2013 Year in Review....And a look ahead 2014

Dec 31, 2013 17:19

Happy New Years!  I hope everyone's end of the year went well.

For Your listening pleasure here is the lovely Julie Andrews singing Auld Lang Syne:

image Click to view

This year has been both very difficult and very joyful. It has been difficult in various personal ways such as a septic tank failure and our car finally dying, neither of which could we afford. It has been joyful in the fact that we welcomed a new baby in May when we had given up on adding to our family, she is truly a blessing from God. Plus of the many worst case scenario's I envisioned happening in my life most of them didn't so that was great!

I am determined to not do resolutions this year so that in 3 weeks I do not feel like a failure for not following through. If I am going to change something in my life I will and if I fail, I will get back up having (hopefully) learned my lesson and keep going.

As far as fandom life goes my year was more of a year for reading then writing. None of my list of stories I listed on last years roundup here, got finished. I am disappointed about that, I won't relist them but I am planning on finishing them. Eventually. Someday.

Here is what I did finish(:

Fandom: Doctor Who
1. With Whom Fate Brings You:Jack Harkness/Martha Jones

Fandom: Monk
1. Choices We Make:Monk/Natalie

Fandom: Hawaii Five-O
1. Under the Weather: Danny Williams/Kono Kalakaua

All were written for the comm older_not_dead, which goes to show you that I apparently need a deadline in order to finish anything!   Also that means I have 3 more letters done for my stories_a_z table only 17 more to go. I am so thankfull there is no deadline for that table!

Other then the fic I have already mentioned I have also started ones for Monk, Atlantis, and Labyrinth.

In all, I am praying for a blessed year this year.  I hope that for all of you as well!  Happy New Years!

hawaii five-0, personal, danny/kono, older_not_dead, year in review, a-z stories, martha/jack, monk/natalie, monk, ramblings

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