The Gallifrey One 2013 Report - Friday!

Mar 06, 2013 10:08

Hey Gang

Another Gallifrey Con has come and gone. As always it was a bit of a whirlwind, lot of good friends, good memories, good costumes and a lot of hard work went into this con but all in all a good time. Read on for pre-Gally and Friday details!

More Gallifrey pics and Info

So this was a pretty crazy year for me. I think I finally learned my personal limit on how much I should be doing before and during the Con. Working on a Robert Conrad tribute montage, working the IMATS show in Mid-Jan, making a 4 week final push to finish a Lebowski/Who mash up fan film (more on that in the Sat Entry), writing a one hour sketch show for after the Masque (plus rehearsals), arranging the cosplay panel track, prepping the new backdrop, getting my new 4th Doctor costumes ready, managing my group runs as always and making a Zygon costume.... it was literally almost too much but hey life presents it's challenges.

For a more complete breakdown on the Zygon please check out the build diary: - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6

Pre Gally

Rehearsing the Companions/Real World Sketch on the same night we lost our Pre-Gally Podcast

So earlier in the fall I was told we were given the green light to have a room to perform a full comedy sketch show along the lines of what we'd previously done in the Masquerade only a complete program. I drafted about 16 skits after some brain storming with the Thu Who crowd. 2 skits were set aside for the Masque itself and 2 were quickly set aside for later as they weren't up to snuff. In the weeks leading up to Gallifrey, groups of us were meeting or skyping together every night to rehearse these and refine them.

Vickie works on her Snowman costume

The week prior I find Vickie making a last minute Snowman costume much like her rather last miute Ambassador of Death the year before. I looked forward to the final result! We also sadly lost our fabulous recording of a pre-Gallifrey podcast for Costume Station Zero that night that Scott, Ewan and myself recorded with Vickie, Erin, Julie and Teri all chiming in the background while they all were sewing frantically. It was pure gold and captured pre-con crazies well but blame the technology gods for the recording not taking so that 90 minutes is lost to ethers of time.

Rehearsing the Masque Zygons Sketch

Shortly before the con we were informed we couldn't do our usual closing Masque Skit. We were disappointed but logistics ruled the day so Sarah (minervamoon's) very well done & touching sketch tribute to Lis Sladen/Sarah Jane closed the Masque and our intended closer was moved into our Comedy Show. We still had a competition entry with a very strong Zygon presentation Paul and I worked on together, so we did not entirely abandon the Masque.

Skype rehearsing the Producers/Whose Line Is It Anyway? Sketch

So we worked on our Zygons masque skit, an 11 Doctors 50th Anniversary skit, a WHose Line Is It Anyway Improv style skit with Dr. Who producers, and a Companions Annonymnous/Real World spoof among others. Honestly with everything going on it got kinda crazy. But fans embrace the crazy right?

Rehearsing the 11 Doctors Sketch

The Thu night before gally I was still assembling the powerpoint with images and sounds for the sketch show and making the all-important VHS magnetic tape 'media' scarf prop for the Whovians skit. Luckily Teri finished it up for me while I was packing costumes! The week before I was frantic assembling, buying and borrowing what extra costumes and props I needed and helping Paul pre-set up for the truck load up that night of the TVM Console, Dalek, Zygon, Morbius, our backdrop, the TNG bridge chairs and other odds and ends.

Making the Magnetic/VHS Tape Scarf for the Whovians Sketch

Thu Night

Teri and I arrived at Paul's in Burbank where Brian Uiga and John Adams (farflav) were already waiting so we could all load up the truck to the Marriott. The TVM Console didn't get any new major upgrades this year beyond a new sturdy custom dolly Paul made which could transport it on it's side to allow it to go through the hotel doors much easier than what we dealt with last year! The Dalek was getting a few last minute repairs, the Zygon Chamber we'd made, the Morbius, TNG Chairs etc were all lined up ready to go.

Fixing the Dalek's mobility

John guards the brain of Morbius

Ready for load up at Paul's

Then disaster struck. For reasons unknown still to this day, the trucking company we'd hired totally ditched us without a reason why. These were the same guys who helped us the year before with the console and we'd had no trouble at all. It still baffles us to the unprofessionalism of these guys but there you have it. Regardless it was getting later and later by almost 9PM and our last confirmed communication had been at 7:20, (when the truck was already about an hour late) and all we were getting antsy. We kept getting voicemail, plus every other firm was closed for business at this time of night so we turned to Tadao & the folks at Gallifrey and thank heavens they bailed us out! Tadao drove the truck they had for equipment and Police Box load in to us in Burbank and we finally loaded up around 10:30 at night. It was a huge relief and we thanked Tadao, Robbie and the Gally Crew to no end.

Loading up the gear!

Brian and Scott unload the Dalek

So with that problem behind us we made it down to the Marriott at a quick pace and met the truck. I ran into several friends in the lobby including my friends pete and Deb form the UK and Sal (sporting his new Six Costume from Steve Ricks) from the east coast. I got a hold of my friends Scott and Ben and we all met in the loading dock to unload as fast as possible.

Unloading the TARDIS at the Marriott

Unloading in the console room

We dropped everything off to sit overnight in the Console Room. The same one as the year before. We couldn't pre-set up as someone was sleeping in there (who I know we woke with the noise- sorry again!). With this done, I checked into our room and unloaded all of our gear and costumes and made a stop through LobbyCon around 2AM saying hello to friends and passing out some of the ribbons I had. Our Thu/Friday Ribbons were:, and Let Zygons be Zygons. After this I finally headed to bed!

Brian's CD/Record player for Console/Who music - custom printed vinyl no less!


I got up early and kept to civvies for the moment as I'd have to prep things in the Cosplay Hall first. So I gathered all the materials I needed and bid my roommates Teri, Ben and Van adieu as I was first out the door.

Putting up the Ten Era Paper backdrop

Once downstairs, I put out the cosplay web resources cards, picked up my badge (they were much stricter about checking badges this year due to the sell out) costume station zero cards and set up the Cosplay Hall for seating and clearing the wall areas for the backdrops. Putting up the 10th Doctor one was easy and a repeat of previous years of moving 4 large paper sheets and a lot of mounting tape.

Assembling the frame and putting up the new Backdrop.

I occasionally popped in to the console room to check on Brian if he needed a hand and grab the new backdrop/ body forms etc from the room. I also met up briefly with Shaun Lyon to catch up and Paul to loan him my Iron and steamer to help get the Console Photo backdrop looking tip top.

Brian and Paul - ready for a Time Travelin Day.

Back to the TARDIS backdrop though - I was really proud of the new Classic TARDIS Backdrop to replace the damaged one we used from '09-'12. This one was newly designed by Kevin Coppa and printed locally on a large canvas piece. The PVC frame was custom build by Malaki Keller. It took a little finagling and a slight Macgyver maneuver by Scott and Ben with some zip ties to keep it upright due to the weight but it came together well and looked really smashing. Thanks again guys!

New Backdrop up at last!

Bob's happy with the Backdrop- Classic Who!

Once up we were already figuring out the easiest way to move it to program D to become a backdrop for our sketch show and help us create a 'backstage' but this was a Saturday problem to contend with. After wrapping this up and stashing my repair kit I ran to the Panelist Primer Panel I was on with Scott and Jennifer Adams Kelly. I was already brain addled from everything and know I muddled through the panel with great help from the others. It was fun though, we seemed to answer questions from all concerned and I think we proved a good benefit to those new to being panelists.

Scott and I at the panelist Primer Panel. We're either in mid blink, brain addled or falling asleep. Or all three.

John and Lyn as Eight and Lucie

Adam as Five with a Femme Eleven

Afterwards I made a point to finally return the famous Ten Water Gun to dan/Risu which he was nice to loan to us for the Whobowski production (for a cut scene where the Brig/Walter holds the water gun to Smokey/Benton for going 'over the line!')

Elevens (Dan/Risu and Ewan)

Kiss o Gram Amy and Roman Rory

Finally I took a moment to rush upstairs, change into my new Season 17/City of Death Costume I'd been putting together over the fall, with a new coat by Steve Ricks. It was a whole new costume short of the wig and shoes and I have to say I really enjoyed wearing this! Casual Tom but still elegant and not as hot to wear!

The Cosplay 101 panel

Downstairs I was back at it on the Cosplay 101 panel which was packed. Dan, Scott, CJ and Vickie and I worked well together and hit the basics of costuming. Now I did record this and the next couple of panels and planned to put them up but sadly by sound recorder was stolen after the Wonderflex workshop (in what appears to have been a small string of thefts at the con this year). So big time bummer and yet another podcast lost! For similar points we made I will point people to our first inaugural podcast if anyone is interested which covers a lot of the same ground.

Explaining something of dire importance

Five, Four and Dodo. (Kevin, Erik and Teri)

Four offering Jelly babies

Double Fours

After this panel, I split off with Kevin Kittridge who'd suited up as Five, and Steve Ricks - dressed in a Season 14 Baker variant that looked great and we headed to his room so I could finally collect my Six coat I'd commissioned. I'd been following Steve's progress on this ever since the start back in 2010 and It was a thing of beauty to finally see it complete and fitting so well!

More on this at Steve's Blog:

I saw Steve's full closet of Six coats- his own and others in multiple stages of completion for his panel the following day.

Steve's Closet of Six Coats

Trying on my new Six coat by Steve Ricks- Doctor mashup!

We split off at this point where I made a point to catch the end of the 1st autograph session and get my 500 YEar Diary signed by Dick Mills, Costume Designer June Hudson and Golden Era 4th Doctor Producer Philip Hinchcliffe! I caught them all as they were leaving thank goodness, Philip was totally cool and put up with my fan gushing a bit and I told him to look out for our Zygon Costume (which I know Steve had mentioned to him on the plane ride over) and he seemed really intrigued about it. My only regret was not taking a real photo with him so this candid from Kevin will have to do!

Five and Tegan reunited!

Meeting Philip Hinchcliffe

Erin, Dan, Katie and friends

Afterwards I did some proper wandering with Kevin, Teri (as Dodo), Katie (As peri) and her friend. We hit the dealer's room where i got autographs from Stephen Thorne (Omega!!!), and Mark Strickson (Turlough). They were both very nice and I kept it brief as there was a line both times. Minor regret #2- I couldn't find my vintage 80's TARDIS crew poster with Davison, Strickson and Fielding (the other two had previously signed it) so I was unable to complete the set. Oh well, hopefully another opportunity will arise after I locate it.

Dodo And Five at the lift

Peri just can't get through to Five.

Con Suite Stop

Afterwards we wandered through the Con Suite for snacks and a drink. Kevin and I wandered back on the main floor so I could pick up some Con t-shirts for some friends and basically chinwag with folks and check out several new costumes like Erin's Invasion Zoe, Sarah's Time Warrior Sarah Jane, and Justin Seven/ClockWork Droid!

Five is not impressed with all these Fours

Four and Romana II

Andrew as Four w/ his GF as Sarah Jane

Sarah as Time Warrior Sarah Jane

Clockwork Droid!!!

Justin As Seven!

Erin as Invasion Zoe

I popped into the Console Room where the photography I heard was going well. Aubrey had borrowed my Seven costume to stand in as a Doctor as well as John in his Eight to both stand in as Doctors when needed and there were a lot of great pics - including some with the Doctor himself- Sylvester McCoy!

Aubrey and John as stand-in Doctors

McCoy back at the controls.

The Entire Tardis Console Room Crew at the end of the day.

Chloe Dykstra (dressed as Clara Oswin) was there doing interviews and setting up some kind of Dating Game for Cosplayers with Amys and Doctors (possibly inspired by our skit form the year before - who knows?) for JustCos.

JustCos Sets up some shots in the Console Room

JustCos Chloe Dykstra as Clara Oswin

Eleven Rory and Rose... not having a good day

Back in the Cosplay Hall, Vickie was showing off her Snowman which looked fab and I hear was a real hit of the con. Plus when she sat down she looked like a 'melted' Snowman!

Vickie's Snowman!

Four, Zoe and Sarah jane and the gang hanging out

Malaki was often seen here working on and prepping the last steps on his K1 Robot build. He showed me the head and I was suitably impressed. It was a costume I knew was coming but for the tight timeframe he made it in, I was surprised at how amazing it was looking. It was so last minute I didn't have time to write it into the show (which trust me I would have done had I had proper warning!).

Four faces his old Foe!

Cosplay Hall Candids

Offering Jelly Babies

Ark in Space Sarah Jane

River and Regen Eleven

After some more goofing off in the Cosplay Hall, I ran into probably my favorite costume of the con- a 1960's Dalek INvasion of Earth ROBOMAN! This guy was AWESOME!

60's Dalek Invasion Roboman! My Fav costume at the con.

LizTen and River

I also ran into Steve now finally in his full Six Outfit complete with custom knitted S22 waistcoat. He was always careful to check in on whatever I was wearing so we didn't 'double up' specific outfits which was nice of him.

Steve shows off the Six duds

Four and Six

After this I went solo to the June Hudson Costumer's reception, Q&A. June was really a delight and talked fondly of working on Season 17 and 18, designing Tom's outfit, her ideas on other Doctor's including her Davison Costume design and her dislike of the question marks added to the costume. Afterwards I had a small chat with her and Piers and she agreed to be interviewed on my podcast. We exchanged info and agreed to find a time the next day. More on this to come.

June Hudson Costume Reception

Outside I ran into a great mash up costume- the Dude-Ood or Dood.... which is odd since we'd just done a Who/Lebowski Mash Up Trailer the timing was uncanny. Makes me wish we'd worked him into it somehow!

Dude Ood or D-Ood.

Then I saw my friend Pete in his new Dr. WHo/Cushing Costume complete with newspaper and specs I helped him get off ebay. Valerie happened by As One and like the shot I got of her and Scott 2 years prior I got another shot of the early 60's Doctors together!

Pete as Cushing Dr. Who

Who and "Who" 60's unites

I popped into the Console Room to check on things and heard from Paul how Much Philip Hinchcliffe and many of the guests were awed by the props and console. This year thanks to the generosity of Philip Segal, the original TVM Sonic, Doctor's Bag and Eye of Harmony Staff were on display along with Brian's replica 7th Doctor TVM outfit and a number of Monster costumes including the Morbius, Mal & Christina's Adipose and Cyberman and eventually the K1 Robot. It made for an impressive display!

Valerie Perez Treks out

Monsters and Brian's 7th Doctor Replica 'Museum'

Valerie Perez was helping out in Classic Star Trek Gear for Huston Huddleston's Star Trek Bridge restoration project, two shairs of which were on display along with a TNG styled customized monitor. More on this project here:

Original Sonic and Doctor's Bag on Display

Console Room

Staff from the Eye of Harmony

Six, Peri and Jamie The Two Doctors Reunion Shot

Friday Night Rehearsing

Finally Friday night was upon us. I basically snacked on clif bars and jerky in the hotel room before meeting up with our large cast to properly rehearse the 13 skits we'd planned for the show. Everyone split off into groups and ran lines while we took people and ran final blocking (epsecially for the out of state folks) for the skits.

Steve and his K9 Check in For Sarah Jane and Three's a Companion notes.

Steve then showed up with his custom K9 to run the Sarah Jane Tribute skit with Sarah Falk and go over what he needed to do for our Three's Company Parody. The loa don Steve and K9 was fairly light so he left early.

Cute Couple Erik and Katy

Torchwood After hours w/Jack Harkness Rehearsal

We did a Larry King/Tonight Show spoof called Torchwood After Hours with Jack Harkness. These were recurring small onnective skits to cover interivews with the 1st, 9th and 11th Doctors. We knocked out this rehearsal fairly painlessly.

Crazy Eddie Used TARDIS Lot Rehearsal

Just looking over things

Next we worked on a short commercial- a Used car Lot spoof for Used TARDIS's with Erik (steedonfilm) and Scott. They knew their lines so this was another easy rehearsal.

Whovians Rehearsal

We spent a lot of time on the opening skit about Whovians (where the VHS scarf would make it's appearance) to get timing and blocking right. It took finessing but we felt this finally come together pretty well by the end.

11 Doctors Rehearsal

We worked on a Whose Line is it Anyway Style skit with Dr. Who producers and the major closing skit "The 11 Doctors" Because of the sheer number of people on stage this took a lot of finessing in blocking but we knew we had something special. By this point though tensions began tio run high as it was getting later, due to food or schedule conflicts we were starting to lose people so we just toughed it out and gotthrough what we could and luckily most people were able to return if they had to leave.

Androids Promo Rehearsal

We spent a hurried ten minutes on an Androids: 3 generations of Cybermen follow up from 2012. This time for various reasons we were without 2 of the Cybermen so we focused on other 'family members' like a VOC and a Weeping Angel. This got the least rehearsal time and while we pulled it off, I wish we'd ironed out a couple more of the kinks. But like Classic Who production we just had to make due with the time we had.

Zygons Be Zygons Masque Sketch Rehearsal

We did a final run through of our Masque Skit which we all felt pretty strongly about and we pretty much knew our cues. This was mostly for the benefit of our "Leela" Lyn Adams who couldn't be at the previous rehearsals. She picked it up fast and we were able to move on quickly.

Real World Gallifrey/Companions Annonymous Rehearsal

Three's A Companion Rehearsal

By this point I was on fumes and Scott was stepping up to help direct. many others I could tell were fighting fatigue as well but despite the stress everyone stuck it out (even if it meant napping in a back chair in some cases) or returned form their late meals so we could ran the final few skits. A Real World Spoof and a magnum PI spoof had us a little worried- they felt the most rough next to Androids but we ran through these enough I feel to work out the major kinks.

Time Lord PI Rehearsal

13 Lives to Live Rehearsal

We finally called it a night somewhere around 1 AM. Despite the pressure I know we all felt everyone came through and were total troopers about making the show awesome. My thanks again to the entire cast for braving it out for what should have been a fun night of more LobbyCon.

The final major hard choice was to cut 1 skit- a solo monologue about the more lame Monsters in Dr. Who but televangelist style from myself as a Zygon called the Church of Zygonology. We simply ran out of time and since i would not be there for a large part of Saturday prep, we made the call to lose it and focus on the others. It sits on the shelf for next year!

Champions ribbon

I swept through LobbyCon myself afterwards making small talk and finally claiming a cold Pepsi form a vending machine before calling it a night and joining everyone back in the room. I saw a Champions ribbon that amused me as any Gally attendee knows you're usually stuck eating there 1-2 times in the weekend out of convenience. Well so far I hadn't been sucked in- I managed to avoid it Thursday and Friday! (though if they were open all night like Denny's I know the story would be different...LOL)

Back with the Saturday Report Tomorrow!


seven, three, six, conventions: gallifrey one, two, four, eleven, one, five, eight, ten, nine

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