Mar 19, 2006 21:10
Well I think my weekend get an overall good rating ^^
Work was...meh. But then it usually is. I do like getting paid though. And tips are nice. And I like working with Bonnie, so it's not all bad thankfully.
I had Italian with Mrs. Bonnie and Kendra. That was waaay back on thursday, but it's worth a mention because it was quite good. Though the dish I ordered was a little heavy on the sauce and bellpeppes, it was still very good.
Again. V for Vendetta was kick ass.
Saturday night was good to, I chilled over at Mike's. And started a new WoW character ^^ I think I may actually try and play this one. And of course it was great to see pretty graphics. I didn't quite realize how much mine really do suck. Then we watched some TV and such, it was all good ^^
Though I had to go to work today at 2. Which is very very very odd for me, because I usually work night shift. So I was a little werided out to walk outside and see daylight. Meh. I made decent tips so it wasn't too bad. And as soon as I showed up, Keith was leaving, which was just awesome.
So I guess my weekend was very good. I like actually having something to do during them.
And now I need to do hw. Woo. I've already studied for my Political Econ test. And that is done and finished. Not hard at all, the last one wasn't hard, I just have to show up and use common sense. Which is definatly my type of test. But I need to start my research paper for Sociology. I think what I'm going to do is actually come up with a topic. Then I'll start writting it and finding sources and such tommorw. But I NEED a topic. The options he gave us are really really broad. So damn.
And damn I love these pajama pants <3