2016 Year in Review...and a Look Ahead 2017

Dec 31, 2016 15:23

Happy New Years!!!

I can't believe it's this time a year again.  This year's Auld Lang Syne is from Scotland there is something about the bagpipes that I love:

image Click to view

It's been a good year personally.  My family is all doing well and we are all healthy.  God has blessed us.  Although it has been a very shaky year for politics but we must have faith and stick together.

This year's stories under the cut:

1. Marching On: GEN 24,943

Hawaii 5-0:
1. Comfort: Danny/Kono 812
2. Of Violets and Hibiscus: Danny/Kono 768

1. Together: Monk/Natalie 1,455

The Librarians:
1. 3:00 am: Cassandra/Ezekiel 840

For a total of 28,818 plus another 25,060 for the Marching On sequel I've been working on.  So that's a grand total of: 53,878 which is pretty good for me.  Although I wasn't as varied in my fandoms and for the first time in a long time no Doctor Who story.  I am a bit sad about that maybe with the new season starting up I will be more inspired to return to my first fandom love.  Most of these stories were for older_not_dead and hc_bingo, which are a couple of my favorite comms.  Plus I completed my first ever NCIS BigBang for the comm ncis_bang, I am hopeful to maybe participate next year as well with my Marching on sequel.  I am actually proud of myself for finishing one of my W.I.P. that had been sitting on my laptop for at least 3 years.  That makes me hopeful for the other's that they may see the light of day!

May everyone have a Blessed New Year!!!!!!!!

hawaii five-0, personal, ncis, h/c bingo, big bang, year in review, gen, monk/natalie, monk, the librarians, tim mcgee, danny/kono, ezekiel/cassandra, older_not_dead, a-z stories, ramblings

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