
Dec 18, 2022 20:12

Nancy leaned tiredly against Ned as the elevator rose quietly.  It had been a great evening with her friends and the others she had met working on her latest case.  It had been quite the week in Chicago where she had almost lost her life when she’d been accidentally poisoned.  In the days that followed Ned had promised her that they would have the biggest celebration when it was all over.  And Ned being Ned, he had kept his promise.  He had arranged for the party to be at the swanky restaurant at the Hamilton hotel since they were already staying there.

Ned and Bess had been there of course.  Also her client Kim, Morgan, and Kim's on-again-and-off-again boyfriend Paul.  They all had the best food the hotel could provide along with champagne and high-dollar wine.  Then they had gone out to the dance floor each taking turns dancing with the others.  They had all been on an adrenaline high having solved the case of Kim's threatening phone calls and the attempts on her life not to mention Nancy's near death by poisoning.  But as the evening wore on Nancy had started to feel each and every one of those days where she had been racing the clock to find the antidote before the poison did her in.  Having just gotten out of the hospital a few days ago, Nancy had started sitting more than dancing as the evening had worn on.  Ned must have noticed because he soon made their excuses and had them in the elevator before Nancy’s legs completely gave out on her.

“I’m sorry, that I didn’t notice you weren’t doing well sooner,” Ned said as he tucked Nancy closer to his side.

Wrapping one arm around Ned, Nancy admonished, “There is nothing for you to be sorry about.  I was having such a great time.  But I still get tired so fast.”

Ned kissed the top of her head before saying, “You did just get out of the hospital you need more time to recuperate.”

The part she hadn’t shared with Ned or anyone for that matter was that she wasn’t sleeping well.  She kept having nightmares about not finding the antidote in time and waking up with her heart pounding scared for a brief moment that she was still dying.  Heaving a great sigh, Nancy agreed, “You are probably right I just want to be better already.  I’m tired of being tired.”

Ned hummed in understanding just as the elevator dinged.  They stepped out and Nancy found herself leaning more heavily on Ned when she stumbled a bit as they made their way down the hallway to their door.

Unlocking their door, Ned said with a wink, “Careful or I’ll have to carry you.”

Nancy smiled up at him and said, “Maybe that’s part of my master plan.”

Ned pushed the door open with a mischievous smile and then swept her up in his arms.

Letting out a less than dignified squeak at the sudden move, Nancy then relaxed and laid her head on Ned’s shoulder as he carried her across the threshold.

Ned kicked the door shut behind them and strode into the bedroom.  Depositing Nancy gently back on her feet next to the bed, Ned kept her clasped tightly in his arms.

With her arms still around Ned's neck, Nancy gazed up into his blue eyes and said, "Thank you so much for being here this week.  You are always here when I need you.”

Leaning down, Ned brushed a kiss against her mouth, before drawing back and saying, “I’ll always be here for you Nance.  I love you.”

“I love you too,” Nancy whispered against Ned’s lips before diving in and pressing her mouth against his.  Ned’s hands tightened on her hips in response then he pulled her even closer as he deepened the kiss.

Nancy was thoroughly enjoying herself with this turn of events when a wave of dizziness swept over her.  She abruptly broke off kissing Ned and staggered back a bit.

“Whoa,” Ned exclaimed as he grasped her elbows steadying her, “We should probably hold off on the celebratory kissing until you feel better.”

“Spoilsport,” Nancy said with a smile, even though she was disappointed.

Cupping her face with one hand, Ned gazed down at her so lovingly that Nancy felt her breath catch.  He started to lean towards her to kiss her again before he shook his head and said, “I should go.”

As he started to turn Nancy felt dread slip over her at the thought of him leaving and grabbed his hand saying, “No. Stay.”

“Nancy…” Ned said uncertainly.

"I need…" Nancy's voice broke and she cleared her throat before continuing, “Just to sleep. Please I don’t want to be alone.”

All uncertainty fled his face, and he said, “Of course, let me go grab my stuff from my room.”

A wave of relief swept over her at Ned’s words, she wouldn’t have to face the nightmares alone tonight and maybe she could finally get some sleep.  After he left Nancy quickly changed into her pj’s and brushed her teeth.  She was just slipping under the covers when Ned came back wearing sleep pants and a white t-shirt that stretched nicely across his chest.  Nancy blushed a bit at her wayward thoughts.

He paused next to the bed and seemed hesitant to continue so Nancy pulled back the covers and patted the space next to her in welcome.  A gentle smile played across his lips as he climbed in and lay down next to her. They both turned in unspoken agreement to face each other.  They had slept in the same bed earlier this week but she hadn’t really been able to enjoy it because she had been too sick but now she could catalog every sensation.  Like how she could feel the heat of him as he lay a few inches away.  Or how she could smell the subtle scent of his cologne mixed with his almond shampoo.  Or how the low light they had left on in the main room played softly across his features.

When he reached for her Nancy went willingly almost desperately into his arms.  He kissed her once, twice, and when he paused Nancy surged up and captured his lips with her own.  The kiss was at first almost frantic before it gentled into slow languid movements. After a while, they drew apart as though in one accord, Nancy then turned in Ned’s arms so her back was nestled against his front.  His arm came around her waist and Ned pulled her towards him until she was surrounded by his warmth.  Ned whispered his love for her again against her neck and Nancy knew in the heart of her that tonight there would be no nightmares.

The End

nancy drew, 100 fandoms, fic challenge, h/c bingo, fic, small fandom fest

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