A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers

Feb 11, 2019 20:56

My Ninth book for ljbookbingo is A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers for the Free Space Square, table found here:

Lovelace was once merely a ship’s artificial intelligence. When she wakes up in a new body, following a total system shut-down and reboot, she has no memory of what came before. As Lovelace learns to negotiate the universe and discover who she is, she makes friends with Pepper, an excitable engineer, who’s determined to help her learn and grow.

Together, Pepper and Lovey will discover that no matter how vast space is, two people can fill it together. ~Amazon Book Description

I will admit to feeling a little let down at first when I realized that the second book in the Wayfarers series did not continue to follow the crew of the Wayfarer and instead branched off to continue the story of Pepper and the a.i. Lovey. But I am very happy to report I loved this story just as much as the first. Lovey who chooses the name Sidra, has quite an adjustment to make as she goes from being an a.i. in a spaceship to having a body that can walk around and interact with others. Which also happens to be illegal and if caught would she would be shut down and Pepper would be arrested. This book is about how Sidra learns and accepts who she is now in this new world. It is also about Pepper and her past as a slave and how she escaped from her captors and was raised in hiding by an a.i. named Owl. I loved how we get both Sidra's pov and in alternate chapters we get to jump backwards in time to Pepper's childhood. I especially enjoyed how they become family and how Pepper and Sidra end up helping each other throughout the book, even though at times it is very difficult. Chambers is such a good author the worlds she creates have such a lived in feel to them that you can't help but believe and want to spend more time exploring the universe she wrote into existence.

I can't wait to get my hands on the third book!

This entry was originally posted at https://under-the-silk-tree.dreamwidth.org/51611.html

book rec, books i'm reading

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