Hey Gang,
Podcast Eps 18 and 19 now online!
Costume Station Zero Ep 18 Bunnies and Roses now up!
Amanda Avery and I discuss Rose Tyler, how she was lured into cosplay with candy, Avengers Bunnies and Iron Man. Check it out!
http://www.costumestationzero.com/?p=533 Costume Station Zero Ep 19 A Good Time All The Time also up!
John Reid Adams and myself discuss The Heath Ledger Joker, the 8th Doctor, the 10th & 11th Doctors, original Doctor designs, how a good wig ties it all together and the importance of portraying the character you cosplay. Check it out! Also take a look at John's original Dr. Who Fan Film "A Survivor's Triangle" with his original "13th" Doctor here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1JDjgGqdd8 http://www.costumestationzero.com/?p=538 -honorarydoctor