The Gallifrey One 2013 Report - Sunday!

Mar 11, 2013 05:48

Hey Gang

The final day and final entry. The day I could final relax a little and breathe. Read on for Sunday/Portrait and After Gally Sylvester McCoy Meet and Greet details!

More Gallifrey pics and Info

So Sunday morning I awoke feeling like a truck hit me. The Comedy Sketch Zygon truck of Galifrey One. Apparantly my head hit the pillow that night and I was out in 2 seconds flat. Anyway I dressed up in sort of half civies-half S17 Baker mode. Showered, hit iMDB for a refresh on June Hudson's credits, sketched out a few loose questions and headed downstairs to meet her. Turns out my plan to use program E to interview her was a bad one. The tech guys were still setting it up and didn't aford the privacy needed. Luckily when june Showe dup she was nice enough to offer to conduct the interview in her suite away from the hustle and bustle of the con floor. Sounded good to me! So I got word to Scott via ben where we were going and he joined us upstairs shortly thereafter.

The three of us had a nice chat about Doctor Who, Blakes 7, A for Andromeda, survivors and her time at the BBC. It was nice to have such one on one time wit a guest talking costumes and a real nice highlight of the con for me. You can hear the interview on my podcast here: Costume Station Zero Ep 28!

Although my Sound recorder had been stolen on Friday, Teri's laptop made for a decent stand in recorder via garageband thank goodness! June later joined us on the floor to have a new portrait photo taken of her by Scott which turned out great!

June Hudson Portrait Photo By Scott Sebring

Afterwards I wondered the floor for a bit. I took in another cosplayer's fab Novice Hame costume with a custom cat-mask made of cloth no less. Most impressive.

Cat Nuns Encounter K9

Cloth Cat Nun Mask

Console Room Monster Museum

I stopped back at the room to suit up in my new and improved Sixth Doctor costume thanks to Steve Ricks' fab new coat! Adding it the Cloth Ears gear sent it home and it was fun to wear this doctor again for the first time since Time Quest in 2010!

Downstairs, after admiring the Monster Museum in the console Room (with the Zygon addition!), I went to the Cosplay Hall where Scott was setting up his Photography equipment to do cosplay portraits. He only did this on Sunday this year do the craziness involved with the Sketch show on the previous day.

Scott sets up for Portrait Photography

Lyn as Leela

As June was leaving after getting her portrait done, it was a pleasure to se her reaction to a Season 8 Four Cosplayer and ask to have her picture taken with her. I heard she was doing this a lot during the con, especially with Malaki's K1 robot!

June Hudson with a Season 18 Four cosplayer

The portrait taking though were awesome and a lot of fun. A lot of us stepped before is camera off and on throughout the day. Ben was often there to help out or take his own photos as well.

Double Threes - Photo By Scott Sebring

Erik and Katy as Four and Romana II Photo by Scott Sebring

Lyn as Leela Photo by Scott Sebring

Cat Nun on the prowl- Photo by Scott Sebring

Eleven - Photo By Scott Sebring

Malaki's K1 Robot- Photo by Scott Sebring

Jenny - Photo by Scott Sebring

Rachel as Lady Christina Photo by Scott Sebring

Ewan as Eleven Photo by Scott Sebring

Steve Ricks As Eleven Photo by Scott Sebring

At a certain point Scott set up the lighting in such a way as to mimic the effect of the classic Doctor headshots in the opening titles for us to use. These were pretty cool and came out great. I felt bad mine was being taken as Colin baker and not Tom Baker. Scott then told me to run up and change and he'd keep the lights in place.

Doctor Opening titles Head Shots - Photos by Scott Sebring

We also took that time to get a three Six Doctors Shot as Steve, Sal and Myself all were wearing the fruits of Steve's labors on the Six coat project and interestingly were sporting the three main TV varients of Colin's Costume (Season 22, Vervoids and Mindwarp) so it made for a cool picture.

The Three Doctors of Six - Photo by Scott Sebring

Rachel as Lady Christina

Girl in the Fireplace Shot!

After some more wandering where I got to see miriam (praedestinatio)'s fab Survival Master costume, a funny meet of the Snowman and the Adipose, I basically found myself pinballing between the Dealer's Room, the console room and the Cosplay Hall. In the Dealer's Room I made some last minute purchases of vintage buttons, 50th anniversary posters, con t-shirts, and just catching up with some of the guys at the booths like Dale Santos. I had a nice time running into fellow cosplayers who seemed to know me form this blog or the podcast talking about our current projects and swapping ideas and tips. I got into a pretty in-depth 6th Doctor conversation due to the fact I was wearing it at the time and did my best to advise how to go about improving and making it but still remain on a tight budget.

Sound of Drums Music Panel

I popped my head into the final 10 minutes of CJ, Kelby, and Ramie's Sound of Drums music of Dr. Who panels. They had re-scored the love and Monster's hallways chase with Benny Hill, which said volumes! I returned an Amy Pond statue to Ramie which I had from Comic Con and scratched another small to-do item off my list! Again this was a neat panel and one I'd like to see or at least hear if they ever get their recording of it posted somewhere and if so I highly suggest people with an interest in TV/film music check it out.

Third Doctor

Adipose and Melted Snowman

Lyn and Miriam as Leela and the Master

Miriam as Survival Master

Ainley Original Master costume

Blake as Planet of Fire Five

Sal and Steve- double sixes.

At the Console Room I stopped in just as former 60s companions Jamie and Victoria (Frazier Hines and Deborah Watling) were piloting the controls again and having a ball! Also Nick Briggs stopped in to exterminate some controls as well!

Frazier Hines and Debbie Watling back at the controls

The final Shot

Nick Briggs and Barnaby Edwards at the Console

The final shot

I ran into Pete as the 4th Doctor where he got me some Farrah’s toffee in a tin- which was just like a prop used by Tom Baker so another pocket prop scratched off the list- thanks Pete!

Four and Six- Baker Boys

I was actually on my way to the monster/Villain panel from the console Room- Paul was too busy with the photo ops and couldn’t make it so I stopped in to make his apologies. Malaki and Kevin Coppa asked me to talk a little about the Zygon which I did quickly… must have been an odd Sight having Six talk Zygons but oh well… I gave a nutshell version of what went into the Zygon and then promptly directed people to my blog build about it for further info. With that, I gratefully let Malaki and Kevin take things back over.

Stopping in at the Monster Making Panel

Sonic Lance cheap version

When I got back to the Cosplay Hall I found Valerie as Three and thought it would be fun to take some shots- the almost timelash crossover anyway! I finally had an excuse to bust out a cheap and dirty Sonic lance Build I’d made from an old cazoo, toothbrush holder, putty and a bit of paint in between down moments making the Zygon. Nothing fancy but for photo purposes it does the job.

As Six W/ Valerie as Three

Pete and Deb- Mercy and Four

Three and Four- friends or not?

I spent a lot of time at this point lounging with cosplayers, catching up with folks, starting to get a lay of the land on highlights of the con for people as we were reaching wind down point. Scott and ben were taking great pics and last but not least I finally caught up with Steve Ricks again to get my brand new pair of 6th Doctor custom boots to complete my newly upgraded outfit!

Scott gets in the groove

Ewan and Angel Photo by Scott Sebring

Sarah as Time Warrior Sarah Jane

Valerie as Three Photo by Scott Sebring

Teri as Femme Three Photos by Scott Sebring

Vickie's Snowman Photos by Scott Sebring

Kevin and Rachel/Ten and Christina Photo by Scott Sebring

Time Warrior Photos by Scott Sebring

Who crew Photo by Scott Sebring

CJ as Eight Photo by Scott Sebring

Robot attack Photo by Scott Sebring

Brian reenacting Nine's 'Armless problem Photo by Scott Sebring

Jodi as Doctor/Donna Photo by Scott Sebring

After getting an obligatory “everyone is dead on the floor after gally” shot I went upstairs to change into four for my opening titles-style headshot but found as I changed out and sat on the bed my body waived a big white flag. I was just too wiped out to consider dressing up again as for even if it was for 5 minutes. I regret not doing it now of course but in the moment I was cooked in cream pudding.

Cosplay Hall downtime between photos

So in my civvies we took the time to pack up the room, I got the backdrops down and rolled up thnks to help from everyone else still standing. I moved a few items t the Console Room that had to go on the truck which again the Gallifrey Crew were gracious enough to let us hitch a ride on their truck since the one we’d hired hadn’t even called to apologize ditching us! I was told by Brian that the crew had the Console room pack up in hand, so I went to go search for food with the gang. Although sadly it was around this time that not only did I notice my boom box/CD Deck had been stolen sometime the previous night but also that one of Paul’s Sonic Screwdriver remotes for the console had also been taken! We filled out hotel security reports about this but it was a major bummer note to end the con on.

Console Room Pack Up

Cosplay hall- Afternoon Wind Down and Hang Out

And we're all Dead Tired

Form there nearly all of us made a quick drive down the street to enjoy the food at the Daily Grill (Escaping Champions once again!)

The big big crowd Out to the last big Dinner Sunday Night- Daily Grill

We swapped stories, talked of how to streamline things for next year and I dreamt of getting my much loved slice of Key Lime Pie which was delicious as always. Others at the tables disagreed and went for other really tasty dessert fare.

The Daily Grill- the Other desserts

How we packed so many people for the trip out

Once finished we all headed back to the Marriott for a final Taste of lobbycon. I made the rounds chatting costumes and panels with folks. I got wind about a possible TV Hitchhiker’s Guide Group idea I may jump in on…. And then after an hour of so I realized I needed to crash to a begrudgingly went back upstairs to the room.

Sunday Night Lobbycon

Two Doctors crash LobbyCon

River Song

The empty Halls after the con is over

Some other neat Gally Pics can be seen here:

Post Gally:

In the morning we hastily packed up and got our stuff down to the car fairly quickly. For al the costumes and props and snacks we carry it boggles me how quickly we’re able to get it in and out of the room and car. I made my goodbyes to several people and even ran into Sylvester McCoy in the Parking Ramp!

Hanging out After our personal pack and load up

We connected with Scott, Vickie, Malaki, Christina, Erin, Julie and Ben. We all decided on an In-N-Out Bruger lunch down the street so off we went.

Monday Morning LobbyCon

Ben tries his first IN N Out Burger

For Ben it was his First In-N Out so I snapped a pic for the occasion. Otherwise we just enjoyed classic CA Fast Food and tried out best to decompress. With that we all made our formal goodbyes and set off to make the drive bac to our homes.

In-N Out Post Gally Lunch

When I got home, Teri had to load out and drive out quick to make a meeting that night. Then I had to unload on my own (with my elevator going out so hauling 12 costumes and various props up a coupe o flights was no fun!) Then turn aond and head back to Paul’s to help unload the TARDIS Console, Dalek etc along with the TARDIS backdrop and mannequin which I needed to load up in mar car. Oh and also help load up the Star trek TYNG chairs on my fried Rick’s Truck to drive back to Hustons. No rest for the Gally Con Goer!

Console Load Out at Paul's on Monday Night

With all this done I got home to rest??? No… to Prep for the Small Private Meet and Greet with Sylvester McCoy we put together last minute! I stayed up super late cutting clips together of all of mcCoy’s stories and interviews/outtakes and then napped before Tuesday morning…

Tues - Sylvester McCoy Private Meet and Greet

I woke early to head back to Paul’s where he hosted a small 15 person Meet and Greet I helped organize with the 7th Doctor himself! We set up extra chairs, prepped the console and costumes including my replica of the Seven costume, various Who props, Monster costumes etc and ordered the lunch.

Mccoy at the console on the meet and greet day

Everyone arrived on time at 1PM and McCoy himself arrived about 1:30PM. For a weekday lunch/hang out we were happy to have pulled it off on such short notice.

Myself, Scott, Kevin and Erin (Ace!) with McCoy at the console on the Meet and Greet

McCoy was a real delight sharing stories about his time on Doctor Who, The Hobbit, other conventions etc. He was nice enough to put on a replica Eye Drive patch for fun and he had a lot of interesting comments when we ran the clips I’d put together to do kind of a live “McCoy Years” style review. Sadly we had to stop this halfway though so he would have time to take photos at the console and sign autographs.

Signing for... Ace?

We also catered in lunch from Zankou Chicken which was really great and I think everyone agreed hit the spot!

McCoy Telling Stories about the Hobbit and Dr. Who

When he passed by my replica of his costume he asked ‘What is this, Peter Jackson’s home?” but he was a good sport and after he examined it seemed to give it a thumbs up of approval ☺ He was often asking to borrow one of my question Mark Umbrellas for the photos ops which was neat!

McCoy goofs off with my replica of his costume

Watching Survival

After taking photos and signing a lot of various pictures, posters and merchandise he cam back in right when the clips for survival and the TVM were showing which was… well timed!

McCoy is ready for the Silence

At the end of the Afternoon, everyone began making their goodbyes and leaving. And it turned out McCoy was about to meet to have dinner with none other than Daphne Ashbrook aka Dr. Grace Holloway! It was an unexpected TVM Reunion to say the least!

McCoy and Ashbrook together again

Afterwards Paul helped check McCoy into his Flight back home to the UK and soon enough we had the doctor on his way!

Paul checks McCoy in for his flight

It was great to have quiet one on one time with McCoy as a way to wind down from the craziness of Gallifrey. It was a great con, just nuts, busy and a wee high on the stress level but it’s great to see friends again, perform some fun skits, take cool photos, show off new costume projects and meet your favorite who celebs. All in all a (packed) fun weekend.

For a last tidbit on Gallifrey please check out the Post Gally Podcast I did with Kevin Kittridge

And that wraps it up for this year's Gallifrey! See you all next year!


tardis, june hudson, seven, three, cosplay, four, gallifrey one, eleven, frasier hines, deborah watling, sylvester mccoy, conventions, eight, ten

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