Two Weeks Away: Epilogue

Oct 19, 2020 21:39


Kate juggled her purse, her phone, and her dinner-which was in a paper bag and growing colder by the moment-in her hands as she struggled to open her front door. Finally she was able to unlock the door and rush inside. Glancing at the clock in her entryway, Kate saw she had exactly one minute. Dropping the keys and her purse on the couch, Kate ran into her bedroom, grabbing her laptop. She set it up at the kitchen table and placed her dinner next to it. While she booted the laptop she shrugged out of her jacket and then sat down. Just as the laptop came on, the Skype icon started to ring. Kate couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. She had made it just in time.

Pressing the button, Kate felt a familiar thrill when Kono’s smiling face came up on her laptop screen.

“Hello,” Kono said a bright smile on her face.

“Hello, sweetheart,” Kate answered back, blushing slightly.

“I love it when you do that,” Kono said.

Kate knew Kono loved all the endearments she threw her way, so she tried to use them as much as possible. “Of course I know, darling.”

“Stop it,” Kono said bashfully, and her expression belied her words, as she looked very pleased. “So what did you bring to date night?”

“Unfortunately I was running late so I just grabbed a burger,” Kate grumbled, holding up a grease soaked paper bag so the laptop camera would catch it.

Kono grimaced and said, “I’m sorry. I wish I could share my meal with you. I had the day off so I managed to cook, for once.”

Kate caught a brief glimpse of Mahi Mahi and joked, “I’m totally jealous.”

They both started to dig into their meals, talking about their days. Kate loved these calls, even though the time difference made it a bit difficult. Tonight, for instance, Kate was eating dinner and Kono was technically eating lunch, but they made it work. They managed to video chat just about every few days, and although it wasn’t quite like being physically together, it was close enough that they were the highlight of Kate’s day.

Kono was picking her brain about a current case Five-O was working on when there was a knock on her door.

Kate tried to suppress her grin but in the end couldn’t.

“I wonder who that is?” Kate asked, her tone comically false.

Kono half rose, asking, “What did you do?” before she walked off screen.

Kate heard Kono answer the door and then say a muffled thank you before she returned, her arms full of flowers.

Kono was beaming at her from the screen, and Kate grinned back and said delightedly, “Oh good, they got there in time. I told the florist what time I wanted them delivered because I wanted to see your reaction.”

“You are the sweetest, most thoughtful woman,” Kono said, and then she buried her face in the blooms, looking up, her eyes a bit teary. “These are all my favorites.”



Kate watched in growing consternation as the Skype app tried to once again get hold of Kono. This was the second time she had tried. Glancing at her watch, she saw it was now forty minutes past seven. They had a date for seven o’clock this evening and Kate, for once, had gotten off of work right on time. She had been sitting at her laptop since six-thirty, impatiently waiting for the woman she was falling in love with to appear on her screen. Only so far, no go.

Picking up her cell phone, Kate contemplated calling Kono but she didn’t want to disturb her if she was still working. This wouldn’t be the first Skype call that one of them had to miss, because of work and Kate of course understood, but it was always still such a downer. They didn’t have nearly enough time together, so each missed call hurt in a way that it probably wouldn’t have if they weren’t so far away from each other.

Of course they had a procedure for missed calls: the person who missed would text or call as soon as possible to let the other know they were okay.

Just as Kate was going to grab something to drink, her Skype app started to ring. Relief flooded through her as she accepted the call.

Her enthusiastic greeting died on her lips when she caught sight of Kono. Although Kono was giving her a brave smile, Kate was distracted by the black eye she was sporting on the right side of her face.

“Sweetheart, are you okay?” Kate scooted to the edge of her chair to get closer to the screen.

Kono rushed to reassure her, “I’m fine. A suspect got in a lucky punch. Other than this reminder to duck next time, I am perfectly okay.”

Kate brought her hand up without thinking, wanting to hold and comfort Kono. Dropping her hand in frustration, She said, “I want to be there with you so bad right now.”

Kono’s smile fell and she whispered, “I wish you could too.”

“Oh, love it’s okay,” Kate rushed to reassure her, “I have some good news. I was approved for some extra time off when you come to visit,” Kate finished, hoping to distract Kono and make them both feel better.

Kate was glad to see a small smile start up on her lips, and then Kono said a bit huskily, “One month. I can’t wait to just be with you again.”

Kate blew out a shaky breath and made a silent wish for the next month to pass as quickly as possible. “Me, too.”



It was the soft light of dawn breaking that eventually woke up Kate. Opening her eyes Kate knew something was different, but couldn’t think of what it was until the arm around her waist tightened slightly and a soft kiss was placed against the back of her neck.

Then with a growing smile and an even greater surge of joy she remembered Kono had flown into D.C. yesterday, and would be here for a week. Kate had pulled every string she could, to get the time off so she wouldn’t miss a single moment with her girlfriend.

Shifting around until she was face to face with Kono, who still had her eyes closed, although Kate was pretty sure she was awake. She placed a kiss at the end of Kono’s nose and wished her a good morning in a sleep rough voice.

Kono smiled softly and opened her eyes. She whispered her good morning against Kate’s mouth then followed up her words with a gentle kiss.

Kate reached up, and tucked a lock of hair that had escaped from Kono’s ponytail behind her ear. “I am so happy you are here.”

Kono’s smiled widened and she said, “I’ve missed you.”

“Oh sweetheart, me too,” Kate replied, and then the words that had been on the tip of her tongue with every Skype call spilled out. “I love you so much.”

Kono gasped softly, tenderly cupping Kate’s cheek, and said, “I love you too.”

And as Kono drew her back into her arms and as their kisses turned passionate, Kate realized that a week together was never going to be enough.



Kate stretched her arms over her head, clasping her hands together, and leaning first to one side and then to the other, trying to work the kinks out of her back. Dropping her hands with a resigned sigh, Kate got back to work. It was now ten o’clock in the evening and Kate had been here all day. They had wrapped up their latest case around ten this morning, but thanks to it being an interagency tangled-up nightmare, there was more paperwork than normal. She was the last one in the bullpen, as McGee and DiNozzo had finished up about a half an hour ago. They had left together talking about maybe grabbing a bite to eat at a diner they all liked to frequent. The two men had offered to bring her back something, but she had declined as she was almost finished and just wanted to work straight through and then go home.

Kate had taken a quick break a couple of hours ago and had called Kono to tell her she wouldn’t make their video date tonight. Kono had understood, but after she had hung up, Kate couldn’t help but feel frustrated. Her relationship with Kono was going great. They still video chatted pretty much every day, and Kate had even been able to visit for a long weekend around Christmas, but at the end of that weekend Kate hadn’t wanted to get back on the plane and come back to D.C. Washington no longer felt like home. Kono instead had become her touchstone; she had become the person Kate wanted to come home to, and to make a home with.

Shaking her head and telling herself to focus, Kate started typing in her report for the case from that morning. Fifteen minutes later she finally added her electronic signature to the bottom of her report, and with a very pleased click of her mouse, she turned it in. With a tired but self-satisfied smile, Kate started closing all of the tabs she had open. She was just about to turn her computer off when Ducky walked into the bullpen, looking a bit lost.

“Hey Ducky. What are you doing here so late?” Kate asked, a welcoming smile spreading across her face. Ducky’s broad smile reminded her she really needed to invite him and Gibbs over for dinner again, as it had been a few months since their wedding.

Ducky walked over and said pleasantly, “Caitlin, it is good to see you. I was looking for Jethro. He had to finish up some paperwork, so I said I would wait for him and we could go home together. He finally texted me that he was done so I closed everything down, but he never came to autopsy. I thought I would come up here and fetch him but I see that he is not here either.”

Kate sat back and thought about it for a moment before she remembered, “Oh, I’m sorry, Ducky. I think the Director called him into his office just as he was about to get into the elevator.”

“Ah,” Ducky said with understanding before he snagged one of the office chairs and rolled it over to Kate’s desk. “I hope you don’t mind if I stay with you while I wait.”

“Of course not,” Kate reassured him. “I was just finishing up, myself, so I would love the company.” Ducky was one of her favorite people so she never minded spending time with him.

Placing his hat in his lap, Ducky asked after Kono. Kate was warmed by Ducky’s inquiry after the other woman. The two of them had hit it off when Kono had visited last August and they had gone to Ducky and Gibbs’ house for dinner. So Kate told him all about some of the quirkier aspects of Kono working with the Five-O members.

Ducky chuckled softly after a particularly funny story, and then, in a kind tone, asked, “You really love her don’t you?”

Kate huffed out a bit of an embarrassed laugh at being so transparent. “Yeah I really do. I just wish we didn’t live so far away from each other.”

Ducky hummed thoughtfully, and after a few moments of silence he inquired, “Do you happen to check the human resources job postings very often?”

Confused a bit by the non-sequitur Kate, said, “No, why?”

“Oh, no reason,” Ducky said, with a bit of a twinkle in his eye, before turning slightly towards the stairs and exclaiming, “Oh Jethro, there you are.”

Kate looked over to see Gibbs walking down the stairs looking extremely tired, but she watched when he caught sight of Ducky and a very soft expression crossed his face. Kate had rarely seen two people more in love with each other.

Gibbs walked over and gave Ducky a brief kiss. Looking over at Kate, he suggested, “If you are almost done we could walk you out.”

Shaking her head, Kate said, “Thank you but I still have a few things to wrap up. I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Very well, my dear, see you Monday,” Ducky said, and then tucking his hand into the crook of Gibbs’ arm they walked out of the bullpen and got into the elevator.

Kate yawned widely and then straightened up her desk. Just as she was about to shut down her computer she remembered Ducky’s words, and went to the NCIS inner office job listings. She scrolled through their most recent posts until her eyes caught on the word ‘Hawaii.’ Clicking on the link, Kate saw that the Honolulu office had a position available for an experienced agent.

With a raising sense of anticipation, Kate read through all the details. She met all the requirements, and they were accepting applications through February. She could apply.

Biting her lip, Kate read through the listing once again, making sure she had read everything right. Then she sat back and thought through the ramifications, as hopeful adrenaline coursed through her veins. She could apply, and if it was accepted she could be in Hawaii in six months time.

Blowing out a shuddering breath, Kate knew there was someone she had to talk to first. She quickly copied the listing and sent it to Kono’s email CCing herself.

Glancing at her watch she saw it was going on eleven. Quickly converting the time, Kate figured Kono would just be getting off of work. Picking up her phone, Kate called Kono and was relieved when she picked up after a few rings.

“Hey Kate. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you until tomorrow,” Kono said, delight evident in her voice.

Kate was unsure how to broach the subject, because she wanted Kono’s honest opinion and she definitely didn’t want to pressure her. Finally she blurted out, “Hey sweetheart, something just came up so I wanted to call you and get your thoughts on it. I sent you an email with all the details.”

“Okay let me get to my office and pull it up,” Kono said.

As Kate listened to the office noises in the background, her knee started to bounce up and down, more rapidly the longer she waited.

“Let’s see… here it is,” Kono said a bit distractedly. “Oh my goodness, Kate, are you going to apply?” She asked excitedly.

Just hearing the excitement in her girlfriend’s voice pushed away any doubts, and Kate answered, “Yes, I think I will.”



Kate grabbed the last cardboard box out of the shipping pod. Walking into their newly rented house, Kate was feeling utterly exhausted but she still had a spring to her step. She had applied for the Honolulu NCIS position in January, and things had moved rather quickly after that. Just a few weeks later she had a phone interview with the senior agent. Then a month after that she had an in-person interview with the director of the Honolulu office when he had been in town for a conference. They had offered her the job a few weeks after that. Kono had been ecstatic, and they had started making plans on her moving out by July. The hard part for Kate had been breaking the news to Gibbs, Ducky, and the rest of the team. All but Ducky had been shocked and a bit sad. But then they all rallied around her and helped her get her apartment packed and loaded into a shipping pod that would eventually meet her in Hawaii. They had also thrown her a going away/housewarming party right before she left to help Kono get settled in their new home.

Kate had originally intended to get her own apartment, not wanting to foist herself on Kono and her small condo. When Kono had broached the subject of them getting a place together, Kate had been relieved because she wanted more than anything to live with Kono after so much time apart. It hadn’t taken them long to find a house for rent in a quiet neighborhood that was near enough to both their workplaces, and close enough to the beach, to suit them both.

Setting a box on the living room floor next to the other ones, Kate opened it up and started taking the books out, placing them in a bookshelf. As she worked she hummed along to the music playing on the radio in the background. When she finished that box, she broke it down and placed it in an ever growing pile next to the front door. Feeling a pair of arms encircle her from behind, she couldn’t help giggling softly when she felt a kiss against the curve of her neck.

Turning in Kono’s arms, Kate wound her arms around her girlfriend’s shoulders. As they held each other they started slowly swaying with the music.

After a few minutes of them dancing their way around the living room, Kono asked, “Any regrets?”

Kate looking up into Kono’s beautiful brown eyes, only feeling an overwhelming sense of homecoming and love, answered with a soft smile, “None at all.”


One Year Later

Jogging up the walkway, Kate shifted the bag of rolls that she had been asked to bring from one hand to the other. She was about thirty minutes behind the estimated time she’d told Kono she would arrive. Her last interview with a potential witness had gone on longer than she had anticipated, plus traffic had made her late to the once a week Ohana BBQ. Knocking on the door, Kate was greeted by very pregnant Malia, who ushered her inside. They made a quick detour to the kitchen where Kate handed the bread over to Danny, who gave her a brief hug before returning to make the salad. Steve came downstairs just as she and Malia were heading towards the backyard and he stopped them to ask how Kate’s day was. She gave him a brief rundown, although he was interested Kate couldn’t help but notice that he kept glancing behind her. After they parted, Steve made a beeline towards the kitchen and Danny. Once there, he laid a hand against the back of his partner’s neck and whispered something in his ear that made the other man blush and smile widely.

Kate and Malia shared a knowing look over the two burgeoning lovebirds before walking outside. Kate asked how her maternity leave was going, and listened as she gave all the latest news on the ongoing debate between her and Chin on what color to paint the baby’s room. Throwing her two cents in on the color controversy as they walked out back, Kate’s gaze immediately searched for Kono. She was talking to Chin next to the grill, and the pair seemed to be keeping an eye on the burgers. Malia went over to join Chin, and when Kono saw Kate she gave her a big smile and walked over.

“Happy two month anniversary,” Kono said, brown eyes sparkling, as she stopped beside Kate, then leaned over and gave her a lingering kiss.

Now it was Kate’s turn to smile broadly. Her wife was a romantic. Her wife. Those two words still sent a thrill through her. Their wedding had been a small spur, of the moment affair with only the rest of the Five-O team physically present. Thankfully her NCIS family had been able to watch a live video stream that Tim and Chin had been able to set up on short notice. Even though it was last minute, it had been absolutely perfect.

“Happy two month anniversary,” Kate repeated when they parted, then allowed Kono to pull her back over to where Chin and Malia were still manning the grill. They were soon drawn into a discussion of baby names. Steve and Danny emerged from the house with the salad and bread just in time for Chin to take the hamburgers off the grill. They all sat down around the long table, passing dishes back and forth until their plates were filled.

Kono’s hand rested lightly on Kate’s thigh as they ate and chatted with the others. Sitting there, Kate couldn’t help but to pause and look around the table, and wonder at how much her life had changed in the past two years. She had started off, that cold winter day, feeling unmoored and lost in a life that no longer felt like her own, and now she had a new life, and a new home. Now she had a family back in Washington and a new one in Hawaii, and, most importantly she had the love of her life sitting next to her.

With that thought she took Kono’s hand in hers, running her thumb across the knuckles, before bringing it up to her mouth and placing a gentle kiss on the back. Kono turned to her and gave her a soft smile and a tender look filled with promise. Feeling a wave of joy, Kate leaned towards Kono, who met her halfway, sealing the promise with a kiss.

The End
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hawaii five-0, 100 fandoms, fic challenge, ncis, f/f, h/c bingo, fic

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