002 | Application

Nov 27, 2009 23:25


Application for sortinghat_rp. The original can be found here.


Name → Ria
LJ → ria-chan
Timezone → Pacific
E-Mail → bloodytwistedangel@hotmail.com
MSN → bloodytwistedangel@hotmail.com
AIM → riatardedness
Other characters → None; Hajime's my first character played at this game.


Character → Hajime Tounomine
Series → Otomen | Read online
School year → Sixth year
Gender → Male
Age → Sixteen
Bloodline → Hajime hails from a proud, pureblood family. I am doing things to account for the British and Asian fusion, the "clan" has been away from Japan for quite some time, such as addressing others by last names but not with honorifics.

Personality → Hajime has a complex about being the best. He has great pride and views Asuka as his opponent. He will do practically anything to duel Asuka but he's completely confident in himself no matter how many times he fails. He works hard toward his goal and keeps meticulous record of how many wins and losses he has against Asuka.

He's arrogant with his skills, cold in his speech, and straight to the point yet he's also upright. Asuka says Hajime lacks the Samurai Spirit but based off his actions, he tries to follow the Seven Samurai Virtues: rectitude, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor, and loyalty. For example, he believes in repaying his debt and his obsession with being the best is in part due to honor.

Hajime is also an otomen, a man amongst men who has a taste for feminine things. His speciality is cosmetics and when it comes to their application, he's unrivaled. Equipped with lip liner, brushes, and the proper tools, Hajime is a reaper sent from Cosmetic Heaven to make girls over, kick ass, and take names. Despite having to "give up" cosmetics, he still knows what's in fashion and what makes a cute look. However, his hidden strength is also a weakness: if he sees make-up applied wrong, he simply must apply it properly. It's like OCD kicking in.

Canon background → Hajime is the first son of a long, proud heritage of manly men. The men of his family as quite the swordsman and have consistently been the best. He is the captain of his kendo team but that's not all: until Asuka's appearance, Hajime was the number one champion in kendo. His failure to defeat Asuka has tarnished his family name so not only his pride, but his family's pride (and their regard of him) lies in him defeating Asuka.

Unlike Asuka, Hajime's family is fully aware of his infatuation with cosmetics. It is not revealed how or when his family found out, but he was forced to give up his hobby in order to become a true man. Cosmetics from that point on became a guilty pleasure for him. It's what he truly loves and when he does get to give a girl the make-over-of-a-lifetime, he goes into sparkle mode.

Game background → Hajime is of Japanese descent, but his lineage was established in England generations ago. The Tounomine clan was proud and enthusiastic about its Asian origins, something that was carried down throughout later generations of Tounomines. Hajime grew up in a strict household. He had to maintain the first position while upkeeping the traditions of a past's past. Though he demonstrated great potential at any activity set before him, the most honorable blend of tradition and honor his family regarded was his skills in kendo.

Hajime is a bit of a fish out of water considering the concentration of studies his family forced him into. His life was strict: everything from judo to manners was heavily monitored and perfected. He family revolved around their pride and Hajime was the perfect son...except for one thing. It was something his family's influence and affluence couldn't solve: his odd cosmetic hobby. It was something somehow leaked to him from the outside -- via a household servant, perhaps, the truth isn't known since the family would like to pretend it doesn't exist. In fact, nobody speaks about it because his family viewed it as blasphemy against their name. Until Hajime was invited to Hogwarts, any and all cosmetics were made forbidden to him.

To the delight of his family, Hajime was invited to Hogwarts upon the first year. It was a delight, yes, but no surprise. Since the establishment of the Tounomine line in England, each Tounomine heir was a Hogwarts graduate. He was received into the school and consistently ranked at the top of his classes. Potions proved to be his best class, perhaps because of the similarity to his effeminate hobby.

Hajime relished in his achievement, expecting it to last forever. He could give up cosmetics, no matter how he loved them so, to be the best man he could be. Yet then Asuka Masamune came along, breaking his "winning" streak. Hajime instantly saw Asuka as his rival. However, Asuka doesn't regard him in the least...


First person → I have come to the conclusion that the time has come to keep one of these journals. I finally have something to worth keeping a record of, namely my battle against Masamune. I have given everything to defeat him and now I shall prove victor even in this! While he was distracted with his journal, I trained diligently. The difference in our powers I've created in that time is unmeasurable.

Hmph. My private life is none of your concern though it's unhonorable to grace one without a name. I am Hajime Tounomine. If you have honor, reveal yourself.

Third person → Just a regular, mundane class in potions. Or was it? Hajime was normally so indifferent to anything that came his way -- rather, he was calm and calculating with any situation that was presented -- that one would have been shocked to know his present thoughts. The potion he was currently mixing, a simple but powerful blood red concoction, puffed out a cloud from the tip of the bottle similar to the puff blush powder makes when rubbing the full brush into it for a lustrous look on the cheeks.

It was the perfect color, he noted, and just what had been brainstorming in his spare time. In his spare time, it wasn't unusual for him to color in face sketches with the various cosmetics he collected. Neither the utensils nor the substances he collected in his spare were of high quality. No, Hajime had to settle for lip liners dropped in hallways, eyeshadow packs floating in the hallways, and slowly bring together a brush set for the eyes piece-by-piece. Still, he worked with what he had and his secret project was something dear to him. And right there, in that instant, in front of his eyes was the answer, the necessary hue to become one step closer to perfecting his greatest masterpiece yet! Although his mind desperately wanted to jump to the next and final application, powder, and imagine what the look would look like completed, he restrained himself so that he could memorize that color.

Before he knew it, the smoke had dissolved. Two liquids became one, successfully. He was praised by the teacher and he nodded in affirmation. Little did his mentor or his peers know, he was more concerned with replicating the color that flashed before his eyes than replicating that mixture. Of course he knew that he could make that potion. It wasn't particularly hard to do something as simple as that. But that color... Now he didn't see anything but scarlet.

:type: application, !ooc

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