The One that Knows Me

Jul 28, 2021 20:24

Russ staggered to the door, grabbed the handle, and yelled, “Somebody better be fucking dead or somebody’s gonna be!”  Then he gripped his head which throbbed painfully as punishment for his ill-advised shouting.

The boisterous knocking abruptly stopped.

Russ thought about not answering but then the knocking started again only with slightly less enthusiasm.  Yanking the front door open, Russ sagged against it, squinting his eyes against the bright light from the hallway, and spat out, “Of course it’s you.”

Standing on the other side of the doorway was Milt looking like he had just stepped out of a men’s fitness magazine.  He was in his running clothes and although his shirt was soaked with sweat it still managed to cling to his muscles in ways that Russ even in his current miserable state found distracting.

“Morning, Russ,” Milt said brightly as he did a few stretches twisting his torso first one direction then another before he asked, “How are you this fine day?”

Russ ignored the question instead he just managed to push himself off the door even though his head felt like it might implode at any minute and slowly walked back into his darkened living room relying on Milt to invite himself in like usual.

As Russ fell gracelessly onto his couch, he then immediately slumped over using the armrest to prop his head up as it felt like it weighed a ton.  He watched in disgust as Milt practically danced his way across the room and sat in the lounge chair next to the window.  Milt looked as handsome and lively as ever which was gulling in Russ’ opinion as they had just gotten off of a case that had lasted for seventy-two grueling hours where neither one of them had managed to sleep more than a few minutes at a time.  They had finally wrapped it up just six hours ago and Russ had figured he would pass out the moment his head hit the pillow and he did for an hour then he had woken up with the world’s worst migraine.

He watched as Milt fiddled with the few magazines on his coffee table a pleased-albeit borderline-manic smile on his face. “Are you on drugs?” Russ blurted out unable to comprehend how Milt could be that bouncy so soon especially as he felt like death warmed over.

That made the man pause for a moment his face screwing up in confusion, “What?”

“Look at you,” Russ started in his usual loud voice but lowered it to almost a whisper after his brain reminded him with a shot of pain that was a bad idea, “you apparently have already been on a run and now you look like you could give the energizer bunny a run for his money. How long did you sleep for?”

Milt popped up like a frenetic jack-in-the-box and said, “Oh I haven’t slept yet.” before he started pacing back and forth in Russ’s small living room, “I was just too jazzed to go to sleep right away so I thought I would do a bit of straightening up. Well, one thing led to another and before I knew it I had cleaned my entire apartment and reorganized all my closets and I still wasn’t tired so I decided to go on a run. I ended up running for like almost ten miles and I am still not tired. Can you believe it?”

The longer Milt had gone on talking the faster he paced and his speech got even more frenzied.  Russ felt a raising concern about Milt’s mental state. “Yeah I can believe it,” Russ muttered and stood up gingerly making his way over to Milt before bodily placing himself in front of the other man to get him to stop moving.  Once he had stopped Russ said earnestly, “You need sleep.”

Milt made a dismissive sound before saying, “Nah I’m fine I have never felt better…in fact I’m gonna go to the office and see if there are any loose ends that need wrapping up.”

He made a move to go around Russ but Russ immediately countered it. “You…need…sleep,” Russ reiterated putting emphasis on each word which caused another streak of pain to echo around his brain.  Wincing Russ put a hand to his head in an attempt to stop the unrelenting ache.

That action made Milt actually pause from trying to dodge around him and really look at Russ, “You look like hell. Are you okay?”

Russ scowled up at Milt once again resenting those few inches in height Milt had on him and said, “No I’m not alright I have a migraine that feels like it’s trying to turn my brain inside out and now I have a half-crazed partner to look after, who seems like he might vibrate apart if he stops moving for two seconds.”

Milt ignored the last part and said in concern, “Have you taken anything?”

“Have I…,” Russ said disgust evident in his voice, “Of course I’ve taken something. In fact, I’ve taken so much that if I take anymore I would probably overdose.  I’ve tried caffeine, alcohol, a hot shower, and every other remedy I could think of. The only thing that is going to help is SLEEP but that is the one thing I can’t get because I am in too much pain…” Russ realized his voice had started to shake and abruptly stopped talking.

Milt now looked downright worried, he reached out and placed his hands on Russ’s shoulders and said, “Hey it’s okay. How bout this? I read about a study where migraine sufferers would use massage to belay the worst of the tension and pain that comes with a migraine and that would in turn help shorten the duration.”

Russ could feel the heat of Milt’s hands through his t-shirt and tried to ignore how good just that small touch felt, “So what are you getting at?”

“I just happen to be a certified masseur,” Milt said proudly.

“Of course you are,” Russ grumbled automatically but he was too busy thinking to put any real heat behind it.  Russ could tell, even if Milt couldn’t, that the other man was barely hanging on.  Milt was exhausted.  Also with as wild as Milt still looked Russ couldn’t actually trust that he would go home and get some rest so if allowing Milt to give him massage would help keep the man here where Russ could keep an eye on him then so be it.  Plus if the massage worked that would be a blessing because Russ didn’t know how much longer he could stand to be in this much pain without completely losing it.

“Okay I’ll try it, but you have to shower first. You’re all gross,” Russ said making sure to sound as put out as possible.

Milt smiled his bright GQ smile and said “It’s a deal.”

~Battle Creek~

Russ lay on the bed listening to the shower running and tried not to picture one F.B.I. agent Milt Chamberlain with water cascading down his naked body.

He failed miserably.

Running a hand down his face, Russ shut his eyes and tried to relax as much as the pain would allow him.  He failed at that as well but at least it stopped him from thinking about the man in his shower for a few moments.

Hearing the bathroom door open, Russ looked over and saw the clothes that he had let Milt borrow fit pretty well if a few inches short around the ankles and on the bright side the slightly too small shirt stretched across Milt’s chest in very interesting ways.  His hair was still damp and Russ was glad to see the hot shower seemed to have slowed down and relaxed the other man as he was finally able to hold still for longer than a few seconds.

Sliding his eyes away from the tempting sight of Milt in his clothes, Russ cleared his throat and said, “So how do you want to do this?”

“Shirt off and on your stomach,” Milt said a touch of command in his voice.

Russ swallowed hard against the sudden feeling of his throat tightening as Milt stared down at him waiting for him to comply and he tried just as desperately to ignore the curl of desire Milt’s tone had caused him to feel.  There was also an intense look in Milt’s eye that had the butterflies in Russ’s stomach all aflutter.  As he pulled the shirt over his head Russ couldn’t help but think that maybe he hadn’t thought this plan all the way through when he had agreed to it.  He avoided Milt’s gaze as he threw the shirt in the direction of his laundry basket and then slid to the middle of the bed and turned over to lay on his stomach feeling strangely exposed even though he still had his shorts on.

The mattress dipped under Milt’s weight as he joined him on the bed.  Russ felt himself tense more as Milt swung his leg over Russ so his knees were on either side of his hips.

“Is this okay?” Milt asked in an almost whisper.

Russ had to clear his throat before he could speak and his voice still came out in a squeak, “Yeah it’s fine.”

Milt laid a hand in between Russ’s shoulder blades which caused Russ to jump slightly, and he said in a gentle voice, “Then I need you to relax a bit. You are strung so tight right now.”

Russ wasn’t going to say it was because the man he had been falling in love with for more than a year was basically straddling him and he wanted nothing more than to turn over and pull Milt into his arms, so instead, he said in a strangled voice, “I’ll try.”

He heard the cap on the lotion that Milt had brought out of the bathroom pop and forced himself to take a deep breath in and blow it out in an effort to calm his now racing heart.  Russ closed his eyes at the first touch of Milt’s hands along his back as they slid upwards to his shoulders the lotion making the motion smooth and easy.  Milt’s strong hands pushed and kneaded at the too tense muscles along his neck and shoulders.  Russ felt himself relax more and more and his pain got lighter and lighter the longer Milt worked.  Milt’s hands then moved from his neck and shoulders down his back.  Russ had to stifle a groan as Milt really worked the knots in his lower back causing him to practically melt into the bed.  He could feel himself drifting under Milt’s care the pain and worries of the day floating away.

He was vaguely aware when Milt moved off him and put the lotion on the bedside table, but before Milt could move off the bed entirely Russ opened his eyes and caught Milt’s gaze, Milt said, “I’m going to head out. I am really tired all of the sudden.”

Russ thought he looked more than tired he looked downright exhausted so Russ turned over onto his back and reached out his hand placing it on Milt’s forearm and whispered, “Stay.”

Milt’s eyebrows came together in uncertainty, before he asked in a low voice, “Are you sure?”

Instead of answering Russ tugged him down until he was settled next to him.  They just stared at each other for a long moment, then Milt’s eyes closed and his breathing started to even out.  Russ lay there facing his partner and tried to keep his own eyes open in order to drink in the sight of Milt who was already fast asleep.  Soon though he couldn’t fight it anymore and he joined Milt in some much needed rest.

~Battle Creek~

Russ woke up slowly.  The first thing he noticed was the fact that his head did not hurt.  There was a very dull ache but that was more like an old bruise rather than the ice pick to the head feeling that he had had before.  Opening his eyes, Russ found he was half-laying on another man which was strange in itself as he hadn’t brought anyone home in over a year not since his break up with Holly but it was also strange that he was not freaking out, instead he felt safe and cared for.  He searched his memories and realized in that weird-half-asleep-dreamy way that it was Milt’s chest he was currently resting on.  He allowed the slow rise and fall to lull him almost back to sleep when he felt Milt’s hand which had been resting on his lower back slowly move upwards until it was cradling the back of Russ’s head.  At the movement Russ sat up slightly and just enough to see that Milt’s eyes were open.  Russ didn’t look away instead he took in his fill of a delightfully sleep rumpled Milt as the other man did the same.

The tension between them grew and stretched tight and Russ knew in this fragile glass spun moment that he could continue to push Milt away or he could finally invite him in.  Making his decision, Russ leaned forward and placed a barely-there kiss against Milt’s mouth before drawing back to check Milt’s reaction.  Milt’s eyes were wide with shock and Russ felt his stomach sink before a soft smile curved the other man’s lips and Russ was drawn forward deeper into Milt’s arms.  He was rolled onto his back with Milt hovering over him before the other man leaned down and seized Russ’s lips with his own.  Russ opened his mouth and felt Milt’s tongue sweep in.  Running his hands over Milt’s back and under his shirt, Russ pulled the too small bit of clothing along with his hands until he couldn’t go any further.  Milt broke the kiss long enough to pull the shirt over his head and he started to lean back down but Russ put up a hand and stopped him.

“What?” Milt asked a concerned look flitting over his face.

“Wait…I…want,” Russ stuttered out too embarrassed to say what he wanted instead he started to map Milt’s chest with his hands, and where his hands went his mouth followed.  Soon he could hear Milt panting above him as he held perfectly still obviously enjoying Russ’s caresses.  When he reached Milt’s mouth and the kiss deepened he allowed the other man to push him back down and silently reveled in the feeling of Milt’s weight on top of him.

Russ tangled his hands in Milt’s hair as Milt kissed and nipped his way down Russ’s chest and stomach, when he reached the waistband of Russ’s shorts Milt looked up a question on his face and Russ nodded his permission.  Milt hooked his fingers into the waistband of both the shorts and his underwear and pulled them down Russ’s legs throwing them onto the floor.  Then he stood doing the same with his own.

Russ was only briefly able to feast his eyes on the sight in front of him before Milt was back in his arms taking Russ’s mouth in a possessive claiming kiss.  Russ opened up for him eagerly and wrapping one leg around Milt’s hips drawing him closer.  Milt started hungrily rocking his hips against Russ’s as he mouthed along Russ’s jaw and the column of his throat whispering, “I’ve wanted this…you for so long.”

Russ gasped at the words and the feelings they elicited, tightening his hands against Milt’s back as the other man moved above him seeking and giving pleasure all the while continuing to whisper words of want and love against Russ’s skin.

~Battle Creek~

His heart hadn’t quite slowed down to normal before doubts started to creep into his pleasure soaked brain.  Russ was once again lying with his head on Milt’s shoulder and now their legs were entangled together as well.  Milt’s fingers were tracing random patterns along Russ’s spine as they lay there catching their breath from their second round of lovemaking.  Russ couldn’t help but think of the myriad of reasons why it couldn’t work between them and as those thoughts begin to circle round and round in his head he felt his muscles tense in response.

“Stop it,” Milt said sleepily above him.

“Stop what?” Russ countered his voice husky from use.

“Look at me,” Milt said, the hint of authority back in his voice.

To his surprise over the last few hours, Russ had found out something new about himself, he actually liked it when Milt took charge in bed, so with a lot less grumbling then he would normally voice he raised himself up and met Milt’s gaze.

“Stop worrying,” Milt said, as he reached out and cupped the back of Russ’s head pulling him into a long-drawn-out kiss.  When they broke apart he continued, “We’ve wanted this for a long time. And we have danced around our feelings long enough, if we both really try this can work between us. Right?”

Russ blew out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding and seeing the love and surety in the other man’s eyes he realized Milt was correct and relaxed against him.  Milt knew the best and the worst of who Russ was and Russ knew the same about him.    So in a soft voice he agreed, “Right.”

This time it was Russ who leaned forward and sealed their words with a kiss.

The End
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fic challenge, battle creek, h/c bingo, fic, small fandom fest

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