3:00 A.M.

Sep 16, 2016 21:05

Title: 3:00 A.M.
Fandom: The Librarians
Pairing: Cassandra/Ezekiel
Rating: PG
Word Count: 778
Summary: Cassandra finds herself on Ezekiel's doorstep.
Notes: Thanks so much to my beta lanalucy who is awesome and makes my writing a ton better. Written for the Librarian Shipathon, Casekiel week. Also for the Hc_bingo square: panic attacks, table here.

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ezekiel/cassandra, fic challenge, h/c bingo, fic, the librarians

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Comments 2

meridian_rose December 13 2016, 19:44:20 UTC
This is so sweet. I love non-sexual bed-sharing and right now that is what this is, they're only starting their romantic journey. There's so much potential angst in a relationship knowing what lies ahead for her, but Ezekiel seems the most likely to be able to deal with that, as someone who lives in the moment.
Adorable fic :D


honor_reid December 14 2016, 05:44:20 UTC
Thank you so much for such a thoughtful review. I am thrilled that you enjoyed it!


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