You can't know how happy I am that we've met- I'm strangely attracted to you~

Feb 15, 2010 18:49

Welp, I spent new years doing the following:

Saturday, day of the Lunar Festival on Valley:
- Hung out with Felicia, her boyfriend Greg, Charlene, Beverly, Frank and his twin brother Alvin
- Saw Ronald McDonald at the McDonald's booth. I wanted a picture with him of us doing this but THE LINE WAS TOO LONG ;___;
- Oh, well. Free McDonald's coffee.
- A lot of cute little doggies! x333
- Passed out my truffles to everyone there. Glad they liked it. :3
- Went to Felicia's house later at night and helped her out with her homework. Fashion magazines are fun. I like how men's magazines have more articles.
- Much later that night, mom and dad and I went to the small temple we usually go to. The place was being renovated so everything was...empty. :| And scary. The shrines were in a small shed. Good thing that I know that Quan Am and Buddha are nice folks.

Sunday, family time:
- Dung said that the baby is due in March. They're thinking either calling him Derek or Dominic. I suggested Dante, but he said, "Lanie, we're not black. LOLOLOL8D" I meant Dante's Inferno-Dante. xDDD Or Alistair. Any of those names are better than Dung Jr. It sounds cute in Vietnamese but to people who can't understand, it would probably mean "little shit" to them. xDDD I'm gonna tell Derek/Dominic/DanteandAlistair that when he's older.
- Went to Thinh's house. Ate the uh...this stuff called jai. I'm not sure what the Vietnamese spelling is. Calling it Buddha's delight is weird. xDD But it was still good. I could eat it every morning.
- Went to the beach place. Cuong was standing on rocks at a distance and he looked cool. I took a picture. :D;
- Kuma, Nita's mom's dog, wanted to say hi and play with all the dogs there. But he has waaaay too much energy.
- Dad got his socks and pants wet when the waves came in too closely.
- Had In and Out for dinner. 8D; THE IRONYYYYYY.

Funny conversation from last night. Where Thinh lives, there are a lot of fresh strawberries. I think Ventura county is known for it or something.

Cuong: Do you guys have any cool whip? Strawberries are good with that.
Me: Ew. D8
Thinh: Nah, I don't think so.
Cuong: Aw, they taste good together.

I forgot which brother said this, but someone mentioned champagne- which caused Nita to say:

Nita: Oh, so you're flirting with your brother now?
Cuong: Nooooooo. Let's save it for you two.


Welp, now that the holiday is over, it won't be long before mom and dad start arguing again.

When we got back, I went over to Kim's place to wish them happy new year and such. It was weird, because her dad was sleeping while her mom was watching TV (it's usually the other way around) and Khodi was nice and clean and poofy. She had a bath that day. :D

Pics will come soon. I'm too hungry right now.

Also, I wish Sten was a romancing option in Dragon Age. Sten is hot. :|

chinese new year, friends, valentine's day, dragon age, family

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