Thump, Ring, Knock, Caress

Sep 21, 2021 09:08

Title: Thump, Ring, Knock, Caress
Fandom: due South
Pairing: Ray Vecchio/Ray Kowalski, Ray Vecchio/Ray Kowalski/Benton Fraser
Rating: G
Word Count: 3,709
Summary:   Ray has pneumonia and has been ordered to stay in bed.  He does not.
Notes: A great big thank you to my awesome beta 
jdl71, any remaining mistakes are my own.  Written for Ray Vecchio day!  Also written for 
hc_bingo prompt: pneumonia, table here.

A soft thump followed by a muffled curse woke Vecchio.  He opened his eyes just wide enough to see what was going on but not all the way because he was hoping to go right back to sleep.  He watched in growing amusement as a grown man tried to get dressed in the dark without turning on a light or making any noise.  When Kowalski’s foot got trapped in the leg of his jeans and he fell over in an ungainly heap on the floor, Vecchio couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped him at the sight.  Unfortunately, that set off a coughing fit that caused his chest to ache with the effort to stop.

He had been officially diagnosis with walking pneumonia a few days ago after fighting for weeks with what he had thought was only a really bad flu.  It probably hadn’t helped that he had refused to take any time off during those weeks.  He had resisted taking the needed days because he had been only three weeks away from retirement and he wasn’t going to call in sick just because he had a bit of the flu.  He had been determined to work every day he could his last few months to try to clear as many of his cold cases as possible.  But when he had almost passed out in the captain’s office he had been forced to go to the E.R.  Once the word pneumonia had hit his partner’s ears he had been hurried home loaded up with antibiotics and painkillers and bundled into bed and that’s where he had been for the past few days.

Kowalski could give his ma a run for her money when it came to fussing over someone he loved when they were ill.  His fussing though was more barbed and involved more threats to Vecchio’s person than his ma’s ever had.  Ray knew the worse Kowalski’s tirade got the more worried he was so Vecchio tried to just let the words wash over him without responding in kind plus he was just too exhausted to get into it with the other man like he usually would.

When he finally managed to stop coughing Vecchio pulled himself into a sitting position and started to reach for the cup of water they kept on the nightstand.  Kowalski beat him to it and brought the cup up to his lips as though Ray couldn’t hold it himself.  He was feeling weak and a bit shaky but he could still hold a cup of water.  He was pretty sure anyway…at least seventy…no sixty percent sure. Maybe.

Rather than fight him about it Ray allowed his partner to help him with it.  Kowalski then turned on the bedside lamp causing Ray to blink rapidly a few times as he got used to the sudden light.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Kowalski, his voice husky with the remnants of sleep asked, “How ya feeling?”

“Better,” Vecchio lied, his gravelly voice belying his words.

“Well you look like shit,” Kowalski replied bluntly, “And you sound worse.”  His tone may have sounded a bit harsh but the hand he lay first on Ray’s forehead and then against his cheek was gentle.

“I think your fever has finally broke,” Kowalski said, “That doesn’t mean you can move from this bed though.”

Even though he still felt completely awful and had no plans to move from a prone position if he could help it, he couldn’t let that statement pass without challenging it, so Ray mulishly said, “I am more than well enough to get up if I want to.”

Kowalski scowled down at him and said, “Don’t even think of moving your ass off this bed today.”

“Just my ass or does that include the rest of me as well?” Vecchio responded with a smirk.

Apparently, Kowalski did not find Vecchio amusing because he shot back, “If you want me anywhere near your ass or the rest of you in the coming future I suggest you rest up and let yourself get better.”

Now it was Vecchio’s turn to scowl, Kowalski was right.  He was tired of being sick and tired of his illness getting in the way of his life.  Plus he missed them.  Not that Kowalski hadn’t been there almost twenty-four-seven since he learned how sick Vecchio was but their dynamic was off, and he wanted their life to go back to how it was.  They were in a really good place right now.  After years of bickering and arguments balanced with an occasional make-out session, they had finally admitted that they were in love and had moved in together five years ago.  Kowalski had retired last year and with Vecchio’s full support set up his own P.I. agency.  It was the plan that after Ray retired this week he would join Kowalski and they would be full partners in the business.  Vecchio was ready to move on to the next chapter in his life and this sickness was getting in the way of that.

“You may have a point,” Vecchio grudgingly conceded.

Kowalski put his hand back on Vecchio’s forehead, and said with a trace of amusement, “You must still be running a fever if you are agreeing with me.”

As he pushed Kowalski’s hand away he said, “Ha ha, you’re hilarious.”

“I am,” Kowalski said with a smile before saying, “Look concentrate on getting better over the next few days and I may let you go to your own retirement party at the station this weekend.”  Then he stood up and started to straighten up the covers.

“Gee thanks,” Vecchio said sarcastically, but he scooted down and allowed himself to be tucked back in.  He could already feel sleep pulling at him when he asked gruffly, “When will you be back?”

“I’ll only be gone for a few hours.  I have to meet Mrs. McGillicuddy at the office to wrap up her case and then I’m picking up Fraser at the train station around noon and bringing him back here,” Kowalski said, picking up his jacket from the back of the door and putting it on.

Vecchio felt his spirits lift a bit at the last part.  He had forgotten over the last few fever fog-filled days that Benny was coming down to help them celebrate his retirement.  “Maybe he should stay in the spare room I don’t want to get him sick,” Vecchio said concern in his voice.

Kowalski walked back towards the bed waving a hand in dismissal of Ray’s concern, “He has a constitution of a horse, plus he said he has a natural remedy he plans on mixing up for you when he gets here,” Kowalski finished with an amused tone after seeing Ray’s expression morph into one of revulsion and horror.

Vecchio thought about expressing his dismay out loud but his eyelids felt like they had weights on them and he found it harder and harder to keep them open.  Kowalski stared down at him for a moment a soft loving expression on his face then he bent down and placed the lightest of kisses on the corner of Ray’s mouth before saying, “I’ll only be gone for a few hours. If you need anything call, Okay?”

Ray managed to get out a grunt of agreement before his eyes closed and he fell into a deep sleep.

~due south~

Ray jerked awake his heart racing a thousand miles a minute.  Frantically looking around trying to figure out what had woke him up this time, Ray was finally able to comprehend the fact that his cell phone was ringing.  Trying to catch his breath, Ray grabbed the phone, and gasped out, “What?!?!?!”

“Hey, Vecchio it’s Reynolds from the seventy-four.  Is this a bad time?” A tinny voice came through the phone that Ray recognized as one Detective Nathan Reynolds who he had worked with a time or two.

Ray had been about to answer the younger detective question when a coughing fit overtook him and it a took few minutes and the rest of the cup of water to get himself back under control before he could answer, a feeble, “No it’s fine, I’m only dying over here.”

He could hear a brief squabble in the background between Reynolds and a person who Ray could only assume was his partner Detective Jorge Diaz before Reynolds came back to the phone.  “Yeah, we heard you were sick and we really wouldn’t bother you if it wasn’t important…” Reynolds started before trailing off probably hoping Vecchio would cut him some slack.

Ray rolled his eyes but played his part anyway and said, “No it’s fine.  What do you need?”

“Thanks, man.  Do you remember an informant by the name of Henderson; he used to fence goods from time to time over on the south side?”

Desperately thirsty and seeing that the cup in his hand was empty, Ray realized that he would need to actually get up.  Ray slowly pushed himself upright and then when it seemed like he was not going to fall back down, he slowly weaved his way down the hall towards the kitchen using the wall as a guide.

“Henderson…yeah vaguely,” Ray said and then drunk a full glass and a half before he felt satisfied and immediately fell into a dining room chair resting his head on one arm before continuing, “He’s still alive?  He was old back in the day.  He has to be at least in his eighties now.”

“Yeah something like that, but he keeps his ear to the ground I guess and he has a hot tip for us.  The only problem is and I quote ‘I’ll only talk to Vecchio, the bald one not the blonde’ his words not mine.  So we were hoping you could meet us at the alley near the corner of Finch and Maple so he will show up and talk to us.” Reynolds finished annoyance plain in his voice but it held a hint of pleading as well.

“Really?” Vecchio said annoyed now as well before continuing sarcastically, “Look fellas I am all for helping my fellow boys in blue but I…”

Vecchio didn’t get a chance to finish before Reynolds cut him off, “I know you aren’t feeling well but this is important.  It’s about the Freeman case.  We could finally have the lead we need.”

That stopped Vecchio the Freeman case had been unsolved for over ten years.  Sergeant Freeman had been gunned down on patrol, no witnesses and no suspects.  Henderson had lived in the area at the time so it was in the realm of possibility that he could’ve seen or heard something.  Even though he could barely stand and the fact he would be in a world of trouble if Kowalski found out, there was really only one answer he could give, “Alright what time do you need me there?”

~due south~

Ray staggered out of his apartment building his jacket buttoned all the way up with a scarf around his neck and a knitted hat on his head.  Even with all that protection, the November wind cut through him like a knife causing him to shiver painfully as he stood on the sidewalk looking for the Riviera.  He started to panic thinking it might have been stolen only to remember that it was in the shop and they were down to one car between the two of them until the broken axel was fixed.

Cursing a blue streak, Ray abruptly stopped when he saw a bus rumble pass and come to a halt at the bus stop down the block.  It was the small electronic destination sign lit up on the side that had grabbed his attention.  Maple Street.  Ray started walking toward the bus but when he saw the doors close he began stumbling along attempting to run and waving his arms trying to get the drivers attention.

The bus reopened its doors and Ray hopped aboard digging out enough change to pay his fare.  He managed to croak out a thank you before he staggered down the aisle and sat in an empty seat near the middle closest to the rear door.  Ray leaned his head wearily against the window the coolness of the glass feeling good against his heated skin.  He was trying to catch his breath but he couldn’t quite get enough air in.  His lungs felt like he was trying to breathe through tar and he could feel his heartbeat pound painfully along his temple…and then the coughing started.

When he was finally finished a few minutes later he was exhausted and the few people who had been sitting near him had all moved.  Ray couldn’t be bothered because at that moment his stomach heaved and rolled.  He closed his eyes and found himself praying that he would not throw up in public in front of this many people.

Once his stomach settled down to only being faintly nauseous he opened his eyes and blearily looked out the window.  He needed to keep track of where he was so he wouldn’t miss his stop, but he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open his whole body felt weighed down.  His eyes kept slipping closed and all he wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep.

He must’ve lost the battle because he was woken up when his head knocked against the window with an audible thud.  Ray clutched his head a curse on the tip of his tongue.  Looking up just in time to see the bus pass his stop, Ray jumped up and yanked on the pull, while shouting, “Stop!”

Miraculously the bus driver actually pulled over and came to a sudden stop causing the other passengers to shoot Ray poisonous looks as he passed, which he ignored as only a native Chicago resident could.  Shouting a thank you to the driver over his shoulder, Ray disembarked and stood on the sidewalk swaying slightly while he tried to get his bearings.  When he realized he would have to walk three blocks to the meet up his shoulders slumped in resignation and he trudged forward.

By the time he got to the alleyway by the corner of Maple and Finch any warmth he had leeched from the bus ride was gone.  Ray found he couldn’t stop shivering and it was everything he could do to stay on his feet.  He stood there shoulders hunched against the relentless wind, and reminded himself he was here for a good cause when all he really wanted was to be in his soft warm bed waiting for Kowalski and Fraser to come home.


The sound of his name caused Ray to turn suddenly and he stumbled and almost fell catching himself at the last minute on the alley wall.  Righting himself, Ray saw Diaz and Reynolds walking towards him. Ray raised a weary hand in acknowledgment.

When they stopped in front of him, Reynolds did a double-take and said, “You really are in a bad way, aren’t you?  You look like death warmed over.”

Ray glared at him and then said, “Nice.  That’s the thanks I get for getting out of my sick bed for this.”

Diaz elbowed Reynolds in the ribs and he winced and said, “Sorry. We really appreciate it.  Henderson has been giving us the run around so when he mentioned you we jumped at it.”

Ray understood doing anything to get justice so he shrugged and said, “Okay fine.  When does he get here?”

Diaz looked around and said, “He should be here any…” then he stopped and pointed, “there he is.”

Ray turned slowly this time so as not to get dizzy and saw Henderson in a motorized scooter slowly coming towards them.

In the end, the actual interview was relatively painless.  As soon as Henderson had seen Vecchio he had spilled all he knew about that fateful night and it sounded like a fairly decent lead.  As Vecchio watched the old man leisurely motor away from them he tried to figure out how he was going to get back home.  There was no way he was waiting for the bus even if he knew when the next one was going to come by…which he didn’t.  Maybe he could hail a taxi?  But he hadn’t seen one the entire time they had stood there or heck now that he thought about it these guys owed him maybe he could translate that into a ride home.

Both Reynolds and Diaz looked pleased with themselves and were already talking about what they were going to do next.  Ray opened his mouth to ask, when a sudden wave of dizziness, worse than the last time swept over him.

Reynolds turned towards him and said, “Thanks so muc…” he stopped abruptly and reached out a hand but it was too late.

Ray hit the ground…hard.

As Ray lay on the ground looking up at Reynolds and Diaz staring down at him the last thing he heard was:

“Kowalski’s gonna kick your ass.” Diaz deadpanned, as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

“Fuck,” Reynolds spit out, a troubled look crossing his face.

That almost pulled a smile from Ray…then he was gone.

~due south~

This time it wasn’t a thump, or the jarring ring of a telephone, or the knock of his head against a dirty bus window that woke Vecchio up it was the slow caress of a thumb across the back of his hand.  Back and forth…back and forth it was soothing and worrying all at the same time.

He knew the feel of Kowalski’s skin against his and so it was soothing to know his partner was the one holding his hand because that meant everything was going to be alright, but it was also worrying because it meant his little excursion had been found out and he was in a shit load of trouble.

Without opening his eyes he also knew he was in the hospital, there were certain smells that no matter which hospital you end up in were always the same. Thankfully, he didn’t feel an I.V. or an oxygen mask so maybe it wasn’t too serious.  Then again maybe not because he felt even worse than he did this morning and that was saying something.

Then to his left, a very familiar voice said, “I think he’s waking up.”

“He better be,” Kowalski responded but it was the tremor of worry in those three words that had Vecchio opening his eyes seeking to reassure his partner that he was okay.

He had been right.  He was in a hospital, although he wasn’t in a regular room instead his bed was surrounded by curtains so Ray was pretty sure he was in emergency.

He turned his head, met Kowalski’s eyes and saw concern and fear written in them.

“Hey,” Vecchio croaked out, and gripped Kowalski’s hand a bit tighter trying to give him what comfort he could while lying on a hospital bed.

Relief washed over Kowalski’s face as got up from his chair sat on the edge of the bed and said in a low voice, “You dumbass.”

Ray couldn’t help but say, “What is your obsession with my ass today?”

Kowalski huffed out a laugh that held more relief than amusement, before rolling his eyes and leaning over pulling Ray into a tight embrace.  Kowlaski buried his face in Ray’s neck and let out a shaky breath tickling the skin there.  Ray responded by wrapping his arms around his partner and whispering words of love and comfort in his ear in both English and Italian.

After a few minutes, Kowalski sat up and tried to look stern although the glassy eyes gave him away, “You’re in a lot of trouble…”

Ray held up his hands in surrender, and interrupted, “I know, I know, it was stupid…”

Kowalski started to sputter a rejoinder when the other person in the room spoke up, “That may be a bit of understatement Ray.”

Ray smiled at the sight of Benton Fraser looking as sharp and handsome as ever standing next to his bed in his brown uniform and breathed out, “Benny, how ya doing?”

Fraser just shook his head at the question and said, “I’m fine.”  Then he stepped forward and sat down on the other side of the bed taking a hold of his other hand and tenderly kissing the side of Ray’s head before continuing “You had us worried Ray.”

“I am sorry about that,” Ray apologized, “This was not how I saw this week going.”

It really wasn’t.  They got so little time to be all together and he definitely didn’t want to spend it in a hospital.  Between Fraser’s work in Canada and Ray and Kowalski’s in the states they visited as much as they could but it wasn’t enough.  For years there had been an unspoken understanding between the three of them.  They knew what they wanted they just had to figure out the logistics of it all.  With Fraser set to retire next year, Ray thought they were finally getting there.

Looking at the two men sitting on either side of him, Ray said, “I just want to go home.”

Kowalski brought Ray’s hand up to his mouth and placed a kiss against the back of it, “And we want to take you home.  Let’s see what the doctor says. Okay?”

Thankfully emergency wasn’t too terribly busy, and so Ray was seen within the hour.  The doctor had a lot to say about the wisdom of running around with pneumonia in the November cold but after Ray promised to stay home in bed for the next few days he was released.

A couple of hours later saw him firmly ensconced in that bed with Kowalski in his arms and Fraser spooned up behind them his arms around them both.  They talked quietly together as the evening grew deeper and the sounds of the city quieted.  One by one they fell asleep secure in the knowledge that they were right where they were supposed to be.

The End
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fic challenge, due south, h/c bingo, fic

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