A Look Back at 2018...And a Look Ahead to 2019

Dec 31, 2018 19:29

Happy New Years!!!

This years Auld Lang Syne is by Ingrid Michaelson:

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This year has been a bit of a mixed bag as far as my life is concerned but for the most part all has been well. I joined a book bingo community over on LJ called
ljbookbingo because I do much better when I have a goal I actually read over 39 books which is leaps and bounds over last year. You can find them in my book rec tag here there are some really good books in there. My family is doing well and I am hopefully they will continue to do so in 2019. Lord willing.
I once again participated in both the Librarians shipathon and h/c bingo:

1. The Bonds that We Save GEN 31, 614

The Librarians:
1. Prologue: Estrella/Cassandra 2,196
2. Doubt Thou the Stars are Fire: Ezekiel/Jake 2,838
3. let's say all the things we couldn't before: Ezekiel/Jenkins 3,844
4. We Pull Apart the Dark: Eve/Moriarty/Flynn 1,234

1. i wanna wake up with your weight by my side: Gus/Carlton 8,667

I wrote 49,726 published words and at least a few thousand wip on my laptop, so a fair year for writing. At times I had to force myself to keep going but I am glad I did. I finished up my Marching on Verse with my third story The Bonds that We Save. This series started all the way back in 2012 and sat in my wip folder for over three years until I signed up for the NCIS big bang in 2016 and finally finished the first story. Originally it was only supposed to be a one story kind of deal but then it grew. I needed Tim to have closure, so I continued to write and as I wrote the fate of Tim, Gibbs, and Cathy changed over the years. One thing that I knew I wanted from the very beginning was for Tim to find Gibbs and for them and the rest of the team to become a family and so hope with this last story I have accomplished this. I may have to write a one-shot or two in the same universe as the series sits at 99,734 a mere 266 from 100,000 and that bothers me. lol Also let this give you hope that one day your wip may finally emerge from your folders and see the light of day. I wrote a lot in the Librarians fandom again I worry now that the show is cancelled that the very small fandom will shrink up to nothing.  I will continue to hopefully write them in the new year.  I already have a NCIS in the works but we will see if anything comes of it as it is different then anything else I have done.  Well I guess that is it for now.

I am hopeful for the new year. May 2019 be our best year yet!

year in review, personal, psych, ncis, the librarians

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