Tl;DR meme

Aug 31, 2009 17:24

Meme thingy that I took from here.

Gonna put all of my characters, even the homeless ones here. :D


Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?

tensaidoushi Youzen: He's pretty tall, around 5'10-6'0? Oh, he is certainly not fat. 8D; It may not look it, but Youzen actually has a muscular build underneath that robe.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Zell's 5'5 and with all the energy he has, he's pretty skinny, but not weak, no sir.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: I'm guesstimating he's 3-4ft. He's a cute little black shadow thingy. I can't really tell what kind of body type he has though. xDD
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Tall, young, and stupid. His body is in good shape from all the running and orange juice.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: I'm not sure how tall he is, but you can tell that Max is pretty pudgy. "FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT." "I'm not that fat. ._." "FAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!"
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Average height and skinny. But he's used to getting hurt so I think he has pretty heafy endurance.

2. How old is he?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Older than all of my other muses. I'm guesstimating he's around 200 because I had to do the math in the series. 8|
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: 17 (turned 18 in TV).
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: 9 (turned 10 in TV).
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: I put him somewhere in his early 20's, since he was a rookie after all.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Late 40's, I think.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: You know what, I have no freakin' clue. I'll say 25-30 at most.

3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Has excellent posture like he is with everything else.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: When he sits, he is very relaxed, stretching his legs and arms out.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He falls a lot. 8D;;;;
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Caboose thinks slouching is easier until you fall off the couch from doing it too much.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: He can pretend he does.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Probably not unless he's forced to. Cosmo's such a goof.

4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Again, excellent. 8D; But in HE, he does get really sick and injured a lot when he fights. And I like it. 8\
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Totally fit! Zell thinks he's indestructible. Physical disabilities? Pssshhawww.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He's not really an athlete. He can run, but he falls over a lot.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Fit, from all the running running running time. I wouldn't say he has any physical disabilities... (besides getting shot on the foot anyway)
broadwayking Max Bialystock: He's not much of a runner himself. But he has stamina. Ask the little old ladies.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Cosmo is pretty fit. Have you seen him dance and do stunts? 8D;

5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Graceful and fluid, though there are times where he is caught off guard and it turns into a funny moment. 8D;
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Zell's very acrobatic and generally athletic. Backflips and hand stands? He could totally do that no problem.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Did I mention he falls over a lot?
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Clumsy, but very lucky.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Graceful in little old lady land.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Cosmo is almost anything but graceful. Buuuuut! No one dances more clumsy with FUCKING SKILL like he does. 8D

6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?

tensaidoushi Youzen: IS VERY PRETTY. LOOK AT HIS ICONS. SEE? SEE HOW PRETTY HE IS? YOUZEN'S FUCKING PRETTY. And he knows it. He's confident about it. Until you mention his heritage anyway.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Personally, I think Zell is adorable and like 90% of FF characters, attractive. He probably admires his abs and muscles in front of the mirror, but if someone compliments on his face or something, he'd just be like, "D'awshucksdsadas"
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: VIVI. IS VERY CUTE. LOOK AT HIS ICONS. SEE? SEE HOW CUTE HE IS? VIVI IS FUCKING CUTE. He just doesn't think about that sort of thing so it doesn't really matter to him.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: In his humble opinion, Caboose is fairly handsome. "But not like a horse." <-- Inner Caboose talk. I don't know what he means.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Max is adorable, but not the type that I would jump in bed with. But he's attractive enough to go out with every little old lady in New York. And if he tried, probably every old lady in the world. And how he sees himself in the mirror depends on his state of mind. It's either, "I USED TO BE THE KING OF BROADWAY. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?! DDD8" or "I AM THE KING OF BROADWAY. HELL YEAAAHHHH! 8DDDD"
youreacab Cosmo Brown: I think Cosmo is adorable. He has huuuuge eyes too. 8D Compared to his buddy, Don, Cosmo knows that Don's face attracts more fans.

7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Light with no scars on his body. I think. I'm not sure how Youzen appears perfectly fine all the time since he does get beaten up pretty badly when he does. He's either a fast healer [that even his scars would heal?] or he just made some modifications on his body via transformation. Then again, it's manga. Characters injuries never last unless they lose a limb (unless they regenerate 8|).
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Zell has light colored skin because that's the standard in FF characters unless they are of a different race. 8| He has that notable tattoo on his face. :3
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Black with bright glowing golden/yellow eyes.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: He probably draws on himself with markers for all we know.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Average?
youreacab Cosmo Brown: You know, I keep thinking Cosmo looks tanned.

8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.

tensaidoushi Youzen: Long, blue, and pretty. 8D He ties it up whenever he has to fight.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Blonde and it looks like a cockatiel.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: What hair?
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: I described him having short blonde hair.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Balding, it seems. He has to comb it over a lot.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Short, well combed brown hair.

9. What color are his eyes?

tensaidoushi Youzen: From what I seen, it's a light violet. When he's in his Hanyoutai form, depending on who is coloring, I think it's red.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: His are blue.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Blue, me thinks.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Light brown?
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Blueeeee/aqua?

10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?

tensaidoushi Youzen: I think his long blue and pretty hair really stands out.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: At a glance, probably his hair or tattoo. When you actually see him in action, you can tell he knows how to use his fists. 8D
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Either his floppy hat or his adorable face when he looks at you.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: His blue armor? His reeking stupidity?
broadwayking Max Bialystock: His cardboard belt.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: You probably won't expect anything if you just stare at him. But give him an instrument and you'll be amazed. 8D

11. What are his chief tension centers?

His what? o_O I'll assume it means weak spots...?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Uh... his neck? Youzen would like to think no where.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: His head? xP
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He's a widdle black mage. Everywhere.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Steal the orange juice and make him angry and he'll kill you.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Don't you -dare- take money away from him.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: He's doesn't get enough credit. ;_; But I bet he gets major headaches from doing those wall flips.

12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Uh. Very unique. I don't wanna say it's like a qipao since that's for women. xDDD here's a pic. Youzen wears the same outfit throughout the whole series. Though there are official pics of him in modern clothing, they're not worn in the series. He transforms into other people more often.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Very casual. Unless he wears his formal SeeD uniform.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He wears this the entire time. Unless he trances. Then he becomes shiny. 8D
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: You only see him wear the standard blue armor in the series. But in taediumvitae_rp, he wears this.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: His Broadway producer hat~! And he used to have a diamond the size of your eye~
youreacab Cosmo Brown: this.

13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them?

All of them: Yes, or they wouldn't be wearing them. 8|

14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Same outfit, but that's because he's fighting often.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: His SeeD uniform and his casual outfit. He looks pro in his SeeD uniform.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He doesn't have any other outfits to change in xDD
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: See previous question.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Naw, he wears a reddish robe that makes him look like a [sad] pimp.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: He dresses for premiers and what not.

15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Boxers, probably. Panties if he's in a woman's body of course.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Boxers, man!
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: I have no ide.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Depends. When is pants time?
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Depending on who's coming over? xDD
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Derrr... I have no clue. I hope not the last one.

1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?

tensaidoushi Youzen: His seiyuu is Chiba Susumu, who used his "older, mature" voice. So... yeah, Youzen's voice is deep. :3
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Young and loud.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Whatever a nine year old boy sounds like.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Watch the series! He's adorable.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Nathan Lane has a very unique voice. Uh. Remember Timon from Lion King? |D
youreacab Cosmo Brown: His voice is high, but not like EEEEEEEE high or anything.

2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate?

tensaidoushi Youzen: He speaks very calmly in serious times. But he does react to things depending on whether it's something serious or funny.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Loud and excitable. He also talks very informally unless he has to make some official report or something. But that's Squall's thing.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Normally, but he hesitates sometimes.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Normal to stupid. xDD I bet he speaks slowly either because he likes the flow of it or he is slowly trying to remember what he was saying.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Fast loud and forceful. Poor Leo.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Fast and witty. Cosmo doesn't hesitate to make a smartass comment at all.

3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Youzen speaks very politely no matter who it's towards or what's going on.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Kinda punkish. "Gonna, comin', don't leave me hangin'" etc.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: I don't think he does. Kind of hard to tell since there isn't any spoken dialogue in FFIX. xD
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Uh... not really. Caboose just has quirks.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Grew up in the Bronx. :>
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Nah, just witty and quick.

4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Technically, he speaks Chinese. But since it's an anime/manga, Youzen speaks Japanese. He could probably master every language if he wanted to. Or he already does.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Depends on the release? 8D;
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: See above.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: English and sometimes squirrel.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: He knows one or two German words, but otherwise English.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: English.

5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations?


6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words?

tensaidoushi Youzen: He's probably good at impromptu speaking, but compared to unpredictable Taikoubou, I'm not sure.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Zell doesn't think before he speaks most of the time.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He does more thinking, actually.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: If Caboose -could- do this thing called thinking, he would.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Max is a pretty good talker.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: As a guy in show business, Cosmo is very good at that sort of thing.

7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Polite and what not until something stupid happens. When this certain thing happened in the manga (don't wanna spoil), Youzen became more... loose. Like, loose enough to threaten his elders and punch Taikoubou. Of course, that was only in comedic moments. xDD;
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: See other question.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: See other question.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Stupid.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: See other questioadnsa
youreacab Cosmo Brown: When he's mocking you.

Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart?

tensaidoushi Youzen: They don't call him a genius douche doushi for nothing.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Zell's smart, he's just too impulsive and impatient.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: I think Vivi's pretty smart for a kid his age. 8D He's very insightful, while still remaining innocent.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Do I have to answer this? ...well, there are times where he has a great idea. .5% of the time though.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Max is very street smart, and also show business smart. The book smartness is what Leo's good at.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Probably more street-smart-ish. He can compose music. 8D

2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate?

tensaidoushi Youzen: During fights, Youzen has to think on his feet. Ironically, Taikoubou is the one that plans things out before it happens.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Squall's the planner, Zell's the doer.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Vivi needs the time to think or he'd be scared. xDD
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Any questions involving thinking for Caboose... 8\
broadwayking Max Bialystock: He schemes things but obviously they don't work out the way he planned them. But he does come up with ideas quickly.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Cosmo comes up with ideas quickly too! If you watch the movie, he pretty much saved the day.

3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Youzen relies on every other thing, but compared to Taikoubou, he's just as or more logical than he is. He's probably more practical while Taikoubou is more idealistic too.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Intuitive, but he's got his common sense. Idealistic, I think.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: A bit of both, and he's more idealistic, I think... xD
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: ABF()circlecatyellowskyslipper
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Intuitive and practical.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Witty and funny. 8D

4. What kind of education has the character had?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Taught by Gyokutei Shinjin and surpassed him even. Youzen's known for being a genius.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Zell actually knows a lot about his world and the history behind things.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He learns from what he sees. :o
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: He thought the army recruiting place was college. I'm pretty sure he graduated high school somehow.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Unknown. :o He has money, that's what matters/
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Hard to tell... but I know he and Don went to school together.

5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about?

notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: His FF class is a monk, a great martial artist. 8D That's what he's well known for.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Black magic. He's interested in learning more about himself.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Team killing.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Show business. Of the broadway-scheme-money-making-variety.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Show business. Of the picture-honest-living-variety.

6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?

tensaidoushi Youzen: He doesn't talk much about himself past the fact that he's amazing. That's because he... doesn't want to talk about himself. His real self.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Extrovert all the way.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Introvert, but he likes having fun with friends.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Extrovert. Caboose is very open.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Extrovert.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Extrovert.

7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?

tensaidoushi Youzen: He gets angry, but it only shows in a smirk. And that's when he preparing to totally own his opponent's ass. He is otherwise laid-back unless something happens.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: He is very excitable if someone brings in some sort of news.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Quiet and even tempered. Except for sometimes involving Kuja and the Black Waltz #3.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: O'Malley taught him how to be mean, but otherwise, he is very friendly and cheerful.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Max has a bad temper and very driven.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Cheerful, even tempered and laid back. :D Very easy going.

8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?

tensaidoushi Youzen: It depends on who they are. He knows who is an enemy and who is a ally though. Either way, he's very calm.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Zell's himself. xDD If the person's a jerk, he'd be irked at them.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Timid at first, especially if they're intimidating.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Relaxed and cheerful.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Suspicious. I guess Max made some enemies. xDD
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Relaxed and always witty.

9. Is he more likely to act, or to react?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Both.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Both.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: React. Act after.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: He'd be watching. And making sure that he saw it.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: React.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Act.

10. Which is his default: fight or flight?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Fight! Youzen would never run away.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Fight! But Zell knows when it run (like in the beginning of the game, running away from that giant robot spider thing).
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: At first, it was flight. But he's brave enough to fight now. :3
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Depends on how big the enemy is. Otherwise, RUNNING TIME.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Running running running.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Cosmo is no fighter. He'd probably run.

11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?

tensaidoushi Youzen: He has one. Just not if the jokes are on him. A lot of characters thinks his habits (transforming into women and LIKING IT and loving himself) are weird. |D;
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: He has one. Just don't call him chicken. Zell doesn't take teasing very well. HAHA THAT RHYMED.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Vivi is such a -serious- kid. I'm sure he giggles every now and then though. :3
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Of course! Except sometimes he doesn't get jokes, especially Tucker's.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Sure he does! As long as it's not at his expense. (Most of the jokes are though.)
youreacab Cosmo Brown: HELL YEAH. Every single kind. He's the friendliest joker ever.

12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Nope. He's just smug and a tad insecure on the inside.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Nope, just loud.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He has a thing for exsententialism, but no.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Er... when O'Malley was around, I guess you can call it a split personality disorder. Otherwise, he's just stupid. 8D;
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Naw, he's just greedy.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Nope.

13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Sad sad sad sad sad chapter. D: You see Youzen's much more vulnerable side. In the end, he finally accepts himself for who he -really- is. :3
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: I think it's whenever Zell stands up against authority. And gets beaten up for it. D8 Well, whenever he visits his 'ma. I think it's cute.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Ohhhhh, don't even get me started. Vivi spends time in the game to figure out who he is. I think the most famous moment was when you actually see a flash of anger in his eyes when he shot that spell at Black Waltz #3.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: EVERYTHING.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: The King of Broadway" or Betrayed.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Make 'em Laugh~

14. What does he fear?

tensaidoushi Youzen: People finding out about his true identity. That is, until he is okay with it. <3
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: NOTHING. Zell will face anything to the death.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Oh, just scary things in general. xDDD;
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: See above.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Losing everything and die poor, hungry, and remembered as a failure.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Losing his job?

15. What are his hopes or aspirations?

tensaidoushi Youzen: To become the main character. :B
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Become a hero just like his grand-daddy.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Finding out about himself.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: To be Church's best friend forever and ever.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: TO BE THE KING OF BROADWAY ONCE AGAIN.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Succeed in show business, I guess. Make as much money as Don does?

16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Himself, his true self. Ironically, since he displays self-love a lot.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: His room. Until you're forced to stay in there. It's very clean. 8D;
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He knows just as much as everyone else.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: His project in Recreation?
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Anything that could cause him to go bankrupt/jail.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Not sure. :o

1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents.

tensaidoushi Youzen: Mother is unknown... but his father traded him in order to keep peace between Kingou and Konron. Instead, he grew up with Gyokutei Shinjin (his teacher) who became his father figure. He makes amends with his dad (;_;) eventually.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Zell was adopted to the Dincht family, and he had no idea about it because he lost the memories from using the GF's. He still <3's and cares about Ma Dincht very much though.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Vivi loved his adopted grandpa Quan... even though Quan actually wanted to eat him.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Caboose mentions loving his mom. :3
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Unknown. Closest to a parental thing you see is when someone else's life flashed before his eyes.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Unknown. Cosmo has no background like that. xDD

2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Nope.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Nope.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: The Black Mages? They look up to him as a brave figure, oddly enough, since he's the smallest out of them.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: A lot of sisters or something. I'm sure he cares about them though. If not, well, those are some mean sisters he has.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Unknown.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Unknown.

3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand?

tensaidoushi Youzen: The only blood relative is his father. He was traded off when he was very young, so it's hard to tell whether or not Youzen hated him or not. I don't think he did. Youzen understood what his dad had to do, I think. Sucks... I think they would've bonded if they stayed together.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: His real parents died, but Zell loves his adopted family very much.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Closest are the Black Mages.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: See above.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: See above.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: See above.

4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them?


tensaidoushi Youzen: Gyokutei Shinjin is his father figure. They both care and love each other very much. ;_; Gyokutei's the person Youzen is the closest to. Youzen admires and respects Taikoubou a lot aksi. Of all people, Youzen wants to open up to him the most. He also fights along well with Nataku, who considers Youzen as a strong ally.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Apart from his adopted parents, he considers his friends in the orphanage as family too.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Zidane, Garnet, Steiner etc. :3
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Church. He is his best friend.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Probably Leo. :D
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Don and him are practiaclly brothers.

5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Youzen doesn't seem to have any close friends (closest is Gyokutei Shinjin). He says the person he wants to open up the most is Taikoubou though.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Squall~ They knew each other already as children and as students but it was when Zell and Squall were put in the same squad during the SeeD exam that they stuck together.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Probably Puck or Zidane. Vivi met Puck early in the game, who helped Vivi sneak into the castle to watch the play. That lead to Vivi meeting up with Zidane and co.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: CHURCH. HE WAS THE ROOKIE THAT KILLED HIM.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Leo, who came to do accounting things for Max.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: The famous Don Lockwood. They are childhood buddies.

6. Does he have other close friends?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Allies, but the closest he is with is Taikoubou.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, etc.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: See above.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Not Tucker.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Ulla is a very good friend.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Kathy Selden. :D

7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?

tensaidoushi Youzen: He probably could make friends easily, but he just doesn't want to open himself up to others because he doesn't want the rejection.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: The only person he has a hard time getting along with is Seifer. 8D; He can deal with a quiet scrooge like Squall, but a snarky Seifer? Nope.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Depends. Are they afraid of black mages?
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: The latter. Everyone's afraid of him killing them. Accidentally.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: He's too busy trying to make money. Until Leo came along anyway. He made a friend who helps him make money. 8D
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Unless it's Lina or pushy people, Cosmo gets long with everyone.

8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends?

tensaidoushi Youzen: He's not as close to his father... so, friends. But that doesn't make him care about his father any less.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Both!
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Both? He considers the other black mages as both.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Right now, Church because he's his best friend and he knows his family is safe anyway.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Money. And Leo. And Ulla?
youreacab Cosmo Brown: No mention how of he gets along with his parents, so friends.

9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Single and it'll probably stay that way. Except in rp-verse. He's with Drizzt. 8D;;;;
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Single. Maybe. Depending if he goes out with that pig tailed girl in the library.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Single. He's a kid.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Single.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: 100000000x old ladies.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Single.

10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Never in canon, with Drizzt in TV.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Nope.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Nope.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Nope. SHEILAAAAAAAAAAAAA
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Nope.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Nope.

11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Himself? xDDD; Houshin Engi doesn't really focus on sexuality and romance that much.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Library girl crushes on him.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: No one?
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Sheila. Man-crush on Church, probably.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Probably some cute girl in 4th grade.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: See above.

12. What does he look for in a romantic partner?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Someone perfect. Hay, sup Drizzt.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: "Romance? Man, I don't wanna talk about that!"
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: "I never thought about that... kind of stuff."
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Someone who is very nice and listens to me. SHEILAAAAAAAAAAA.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Someone that makes him go "whoa whoa wa wa whoa wa!"
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Not sure. A cute girl like Kathy? :D

13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Probably not. I don't think Youzen's the sort that would like to be around bratty children.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: If he does end up marrying and having a kid, he'd have a MANLY CHILD.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He did at the end of the game. I have no idea how.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Nope. He hates babies.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Hmm... probably not with a little old lady.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Nope. He probably wouldn't mind.

14. Does he have any rivals or enemies?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Apart from Outenken (WHOM HE HAAAAAATES), there's Dakki, Bunchuu, and I guess to a lesser degree, Shinkouhyou.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Seifer and Ultimecia of course.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Kujaaaaaaaaa.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: The Red team? And O'Malley. And Maine. And whoever else is a bad guy.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: The police? xDD
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Nope.

15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale?

tensaidoushi Youzen: You know, if Youzen had to have a sexuality, I say... probably on the scale of 4. Because I can only see him as either being asexual (as it is with most characters in the series) or gay. The latter is mostly because there aren't that many girls in the series. In fact, Youzen didn't really interact with any of them.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: 1?
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Again, "I never thought about that stuff."
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: 1. That widdle gay part is just his man crush on Church.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: 1. Darn those slashers. D8
youreacab Cosmo Brown: 0. Unless he has a thing for Don and never told anyone.

16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Meh. Not very.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: dbhsukada /// NOT THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: I bet that never crossed his mind.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Making babies sound important. Too bad he hates them.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Max likes sex. Preferbly with someone under 85.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: I wouldn't be surprised if he was a virgin.

17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Pretty things? Ugly things? Bedroom habits... well, he has odd looking pajamas.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Hotdogs! ("NOT THAT KIND!!!")
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Whaaaaaaaaat?
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Nice scent, friendliness. Probably talks... a lot in his sleep.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Ulla. Whoa wa wa whoa wa wa wah.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: I'm getting lazy with htis. xDDD

1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type?

tensaidoushi Youzen: I'm guessing he's an Aquarius. It's the closest one. He is friendly, an intellect, and independent but also contrary and detached.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Official source says he's a Pisces. Selfless and compassionate... but "weak willed" hardly describes him.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: July 7, so Cancer. Emotional, intuitive, yeah. I guess at his worst possible moments, he can get clingy but that's hardly displayed.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: I have no idea. Taurus?
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Scorpio? Or a Leo? Hurrr.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Sagittarius, probably.

2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Apparently Taoist, since his character is based on the god (Yang Jian/Erlang Shen). Except Youzen has more personality quirks that makes him more likable. I know he doesn't eat meat and is not allowed to hurt humans.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Not very since there is no mention of that.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: See above.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: I don't even want to mix Caboose with religion.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: "LORD, I WANT THAT MONEY!"
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Maybe not hard core.

3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Although he is narcissistic, Youzen does respect those that he actually loses to (like Taikoubou). So he's not a sore loser at least.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: If other lives are in danger, Zell would give himself away somehow.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Just be nice. Ta da.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Be nice to him and he will try not to kill you.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Not really.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Sure he does! To avoid copyright crap anyway.

4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Tolerant/indifferent.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Indifferent.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Indifferent.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Oranges.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Indifferent.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Tolerant?

5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?

tensaidoushi Youzen: He dislikes fighting enemies that appear repulsive, apart from that, not really.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Seifer's the jerk, not him!
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: No way.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Tucker is stupid.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: As a man in show business, probably not. Except maybe towards the actors themselves.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Cosmo is friendly enough, so nope.

Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Kinda hard to tell. I don't think money matters to a Konron doushi much.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Comfortable.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Depends how much Zidane is carrying? Otherwise, poor/comfortable.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: I'm sure he's comfy.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Mind you that he used to be able to afford to eat at Sardi's every day!
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Comfortable/poor. Don's the one making a lot of money.

2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Well known and popular. The only thing that changes about him is his opinion about his real self. After he learns that people can accept him, he's awwwright.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: He's known in the Garden for being a loud mouth martial artist. Zell does know how to be a leader when Squall's not around though.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: What social status?
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Caboose has pretend money that he colored in himself.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: LUNCH AT SARDI'S EVERYDAAAAAAY
youreacab Cosmo Brown: A musician.

3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Uh... a mountain with Gyokutei?
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: A small house in Balamb. :3 His room is kept very clean.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Quan's Dwelling. Not the nicest place to be in, but it was enough for Vivi and his grandpa.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: A house on the moon with his family. For now, the Blue base.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: His office/house in New York. It used to be a castle. :B It has a lot of random statues and stuff in side and it's rather messy.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Not sure. It's not a huge mansion like Don's though.

4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?

tensaidoushi Youzen: I don't think he needs money.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: HOTDOGS if they're still selling.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Bought a fake ticket (D8). Poor Vivi. Oh, and a kupo nut. :3
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Crayons.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: New suits and stuff.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: See above?

5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else?

tensaidoushi Youzen: A doushi (disciple) form Konron. Of course he's good at it, being a genius and all. It's just not enough to become the leading character, apparently. xDDD
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Martial artist and he's definitely good at it.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: A black mage, he's not sure if he does enjoy it but he accepts himself eventually.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: He's a soldier for the Blue team. He's good at uh... coloring... and... team killing. It's not like he does it on purpose. It just happens.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Broadway producer~! He's likes it only if it brings him money.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Music composer for the movies Don is in, though he doesn't make a lot compared to Don. He doesn't mind working for Monumental Pictures though.

6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Training, studying, meditating, reading, sight seeing, drinking tea.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Fighting, training, waiting in line for hotdogs.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: He plays Tetra Master, a card game.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Drawing lots of pretty pictures, talking to people, talking to things, talking to animals, talking to things that would respond back and sometimes things that would not respond.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: It's not what he wants to do, but he does sleep with little old ladies to get their money. When he had the money, he would do expensive things. :B
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Dancing, piano, fiddle, probably any instrument you had him...

7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Eats veggies like a good doushi. Prefers tea over alcohol though. 8D;;
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Hotdogs. When he finally gets them, he wolfs them down.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: If it tastes good, he'll eat it.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Sandwiches~!
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Lunch at Sardi's. If he could afford it.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: I'm sure he eats out with Don a lot.

Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:

1. Color?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Blue, white, green and probably purple?
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Red/black/blue?
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Hmm... can't tell. I can see him being into neutral colors.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: BLUE. Because. That is a nice color.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Greeeeeeeen. It's the color of money.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Blue or something wacky like orange? xDD

2. Smell?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Hot tea or fresh flowers? Something fancy like that.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Food cooking. Yum.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Same as Zell, I bet.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Not alien.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: The smelly of money.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: All of the above. They're nice scents. Except for alien.

3. Time of day?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Noon/evening? xD
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Anytime, anyday.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Same as above?
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Day time.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Evening is when the show takes place.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Nighttime is when everything is happening.

4. Season?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Spring?
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Summer!
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Spring.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Snow time is fun.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Spring/summer?
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Spring. Goooood mornin'.

5. Book?
tensaidoushi Youzen: He reads a lot, I bet :B
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Uh. Combat King? 8\
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Anything with an interesting story.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Ones with pictures.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Plays that would bring him moneyyyyy
youreacab Cosmo Brown: I have no idea. |D

6. Music?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Doesn't matter as long as it's not horribly loud and obnoxious.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: I can see him dancing to hip hop.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Happy music? xD
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: Whatever invokes dancing time.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: He has to listen to them so often, I'm not sure.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Cosmo appreciates music in general.

7. Place?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Mountain tops?
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Home is where the hotdog... er, heart is.
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: Hm... can't tell.
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: The happy land.
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Expensive hotels and living the high life.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: The stage?

8. Substance?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Something not sticky and disgusting.
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: "What the hell does that mean?!"
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: "Never thought about that...?"
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: "Not an alien's arm."
broadwayking Max Bialystock: Moneyyy.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: It's not dead right?

9. Plant?

tensaidoushi Youzen: I dunno, orchids?
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: "Not into that kinda stuff, man."
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: "I just like flowers."
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: "Ones that don't move."
broadwayking Max Bialystock: "I'm not a druggie if that's what you mean."
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Daisies?

10. Animal?

tensaidoushi Youzen: Well, there's Koutenken. His big doggy. :D
notchickenwuss Zell Dincht: Dunno, dogs?
smallblackmage Vivi Orunitia: "I like animals! :D"
teamkillerftard Michael J. Caboose: "A GIRAFFE."
broadwayking Max Bialystock: I don't think Max would like pets.
youreacab Cosmo Brown: Man's best friend.

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singin' in the rain, houshin engi, final fantasy, meme, the producers

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