feels like. A pity it wasn't permanent. Out of the question, in a place like this. She has never hated Luceti more than she does at this instant.
Another betrayal, somewhere in the future. She goes home to get her father killed. To save them. Why?
Has he thrown her away?
Eventually Karai shifts to sit up, cross-legged under the tree, hand covering her throat-- not fast, those three seconds of drowning-- and tries to contemplate what to do next. She keeps losing focus. For once she doesn't care, though she eventually takes in the more pertinent details. She's wearing a New Feather dress again, which is preferable to her uniform, drenched in blood as it must have been. Thoughts of death penalties don't even occur. The only thing she can think is that if she wanders into town dressed like this...
Karai leans her head back against the tree and stays quiet, waiting until nightfall, perfectly still in the forest.
Once it's dark, she stands, ignoring the ache in her temples that makes itself known, and makes her way slowly home to her apartment in CB#4. Maybe once she gets there she'll know where the hell she goes from here.]
((ooc: Angsty McAngstpants-san can be interrupted any time you like, if you've a mind to. :|))
penalty what penalty,
best day ever,
dishonor on you,
father of the year award goes to:,
dishonor on your cow,
well shit,