
Sep 04, 2018 20:32

 I have been having a really messily busy time of it lately and I am overwhelmed and stressed.  Although I have been reading a lot more and have been making good progress on my book bingo card.  I have really lucked out and picked a lot of really good books and have been enjoying myself immensely.  As far as fics go:

1.  All of my Librarians fics have been posted with varying levels of success.  So far my Ezekiel/Jake fic is the most popular with Ezekiel/Jenkins the runner up.
2. The WIP due south Vecchio x Fraser x Kowalski fic that has been sitting on my hard drive for a couple of years is now finished!  I am very excited I just need to find a beta and then I can hopefully have it done for Vecchio's canon birthday later this month.  I am extra nervous because the ds fandom is filled with excellent writers.
3. My NCIS fic is out to beta and hopefully I will soon be able to start to edit it as October is when we will start posting.
4. I wrote another couple hundred words on my Psych fic some parts feel good and others feel really awkward but I am trying to keep going and will try to fix the awkward when I edit it.

Life has been sooooooooo stressful lately.  I really need something to go smoothly and for things to click again.  Right now it feels like I am just running around in circles without getting anywhere.  I am hopeful it will get better soon.  *fingers crossed*

How are you guys?

This entry was originally posted at https://under-the-silk-tree.dreamwidth.org/46119.html


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