I'm in the computer lab right now. On my way to school, I was like "FFFFFFUUU I forgot my book!" No, not the math book (though I never really needed it) but The Last Herald Mage. So much for passing time reading today.
I got about 15 minutes before class starts. I'll answer another meme.
Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style.
Wind Waker. 8) It's cute and adorable and people who still look down on it (duuuude, that is like...soooo ten years ago) need to eat their clothing or something.
I also really like the graphics in Meter Gear Solid 4.
Day 24 - Favorite classic game.
SUPER MARIO WORLD! Next to that would be Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and next to that would be Super Street Fighter II. Most of it is mostly because of the music. The Mario Overture, Green Hill Zone, Chun Li's theme etc.
Those games count, right? 8D
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing.
Besides Dragon Age II? Marvel vs Capcom 3. As soon as Tony gets it, I'm gonna head straight over to his house and start playing.
I wanna replay old games too, like Luigi's Mansion or Gitaroo Man. ;A; Gitaroo Man. <3
Day 26 - Best voice acting.
Metal Gear series (
NOT BEING BIASED AT ALL) or Dragon Age. There's a looooooot of talking to be done in DA, so the awesome voices help. Sonic Adventure had fun voices too. Gooooood times.
For fun? The worse voice acting? Virtual Fighter IV. And Tekken 4.
Hwoarang, what have they done to you? I would embed it here but the browser on this computer is so outdaded that the code doesn't even show up.
Okaaaay I gotta head to class now.
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever.
Day 28 - Favorite game developer.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 - Your favorite game of all time