(no subject)

Nov 21, 2010 00:03

So many good and stupid things happened today. It's worth laughing over though.

Morning: Drove to Santa Clarita, observed gibbons. They were really cute and active and were singing/howling. I might upload the video later (it's on my phone though).
- The roads are not paved...so we walked in the mud and rain.
- I felt really bad for the baby stroller. It was a mud mobile.
- Mud...all over our shoes...hair...so wet...

On our way back:
- Cleaned off our shoes from the sink, and the mats that were in the car.
- Went to Aji Man, a friend's family owned Japanese ramen restaurant (it's going to close down by the end of the month D:)

Later that night:
- Went to Katana where they have all you can eat sushi for Moogle's birthday (I got him a floppy disc pillow with a cute smiley face), which was really good
- Dealt with this annoying person by trying NOT to look offended. Not so much annoying as rude. (That was what my poor Vietnamese rant was on my last voice post.)
- Caught up with friends and told funny stories, which is a huuuuuuuuge plus.
- Went to Maverick's house a little, lol'd at Ken and Moogle for messing with his dunny collection (while I played with Muffin~ his doggy)
- Left, and on our way back to my house, some stupid Asian girls (really, what DO you people see in us?) who weren't paying attention rear ended Moogle's (new) car. Actually, their car was new too. I got a busted lip...kinda...it's not split or anything but it's more like a cold sore that's bleeding. It stopped bleeding now, I think. I feel worse for Moogle's car. They will work something out though. Those girls, as dumb as they were about driving, seem honest. If not, then I will not hesitate to jump them and chew their veins out. (Figure of speeeeech, of course. But it's a nice imagery to release frustration that may arise.)

Okay, about that rant in Vietnamese...(bad Vietnamese. I was struggling to find the closest word to what I wanted to say.) I'm not gonna listen to it and translate it literally, but essentially, the new girlfriend of my friend...although she is a good person, I am sure (why would he date her otherwise?) she is also quite rude.

Or maybe I just don't have a sense of humor.

She said that my name is pronounced "LAINEY" (like how most people say it) and I just mused on why people think so since...it honestly, honestly, call me stupid, honestly does not LOOK LIKE THAT to me. And she replied, "Well, that's the right way. Your name is spelled wrong."

Whether she is right or not...why does she even know that? Why did she even say that? Was she trying to be funny, which I guess is her intention? What the hell is right anymore anyway.

And during the dinner, they were talking about how they like/hate kids etc. And I told them that I'm the youngest, but I have two nieces and three nephews, with my oldest nephew being a high school freshman.


Instead of grabbing her hair and stuffing it in her eyes (images that came later, damned delayed reaction), I just replied, "Uh...it's not that I am really old...it's more that I am much younger than my brothers."

Maybe I should have guilt tripped her on poor families who have many kids or something. Rather, poor families who have kids at awkward ages. Or I should have replied, "Oh. I'm sorry. It truly is my fault that I was born ten years later. Whoops. I guess I am an accident. LOL"

I prefer her friend more...who is, ironically, Vietnamese. But she only speaks Cantonese, so I was safe with my rant.

I am actually more annoyed at stupid silly billy than at the girls who rear ended us, because I know...that I may have to see her again. 8( Let's hope not. Or someone else may walk out with a busted lip and/or other things.

Or I could just point out "you REALLY like insulting me, don't you?"

I know I may be taking this too seriously. It'll pass, just like everything else.

Plus side:
- Laughs, lots of laughs and catching up with friends
- Gibbons~
- Extra credit's in the bagggg (and so is my A in the class...until finals anyway)
- More laughs, played with Maverick's doggy named Muffin
- I may have a job at Ultrazone, this laser tag arcade place. Depends on my interview.
- Sort of in-joke:
Maverick: "Oh, Lanie. I saw a video of She-Hulk in Marvel vs Capcom 3"
Me: "...Yeah, I posted it."
The guys who know: LOL
- Not relevant to today, exactly...but this underwear (called a "hipster" ...really) I got from Pink is veeeery comfortable. x3
- Moogle finally developed the photos (the many photos) that he took when we went to San Francisco a year or two ago to see Peter. FINALLY.

friends, stupid fucks, people, asian, stupid, anthropology, animals, food

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