5th Doctor S21 Sweater Group Run Update

Aug 31, 2012 13:19

Hey Gang,

Just to update everyone from this post: http://dw-cosplay.livejournal.com/1312796.html

TODAY (Aug 31) is the payment deadline but... as usual some people are running late and a few of you I need to hear from period to know if you're still on board. Even if they become silent drop outs my plan for now is to keep this open til we get the replacement add-ons.

1st Round S21 Sweater

More Pics and Info

Updated list:

1. Dave Ward (RPF) S or XS
2. sebmodio (RPF) Med
3. CAndrewnelson (RPF) XL PAID
4. Bleuknight (RPF) M PAID
5. Crowteerobot (RPF) 2XL
6. adam_e (GB) M PAID
7. drvenkman (GB) tenative
8. Tom Simpson (GB) XS PAID
9. Ull Dar Boreallis (RPF) 3XL PAID
10. iceycold (Prydon) Medium PAID
11. Sanman (GB) Small PAID
12. The Time Traveler (GB) Med
13. bluelionsven (GB) XL PAID
14. drvenkman (GB) XS
15. badwolf10 (ref) XS
16. Davy (GB) 2XL
17. Darthbono71 (GB) 2XL Payment pending
18. TPA/Thomas (Ref) Med PAID
19. Kevarooni (GB) Large Payment pending
20. hireatradis (Prydon) Med Payment pending
21. Chronos (GB) LB PAID
22. ID1113 (RPF) XL PAID
23. mik001 (GB) XS PAID
24. strawberry_chan (dwcosplay) LB

Still need to hear from
and Dave Ward

Please PM or email me if you're reading this and haven't gotten my updates.

If anyone wants to add on please let me know ASAP. I need your size, contact email, shipping address. Cost per Sweater is $128.50 each. Shipping is extra once sweaters are in hand but I can give you a total quote upfront if you want to pay this in advance. Turnaround is 6-8 weeks once everyone pays in.

Best to order 1 size down from what you normally wear as these are very roomy.

34" Chest = LB
36" Chest = XS
38" Chest = Small
40" Chest = Medium
42" Chest = Large
44" Chest = XLarge
46" Chest = XXLarge
48" Chest = XXXLarge

Update 12-5-12: Everything is prepped regarding trim and pattern but as usual at this time of year our small sample order has been bumped by the knitting co. for a larger holiday store delivery. I'm told we won't see these until Mid-Jan now. Sorry at this point it's kinda par for the course with these guys, good product but always running behind so FYI.


sweater, group purchasing, davison, five

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