Hey Gang,
Had a blast attending Wonder Con ten days ago. Here's a quick rundown and loads of pics!
Ewan and I did a pre-talk about this con in my podcast here:
http://www.costumestationzero.com/?p=737 More Pics and Video
So I got down the Anaheim convention Center Dresse din my Pyramids of Mars 4th Doctor Costume about Noon. I ran into Kevin Kittridge wearing my Five costume he'd borrowed the day before and his Dad was with him as well. This was the first con he'd brought him to since the 80s! So as 2 classic doctors we wandered the con and got a lot of love from Dr. Who fans.
Anaheim Convention Center
Guarding the entrance
Captain America
Jack Sparrow Leads the charge
Once inside getting badges was not an issues- very fast line. we'd run into Lizz, Katie, Rachel, Georgia, Valerie and a few other friends. It was like a SDCC/Galifrey crossover reunion.
badge lines
Double the Tom, Double the Baker
Georgia as femme Eleven
NOT in costume... but having fun
Wonder Woman
Vigilante and Judge Dredd team up- watch out
Valerie Trekkin Out TOS Style.
Star Wars!
Onceon the dealer's floor we made a plan to systematical sweep the floor but we couldn't make it very far between getting stopped for photos, running into more friends like Amy, amanda, Garth and Adam.... an taking pictures of our own of favorite costumes!
PT Barnum style both
Entire Batman family
Kevi naturaly freaked out over the Ghostbusters and we got stopped for a web interview which I include below.
Kevin as five meets the Ghostbusters
the other Three Doctors
Amy and Amanda 80's Heroines
Superman and Superboy!
Cosplay Interview as the Doctors (end of the video):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bBffKdfY-0 Zatanna and Harley Qunn
I was pretty thriled to run into another Mary Marvel and a Doc Savage. We had some fun with other Who fans, a Marty Mcfly, and a number of R2 star Wars units!
Doc Savage Man of bronze!
Doc and the doctor.
Candid Eleven
It was a fun coincidence to see a Jelly baby t-shirt witha Tom baker Photo next to it and the girls at the booth were pretty tickled by my costume and the fact that yes I did indeed offer them Jelly babies.
The Spirit Award T Shirt
The Doctor reaches the Rock of Eternity
When ya gotta get Back in Time
The Doctors in a Galaxy far far Away
Ron Ely!
Moo Cow
Pulp SciFi
Friday the 13th part 3- Alt ending where the Doctor saves the day
Wolverine Interviewed
after facing off with Jason from friday the 13th I was surprisedto find a dr. Who merch booth selling of all things dr. who Yahtzee!!! Ths is where we ran into Alannah, Hannah, Emily, Erica and the TARDIS Girl/femme eleven/River gang. and a Pupt Parrot named senor Loro interviewed me as the 4th doctor. No Joke.
Alannah, Erica, Hannah- TARDIS Girls
Cosplay Interview the 4th Doctor and Senor Loro the puppet:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjTD9jK5ObU Femme Spawn
We made a point to hit our friend Huston's TNG Enterprise Bridge to get a shot of the doctors flying the Star Trek ship- always fun to have a crossover of the big two SF franchises.
Four and five- on the TNG bridge!
The 5th Doctor- the Real hero of Ghostbusters II
Mexican Wrestlers
Crossplay reversed
When we wandered back out Kevin had an idea now that we had about 5 doctors (after running into Ewan as Bels of St. John Eleven) so we recorded a fun short of us running from.... something very bad and unseen.... Weeping Angels?
Kevin's Impromptu 'Run'- All the Doctors video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSO4oyvzeoU Then kevin left early and we ran into y friend Car who hooked me up with more jelly babies. Thanks again!
Doctors captured by the Empire
The Joker
The major event for friday was attending the Dr. Who Bells of St. John screening- a full day before it airs on BBC America and about half a day before it aired in the UK. It was very popular and we'd lined up about 90 minutes early. I was fighting a headache but luckily carl had some aspirin and was nice enough to get me a water to deal with it because it would have fouled my mood on the episode otherwise!
In Line for the Screening
We got into the panel about the time the Femme Fatales Panel began and they knew everyones was there for the Who screening and they slanted half of their questions about Dr. Who! finally the show came on and the crowd was very jazzed and cheered at many moments (enough that I was happy to rewatch it the next day to catch the lines I missed!). But it was a lot of fun and I think everyone overall gave the episode a big thumbs up afterwards. The screening was so popuar that they repeated it again after we left and scheduled a Sunday Screening as well.
At the The Bells of St. John Screening
Katie as Bucky
Ten not so sure on Jelly babies
Are You my Mummy?
Five and Six
Afterwards we milled about, took some pics and then got drinks and dinner at CPK down the way at the nearby mall before I finally called it a night and made the long drive home.
After the Screening
Saturday started late for me. As Teri was sick w/ a cold and unable to attend at all, it changed my plans of what to wear. So I decided to wear my next new baker- the City of Death S17 look- "or Casual Baker." Anyway I made it back down to Anaheim around 12:30 and hit the flor pretty fast- furiously testing with Kevin kittridge and Ewan Anderson to meet up. I ran into Andrew Elkins and his irlfriend Gen as Four and Sarah jane who I'd met at Galy and SDCC '12. We decided to stick together and wander around and let me tel you- having TWO Tom bakers really seemed to excite the fans and we stopped for a LOT of photos.
Andrew and Gen as Four and Sarah jane
Krusty the clown
As we wandered I finally met up with evin stil dressed as five and we did a lot of 3 Doctors shots. Andrew and I perfected the bugging out Tom eyes" while Kevin perfected a 'discaring shrug' - But we saw a lot of other awesome and retro costumes! Here is a good sampling below.
Dark Helmet and Marty McFly Pt II
Femme C3P0 and R2D2
Guy Gardner the new companion?
Day of the moon!
Judge Dredd
I passed Angie and Chad of Screen Team several times and on the 4th pass we finally got some pics together. I recall hanging with them during my early firefly/Serenity fan days ba in 2005/2006 in the sSoCal Browncoat meetups so it was nice to catch up.
With Angie and Chad- Screen Team
We also ran into a Zombie cop and had to get a photo for our friend Rick (the director of the Big Whobowski) who... well let's say is a fan of the concept.
Doctor Who and ZOMBIE COP
Aliens Colonial Marines
We finally tracked down kelly and valerie. Partly to say hi and partly to get Kelly a copy of his Podcast so he could re-check it for content to make sure all was kosher. Valerie was rocking the Wonder Woman and Kelly was rocking the Spirit! It was awesome to also see a terrific Rocky Balboa!
Rocky and Wonder Woman for the win
Our Standard 3 Doctors Shot for the day
The Doctors have SPIRIT
Andrew and I also ran into 2 other Tom bakers and made us halfway to a Baker's dozen.
Baker Trios
He-Man and She-Ra
Two Face
Dr. Doom
Katie ran into us showing off her awesome Robin costume. Meanwhile- my fav costume for sat was probably the Prof Bergman Space 1999 - not one you see much these days!
Katie as Robin
Prof Bergman - Space: 1999
Catie and Salina
form here I ran into carl in the 4th doctor robe and scarf ding a doctor-Dude mash-up. And my friends Mark and james (NOT in costume but having a good time nonetheless. James kept threatening to buy me Man form Atlantis and thankfully never followed through on that one! We all took a late lunch at the Hilton Food court where I had an awesome submarina sandwich!
Carl doing a Doctor-Dude
Baroness GI JOE
Movie Sue Storm
Iron man
Color Halo
Poison Ivy and Catwoman
Green arrow
Black Canary
Back on the con floor, I took some Wonder Con backdrop pics, learned that disney princess Belle was a Big fan of the doctor, had a nice catch up with Malaki and Brian (at the Inspector spacetime booth) and took a ton more photos for fans.
Four- Wonder Con Pose
TNG and Power Girl
R2 Builders
Doctor Who Merch
Two Doctors
I was pretty impressed with a femme Dr. doom, some transformers, a wAL-E and a some Who Merch like a 5500 Year diary (Officially licenced no less- CRAZY) and a Tent TARDIS that folded out to have the interior of the Smith console Room!!!
Spider Man Maguire vs Garfield
More Than Meets the Eye
2005 Casual Batman
Femme Doom
Ready to take on the silence
Amy and Amanda Don't Panic!
Game of Thrones
Batman and Robin Rooftop
Finally, Malaki, James, Mark and Kevin took off for home. Ewan, Erica, Alannah, Hannah and the gang and I decided to hit the wonder con masquerade! This was very educational as I hadnt watched/attended a Masque in a long while as an audience member. It really showed me what worked and what didn't for single and group entries. There were soe very impressive costumes including Hawkman, a headless zombie, a fab fight stunt show between snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, a Lord of the rings re-enactment, Gandalf, lego Darth Maul, adorable little girl R2-D2, and a giant Spider. hannah entered as a Steampunk 10th doctor with a TARDIS parisol which was fab and won a few awards! Congrats again Hannah!
Masquerade Entrants
Afterwards we hung out and had drinks at the hotel and chatted away about various topics including our musings on - if you had the power to kickstarter a new movie/season of your fav show/franshise- what would it be? (excluding firefly because we al pick that one) AND If there had been a 3rd Timothy Dalton Bond Film had happened in 1991 or 92- what group would likely have done the title tune???? Some ideas we batted around was The Cure, Nirvana and so on.
And on that note I made the weary drive back home to crash.
So I almost wore my new Sixth doctor Sunday but decided I needed to get footpads/gel guards for my new boots- comfortable feet won the day so I opted for the trusty Season 12 baker- and hey- it made this the first con in ages where I stayed the same character albeit in variants for a while con! Due to oversleeping I made it down the con about 1-1:30. And weirdly enough for being easter Sunday 1- traffic was truly awful- way worse than the other two days. and 2- there was big turnout of church/religious guys telling us congoers how we need to find Jesus- which.. I guess is gpod to know.
Luke cage!
Four and Ten
Before I got in I ran into Ewan and erica and dylan and other Who cosplayers making it an impromptu who group meet up which drew a lot of attention. Also got to try an Awesome ice cream sandwich at the food trucks.
Impromptu Doctor Who meet up by food trucks
At this point Erica, Alannah, hannah and the gang ended up taking off early. the post con blues were now setting in! But Ewan and I decided to hang out for the reminder of the con with my friend Ramie- to do a final sweep on the dealer floor!
Plastic Man Finds Back Issues
James West
A Town called... The Wild Wild West
Wonder Woman on the bridge
We hadn't make a stop at the TNG bridge again to recreate the IDW Trek Crossover with 11, 4 and the Trek crew- the Dream Team!
Doctor Who Star trek Crossover Dream Team
Two Fours and Eleven
Zatanna and Robin
Oblivion Craft
Finally Ewan made some last minute purchases, I couldn't find mine (some Dr. Who DVDS I wanted to buy- but no official releases were to be had!- so money saved), Ramie said his farewell and we got to have a nice chat with Jason palmer about art and conventions. We chatted away til the con pretty much closed. We then made our way over to downtown disney to have an awesome sandwich in earl's Sandwich- a place I recommend for the sandwich lover. Most people paid s no mind in costume but a few fans did ask for pics while we ate which was very cool to meet Wo fans randomly at disneyland!
Finally I dropped Ewan off back home and made the drive back myself to get back in some comfy civvies and pass out. All in all as we predicted a no pressure, casual and very fun con. Awesome to hang with friends and show off some cool costumes and see a great screening of Dr. Who. cI can't wait til next year!
Ewan Ends the Con on a good note