Two Weeks Away: Chapter Three

Oct 19, 2020 21:29

Kono was true to her word and returned shortly, and then the two of them went to the restaurant that she had mentioned only that morning. That felt like a million years ago now. Kono had been right, the views were breathtaking, and so was Kono as the candlelight highlighted her already lovely features.

Kate had thought to broach the subject of the two of them being more than just friends over dinner, but every time she opened her mouth to do so she would either chicken out or she would be interrupted by the wait staff asking if they were okay. By time dessert rolled around she started to have doubts. After her big confession on the beach about not wanting to get involved, how could she change her mind now? Would Kono think she was some sort of flake? So they ate a delicious tiramisu while chatting about what to do the next day as Kono had the day off. Kate threw out a few ideas but internally continued to debate what to do.

By time Kono was walking her up to her front door she had pretty much decided she wasn’t going to say anything. She loved having Kono as her friend. Maybe she should leave well enough alone. What if she ruined everything by asking for more?

As they stood facing each other, Kate cleared her throat nervously and said, “Thank you for such a great evening…” Her voice trailed off and as Kate stared into Kono’s lovely brown eyes knew she had to take a chance or regret it forever. Taking a tentative step forward, she swallowed down her fear and continued, “Do you want to come in?”

Kono looked a bit surprised but then her expression softened, “Kate, what are you asking?”

“I want you. I want to be with you tonight. If you still want me?” Kate asked in a rush, unsure if she was making any sense.

Kono cupped the side of her face, one thumb running across her cheekbone, “I do still want you, have done since I first saw you, and now that I know more about you, I want you all the more. But are you sure? What about what you said the other night about long distance relationships and regrets?”

“We could just promise each other only the rest of the week and nothing else, and that way there are no expectations and no hurt feelings.” Kate swallowed thickly. She knew she was babbling but she needed Kono to understand, “I’m sure I want to spend the night with you…I know I would regret letting my fear stop me from loving you…” Kate said as she closed the gap between them, letting her eyes close. She brushed her lips against Kono’s, wanting to dive in for more, but pulled back. She needed to make sure Kono was okay with Kate changing the nature of their relationship. She had to make sure she wasn’t pushing the other woman into a decision she would in turn regret.

When Kate opened her eyes, she saw Kono’s eyes were soft with want, and then a joyful smile spread across her face.

“No regrets,” Kono whispered as she slipped her arm around Kate, drawing her forwards, and then slowly tilting Kate’s chin up, tracing her lower lip with her thumb, drawing out the anticipation. Then she leaned down and kissed Kate long and deep until Kate moaned low in her throat, her hands clutching at Kono’s back trying to get impossibly closer. Kate reached behind her with one hand trying to find the doorknob to open the door without letting the other woman go. Kono huffed out a laugh against Kate’s lips, broke away, found the doorknob, and pushed the door open. Kate found Kono’s mouth again as Kono walked her backwards across the threshold. Kono closed the door with her foot and they slowly made their way down the hallway, neither wanting to let the other go. Kate pushed Kono against the wall, kissing and mouthing her way down her neck as Kono gasped her name. Kono, burrowing her hands into Kate’s hair pulled her back up and captured her lips once again as Kate pulled her backwards towards the bedroom.


Kate vaguely heard a knocking sound followed by a door opening and closing, and not wanting to truly wake up yet she rolled over, her arm searching for Kono’s warm body. She frowned slightly when she came up short. Finally forcing one eyelid open, Kate saw an empty bed. Pouting in disappointment, she dragged herself into a sitting position and pulled the sheet up with her as the morning was a bit chilly for lying about naked. She had just gotten comfortable against the headboard when Kono opened the bedroom door, holding a white bag and a cardboard drink carrier with two covered coffees in her hands. She wore Kate’s grey overcoat, which was buttoned all the way up.

Kate quirked an eyebrow and said with a grin, “Interesting fashion choice.”

Kono gave a laugh and then spun in a slow careful circle, “I’ll have you know this is the very height of haute couture. Besides those who bring such an impractical coat to Hawaii have no room to talk.”

Setting the bag and the coffees down on the side table, Kono leaned over and gave Kate a through kiss. When they broke apart Kono whispered, “Good Morning,” against Kate’s lips before drawing her into another kiss.

“Good morning,” Kate returned a trifle breathlessly. When they parted, Kono straightened up and Kate leaned back against the headboard saying, “It is not impractical in January in Washington D.C., where my flight was almost delayed due to a blizzard.”

“Touché,” Kono said, slowly walking towards the end of the bed, unbuttoning the coat as she went, “You’ll have to excuse my presumption at using your coat. I wanted to make you breakfast this morning, but there was nothing to eat in your kitchen so I called a local café that will deliver, and ordered some muffins and coffee.” When she rounded the end of the bed she faced Kate with a smoldering look in her eyes. As she finished unbuttoning the last button, her hands the only thing keeping the coat closed. “Now, I couldn’t very well answer the door like this, could I?” she asked as she let the coat slip from her bare shoulders, revealing a very naked Kono underneath.

Kate had to swallow a couple times due to her suddenly dry throat at the sight before her. “No I guess you couldn’t.” Then she crooked her finger, her smile widening as Kono slowly crawled towards her until she was straddling Kate’s lap. Kate put her hands on Kono’s hips and slid them up her back, pulling her closer, capturing her lips with her own, and drawing her into a deep kiss.

Wanting to get closer without breaking their kiss, Kate shifted them until Kono was on her back with Kate hovering over her. Kono’s grip on her ribs tightened and Kate couldn’t help breaking the kiss and wincing.

“What’s wrong?” Kono asked, looking up in concern.

Kate reluctantly moved over, holding her side. Kono sat up and then reached over, lifting Kate’s hand off her rib cage.

“Wow, that looks really painful,” Kono said, cringing a bit.

Looking down in confusion, Kate saw what Kono meant. On the left side of her rib cage was a wicked looking bruise that was roughly oval in shape. “Oh,” Kate breathed out, hissing slightly as she probed it gently. “I’d forgotten about that.”

Kono’s eyebrows rose, an incredulous look on her face. “How could you forget about…that?” she gestured towards the dark purple mark.

“I was distracted,” Kate said as she raised Kono’s hand and brushed a kiss against her knuckles with a wink. “Morris got in a lucky punch yesterday, it looks worse than it is.”

“Do you want a cold compress or some Tylenol or something?” Kono asked, her distress plain in her voice.

Kate rushed to reassure her, cupping her cheek gently, “No, no, I’m alright, I’ll just be more careful how I move from here on out.” To prove her words she leaned over and brushed a kiss against her mouth.

Kono chased her lips when Kate started to retreat, breathing out against her mouth, “Are you sure?”

“More than sure,” Kate whispered back, pulling the other woman back onto the bed with a smile.

Kono smiled down at her, and said with a laugh, “Don’t worry I’ll be gentle.”

Kate laughed up at her and then drew her down into a deep kiss.


Next Morning

“Come on we’re almost there,” Kono said, smiling encouragingly and grabbing Kate’s hand, pulling her forward.

Now Kate had just recently realized that she was a bit out of shape when she had been chasing Henderson down, but she hadn’t truly realized by how much until they started their hike up Koko Head Crater trail.

After spending most of yesterday delightfully in bed together, Kono had proposed a hike to see one of the best view’s that Hawaii had to offer, if Kate was feeling up to it. Kate knew Kono was still concerned about her ribs, but they were feeling much better so she had assured her that it sounded lovely.

When Kono had woken them up at the crack of dawn, Kate had had a few doubts, but once they ate a quick breakfast and made it to the trailhead before the crowds, her sense of adventure had finally woken up enough to appreciate their outing. The actual trail was unlike anything she had ever hiked before. The trail was at a steep incline and there were old railroad tracks that the hikers used to climb up to the top. To Kate, it felt like being on a never ending Stairmaster.

About three-fourths of the way was when Kate started to question just how good a shape she was in, as Kono was barely winded and she was starting to flag. Kate had known she had lost some ground since being shot, but that fact was really drilled into her over the course of the 1.8 miles of railroad ties that made up the hike. The doctors had said it would take time to regain her regular stamina but Kate was getting tired of waiting.

So Kate grasped Kono’s hand a bit tighter and pushed herself harder, determined to get back everything the old Kate had taken for granted, her job, her health, her life, just…everything.

Once they reached the top, Kate just stood there for the longest time, drinking in the sight before her. Kono was next to her, looking all sorts of delighted. It was a clear day and Kate could see for miles. Off to her left was the Pacific Ocean that went on forever, and to the right was the city surrounded by lush green tropical forests. It was a sight that she had dreamed of since she was a little girl, sitting on her grandmother’s couch.

The wind picked up and Kate shivered at being this high up, exposed to the wind. She couldn’t help thinking about the last time she had been in a similar situation. Her breath hitched suddenly and tears started to gather in her eyes, not only at the beauty of it all but also at the thought she might have never seen any of this if that day on the roof had turned out differently. Kono wrapped an arm around her waist in silent comfort, and Kate turned into the embrace and leaned her head against Kono’s shoulder. They stood there holding each other for the longest time. Kate placed a kiss on the warm shoulder she was leaning against, and whispered a thank you against Kono’s skin, for her compassion and understanding and for just being with her in this emotional moment.

Kono asked softly, “Are you okay?”

Surreptitiously wiping a stray tear off her cheek, Kate answered with a quiet, “Yeah, I just…need a moment.”

Kissing the top of her head, Kono said, “Take all the time you need.”


Kate could feel the wind tugging at her clothes, and tendrils of hair were starting to escape the pony tail she had it in. The silence was deafening. Kate slowly opened her eyes and she once again saw the Hawaiian skyline, but this time, as she looked around, there were no fellow hikers, families with their kids, and no Kono. She was alone. She tried to call out Kono’s name but her words were swallowed up by the wind. That’s when she heard the familiar low whine and her breathing picked-up as she spun slowly in a circle, trying to find the sound before it was too late only she couldn’t…she never could…

“No!” Kate screamed out as she turned and started running desperate to get away, she felt something grab at her trying to stop her forward progress but she twisted away, “No…No…Please!”

Her shoulder hit something hard, and she fell, hitting the ground even harder, knocking the breath out of her.

As she lay there gasping and choking, she heard a voice next to her. “Shh…shh…it’s okay Kate. I’m here.”

It was then that Kate felt the warmth of someone sitting next to her and a hand tentatively touched her arm. A word cut through her-all consuming panic: Kono.

Kate curled into the woman, and she felt Kono’s arms wrap around her as she crooned nonsense words into her ear. Kate returned the embrace and sobbed out her pain.


“Thank you,” Kate said in a husky whisper as she accepted the cup of hot tea from a very concerned looking Kono. Kate felt embarrassed and humiliated that Kono had seen her at her lowest. When Kate had finally been able to stop crying, and Kono had helped her pick herself off the floor, she had seen that they were in the hallway. It was then that she realized she had apparently jumped out of bed screaming and started to run down the hall only to catch her shoulder on the door jamb and fall to the floor.

Now the two of them were ensconced on the living room couch, Kono had wrapped a blanket around her shoulders, because she couldn’t stop shivering, although the mug of hot tea she cradled in her hands was helping quite a bit. As she blew on the hot liquid, Kate couldn’t help thinking, with a small smile, that there were two people in her life that connected hot tea to comforting.

When Kono sat next to her, cradling her own cup of tea, Kate, unable to meet Kono’s concerned gaze, said, “I’m sorry…they aren’t usually…I’m not usually so…I don’t like to talk about…” Kate shut her mouth with a snap, trying to stop herself from rambling. Finally, with a shrug she finished lamely, “I’m sorry.”

Kono reached over and laid a hand on Kate’s knee. “You have nothing to be sorry about. I understand nightmares and how they can be almost as traumatic as what caused them. If you don’t want to tell me about it it’s okay.”

Looking into Kono’s sympathetic eyes, Kate knew what Kono said was true. If she didn’t want to talk about it she wouldn’t have to, but suddenly she wanted Kono to know why. “My nightmares lately are because of this.” She ran her hand nervously over her scar. Kate then told her about Ari and his entanglement with NCIS, and how it had culminated with a sniper shot on a roof that didn’t kill her only because at exactly the right moment the wind shifted.

The tremor in Kate’s voice became worse the longer she spoke, but she was proud of the fact that it was the first time she had been able to get through the story without needing to stop. “That was over a year ago, and in a couple of weeks I will start back with NCIS. The closer I get to my return date the more frequent they become,” Kate finished, her shivering getting worse.

Kono must’ve noticed as well, because she sat back against the arm of the couch and beckoned her over. Kate dropped the blanket and crawled towards her, turning to sit with her back against Kono’s chest, resting her head against Kono’s shoulder.

“Thank you for telling me,” Kono said softly as she enfolded Kate into her arms.

“Thank you for listening,” Kate returned.

They sat together for a time just holding each other. Finally Kono broke the silence, “Do you want to try sleeping again?”

Kate shook her head before sitting up and twisting around. “If you’re tired you can go back to sleep, but I am way too wired and I don’t think I could go back to sleep just yet.”

“Actually, since you’re not tired, I was thinking the sun is going to be up in a little over an hour, and I thought we could go watch it on my favorite stretch of beach,” Kono said. Then, with a mischievous smile growing on her face, said, “I think I have a wetsuit that will fit you.”

Kate, soaking in the sense of adventure literally radiating off of Kono, pushed aside all other thoughts and worries and asked, “A wetsuit? What do you have planned?”


Kono drove them out to her favorite stretch of beach, having stopped for breakfast and coffee on the way. Once there they set up their spot on the beach in the grey dawn light, laying out a blanket putting up an umbrella for use later when the sun was high overhead. They watched the sun peek out over the horizon as they ate their breakfast. The way the light hit the waves was one of the most beautiful sights Kate had ever seen.

Kono helped her into her wetsuit and then started teaching her how to surf. She started on the beach, showing her how to pop up and stand when she caught a wave, and what to do when she would inevitably fall so she could come back to the surface safely. They then went out into the water, and Kate tried to put into practice all that Kono had taught her. It did not go well at first. Although Kate didn’t know there were so many different ways to fall into the water until that morning, she was still having the time of her life. Just the two of them out on the ocean together, as the world woke up around them.

While bobbing gently in the water on top of the surfboard Kono had let her borrow, Kate had a feeling of joy bubbling up inside of her. She couldn’t help shooting Kono a broad smile. Kono, who was alongside her on her own surfboard, returned it with a bit of a laugh and then said, “Remember what I said after that last run and I think this time you’ll get it!”

Kate nodded then lay down and started paddling with all her might, trying her best to mirror what Kono was doing beside her. Then, when she felt she’d caught the wave, Kate brought her hands against her board up next to her chest, and pushed up like she was doing a push-up before bringing her back leg forward. She sucked in a breath when she wobbled a bit, and brought up her front leg up in between her hands. When she felt kind of stable, Kate slowly stood up, remembering what Kono told her about keeping her knees bent this time. Arms out in an attempt to keep her balance, Kate all of a sudden realized with shock that she was actually doing it. She was standing. With a shout of joyous disbelief Kate cried out said, “I’m surfing!”

She heard Kono shouting encouragement from somewhere behind her but she was afraid to look for her, worried it might cause her to lose her balance. As the wave carried her all the way to the shallows, Kate couldn’t help the laugh that burst from her as she jumped off her board into the low water.

Kono came in right next to her and said, “You did so good! How did it feel?”

“Like living, like I could do anything…” Kate breathed out, hoping Kono would know what she meant; she was feeling too much at that moment to be any more eloquent.

“Well put,” Kono said with a wide smile, then leaned over and gave Kate a victory kiss, which Kate returned passionately.

“Do you want to go again?” Kono asked a trifle breathlessly when they broke apart.

“Yes!” Kate shouted enthusiastically.

Kono laughed out, “Okay let’s go!”

Grabbing her surfboard, Kate followed Kono back out to the ocean.

It had taken Kate awhile before she had her first taste of success, but now that she had, she was in love with surfing.


Kate woke up slowly and stretched before getting out of bed. The nightlight gave off enough light for her to find her way to the bathroom without running into anything in the unfamiliar space. Walking back into Kono’s bedroom after getting a drink of water, Kate paused at the doorway and took in the sight of Kono sleeping, thinking back on one of the most wonderful days of her life.

After her first taste of success Kate had been very eager to keep going, even though she had fallen off more than she stayed on. The times she had managed to stay upright were so magical that it drove her on. As the early morning had bled into afternoon and the surf had become crowded the two of them had spent more time under their umbrella sitting next to each other, and people watching rather than surfing. Kate had even brought her sketchpad out, wanting to capture every moment of this perfect day.

They had eaten lunch from a local food truck that was parked nearby, and then spent the rest of the day in and out of the water just enjoying each other’s company. When they had finally had enough of the beach they gathered their stuff and put it all into Kono’s truck. Sitting in the truck, they discussed the various restaurants where they could grab food to go, as neither one wanted to go back out again after getting settled. That was when Kono had invited Kate back to her place for her last night in Hawaii, and Kate had said yes, wanting to see where the other woman lived. So they had grabbed dinner and took it back to Kono’s house. Kono showed her around her small yet comfy home, and then they had washed off the sand and salt water residue from each other in the shower, where they got a bit distracted with warm kisses and slippery caresses until the hot water ran out.

Afterwards they had eaten the Thai food they had bought and tried to watch a movie in the living room. They found it hard to pay attention to the plot as they held each other, both aware this was their last night together. They finally turned off the movie and moved to the bedroom where their lovemaking took on an almost desperate, yet tender quality. Kate tried to memorize how Kono’s skin had felt against hers, the weight of her lover as they held each other, the way Kono’s eyes would widen with desire and then soften with tenderness.

Kate pushed away from the doorjamb, realizing she had gotten lost in her thoughts. She was starting to feel sleepy from having been up half the night, and from all the exercise she’d gotten this morning. Walking the rest of the way into the room, she spied her drawing pad on the side table. Picking it up, she flipped through the drawings she had made earlier; there were some of the beach, and the two of them surfing. She stopped on a particularly beautiful one she had made of Kono laying in bed.


Earlier that evening…

“I love my family. I do. But they drive me nuts sometimes. How can loving them be both simple and yet so complicated?” Kono asked a loving exasperation in her voice.

Kate shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea, if you ever figure it out let me know.”

They were laying side by side in the semi-dark, talking quietly to each other. Discussing how work and family was a hard balance to manage, and the good and bad times tied to each. Kate, loving the way the light from the lone bedside light fell across Kono, felt an overwhelming need to sketch her to capture this moment so she would have it forever.

Clearing her throat nervously, Kate asked, “Can I do a quick sketch of you right now?”

Kono raised her eyebrows in surprise but her mouth quirked in amusement as she did a sweeping gesture across her naked body. “ ‘So you want to draw me like one of your French girls?’ ”

Kate recognizing the quote from the movie Titanic huffed out a laugh and said, “No, I promise to keep it PG-13.”

“Okay why not,” Kono said airily.

Kate ran to get her sketchbook out of her bag as Kono posed on her side, facing Kate, artfully arranging the sheet to cover the bare minimum.

Kate quickly finished an outline, and then added only a few sparse details as she played more with the shadows due to the low light. After about twenty minutes, Kate stopped and looked at her drawing. She was very happy with it; there was a languid sensuality to the sketch that mixed well with the mischievous twinkle in Kono’s eyes that she had just managed to capture.

“Finished. What do you think?” Kate nervously handed the sketchbook over to Kono.

Kono sat up and reached for the sketch and looked it over for a few minutes while Kate grew more nervous.

“Wow, Kate this is really good. Is this how you see me?” Kono asked with a wide smile as she handed back the sketchbook.

Taking it back, Kate laid it aside. She moved to the middle of the bed coming up onto her knees and drew Kono up to meet her until they were mirror images of each other. Drawing her arms around Kono, Kate gave her a light kiss before saying, “That is who you are, Kono Kalakaua, a beautiful, smart, sexy, lovely woman.”

Now it was Kono’s turn to wind her arms around Kate and kiss her deeply. When they broke apart minutes later, a bit breathless, Kono drew her down onto the bed. Kate had an overwhelming need to tell Kono that she would miss her and wanted to see her again, someway, somehow; instead she swallowed those words and whispered words of adoration against her skin instead.


Kate glanced at the clock, and seeing that dawn was just around the corner, she set her sketchbook back down. Lying down on her side next to Kono, she used one hand to prop up her head before reaching over and tucking one stray strand of dark hair behind her lover’s ear. She should be sleeping, as it was almost morning and she had a big day today. She wished they could have another perfect day at the beach like they had yesterday. If only she lived on the islands. Kate couldn’t help a sigh escaping from her at that thought, because as much as she wanted to remain here, she would be leaving. When Kate looked at Kono she felt a tightening in her chest and in that moment she knew she was in trouble. Kono seemed to be everything she had ever looked for, and Kate knew she could love her. Why did they have to live so far apart? Why couldn’t they have more time? Why did she ever think she could keep things casual between them?

Kate could feel tears sting in her eyes and she blew out a watery sigh.

“Hey.” Kate startled at the softly spoken word, looking up she met Kono’s eyes in the dim light. “It’s gonna be alright,” Kono whispered, her voice sounding shaky as she reached for her.

Kate went willingly, noticing the shine to the other woman’s eyes and taking a little comfort in the shared feeling. They held each other, talking quietly together in-between long silences until the alarm went off and they could no longer put off the reality of the day.

Chapter Four

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big bang, 100 fandoms, fic challenge, f/f, h/c bingo, fic

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