A Look Back at 2023...And a Look Ahead at 2024

Dec 31, 2023 10:42

Happy New Years Everyone!

This year's Auld Lang Syne is sung by Susan Boyle who has a really lovely voice:

image Click to view

This year was rough there were a couple of deaths in the family and family drama that helps no one.  But there were also some good things that happened as well. We took a really love road trip as a family, we were for the most part healthy this year, and mostly had a good year financially.

Goals wise for next year they are probably going to look a lot like last years with just a bit of tweaking:

1. Since reading has been my main hobby the last few years I will continue with that as I enjoy it so much.  I would like to read more non-fiction as I find that I don't naturally gravitate towards it but I do enjoy the genre when I make the effort to read it.

2. I would like to return to writing.  I missed it this year.  With H/C bingo no longer in operation and the amount of familial stress I was under this year I had no drive to write at all.  I would have vague story ideas but than I would never sit down and write them.  So this coming year I am going to try set aside time to write the ideas that come along or finish one of the many wip I have on my computer.

3. My exercise routine definitely suffered at the end of this year and for the last month I haven't really done any at all.  So next year I am going to try to get back into a routine where I at least get some form of exercise four times a week.

4. I would also like to put more into savings than we have been.  With the rising price of everything it has been difficult to save as much as we should.  I am not sure how or how much yet but my husband and I are both on board so hopefully we will be successful.

Also, I got this from asphaltcowgirl but you can get your reading year in review from Goodreads and get a neat infographic.

my year in books

Here's mine:

f you had asked me what my top genre was, I probably would have said it was mystery, but I guess I have read more of fantasy and romance.  My top author being Agatha Christie isn't a surprise as she is one of my faves for sure and since she was so prolific, I always have more to read.  I also agree with the Eclectic title as I get restless and bored if I read one genre for too long.

Here is my annual Cas picture to round out this post:

Another lovely thing that happened this year, Cas finally decided to become a lap cat!

I hope you guys have a great night.  See you in 2024!!

year in review, personal

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