Mar 26, 2012 21:40
I actually managed to finish a story! (almost) Unfortunately, it wasn't either one of my unfinished NCIS stories. I am really hoping there will be an NCIS BigBang this year I think I need a deadline to finish these stories, plus artwork would be awesome.
Back to the story it is a crossover between Doctor Who/Supernatural, featuring my favorite Doctor Who character Dr. Martha Jones.
Basically it is an AU after Martha ends her engagement with Tom.
It is a one-shot but it lends itself to a sequel and I already have scenes for the next story in my head but I would need to do a lot of research so it would be slow going. I am waffling I am not sure if I want it to put it out there as a one shot or wait and publish it as something longer.
But I would love to get a beta reader for this story but I don't really have a go to person for that. Where would I even ask? I do reread my stories and try to catch all my mistakes but it seems like no matter how many times I read my stories I always miss something that I won't catch until after I have posted it. I know on ffn that they have a list of people who are willing to be beta's but how do you know if they are any good or not. Oh well I guess I will have to figure it out.
Still excited!
big bang,
doctor who,
martha jones,